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,xxM}xy,dfvk5&&/$;OtPP8ug_2+uY55A}}}}}}]:[!-5UHn9n999O~;;;]]]]]:8VV9k;;;;;;;;??sssssaa;;;;= uW8yueeQ$*`3JJJ6Lnnn4bnmmmmmbm4a hbaa%%,EPw=@4;;;;;;;;99999VVVVVVVVV..$%&I~~['''''''''''''''''5kBB'44f444zt()E%[QmAccarie et al.del CorroAgnolinAgnolin and MartinelliAgnolin et al.Alcober and MartínezAlifanovAlifanov and AverianovAlifanov and BarsboldAllainAllain and Pereda SuberbiolaAllain and TaquetAllain et al.AlonsoAlonso and MarquillasAlvarenga and BonaparteAmanniyazovAmiot et al.Amo Sanjuán et al.AndrewsAngst et al.AnonymousAntunesAotsuka and SatoApaldetti et al.ApesteguíaArbour and CurrieArbour and EvansArbour et al.Arcucci and CoriaArmstrong-ZieglerAverianovAverianov and SkutschasAverianov and SuesAverianov et al.Azuma and CurrieAzuma and ShibataAzuma and TakeyamaAzuma et al.Baek and YangBai et al.BairdBakkerBakker et al.BallerstedtBandeira et al.Bandyopadhyay et al.Barco et al.BardackBarrettBarrett and YatesBarrett et al.BarroisBarsboldBarsbold and PerleBartholomai and MolnarBeecherBell and ChiappeBell and CurrieBell et al.BensonBenson and RadleyBenton and SpencerBernier et al.BeurlenBidar et al.BlowsBockBohlinBollanBolotsky and GodefroitBolotsky and KurzanovBonaparteBonaparte and CoriaBonaparte and MateusBonaparte and NovasBonaparte and PowellBonaparte and PumaresBonaparte and RougierBonaparte and VinceBonaparte et al.BondBono et al.Borsuk-BialynickaBouaziz et al.BoulengerBranson and MehlBravo et al.BrayBrea et al.Breithaupt et al.Breton et al.Brett-SurmanBrett-Surman and PaulBrill and CarpenterBrink et al.BrinkmanBrinkman et al.Brissón Egli et al.BrittBritt et al.BrodkorbBrownBrown and HendersonBrown and SchlaikjerBrown et al.Brusatte and SerenoBrusatte et al.BucklandBuffetautBuffetaut and AngstBuffetaut and Le LoeuffBuffetaut et al.BunzelBurch and CarranoBurnham et al.BurnsBurns and SullivanButlerButler et al.Cabreira et al.CabreraCai and ZhaoCalvoCalvo and BonaparteCalvo and González RigaCalvo and MazzettaCalvo and PorfiriCalvo and SalgadoCalvo et al.CampCampos et al.Canale et al.Canudo et al.Carballido et al.Carbot-Chanona and Rivera-SylvaCarpenterCarpenter and AlfCarpenter and IshidaCarpenter and WilsonCarpenter and YoungCarpenter et al.Carr and WilliamsonCarr et al.Carrano et al.Carroll and GaltonCarvalho et al.Casal et al.CasamiquelaCasamiquela and FasolaCasanovas et al.Casanovas-Cladellas et al.Cau and ArduiniCau et al.CerdaChaoChao and ChiangCharigCharig and MilnerChatterjeeChen et al.ChengCheng et al.ChenowethChiappeChiappe and CalvoChiappe et al.ChinneryChinnery and HornerChinnery and WeishampelChinzorig et al.Choiniere et al.ChristeChristiansen and BondeChristiansen and TschoppChureChure et al.Cifelli et al.Claessens and LoewenClark and FastovskyClark et al.Clarke and ChiappeClarke et al.Clottes and RaynaudCobos and GascóCobos et al.Codrea et al.ColbertColbert and BumpColbert and MerrileesCoombsCooperCopeCoria and CalvoCoria and CurrieCoria and SalgadoCoria et al.CornuelCourel and DemathieuCourel et al.Crompton and CharigCruzado-Caballero and PowellCruzado-Caballero et al.CsikiCsiki et al.Cuenca-Bescós et al.Cuffey et al.Cunha et al.Cuny and GaltonCurrieCurrie and CarpenterCurrie and EberthCurrie and JacobsenCurrie and Paulina CarabajalCurrie and PengCurrie and RussellCurrie and SarjeantCurrie and VarricchioCurrie and ZhaoCurrie et al.Curry Rogers and ForsterCurry Rogers and WilsonCushmanCzerkas and JiCzerkas and XuCzerkas and YuanCzerkas et al.D'EmicD'Emic and ForemanD'Orazi Porchetti and NicosiaDal Sasso and SignoreDalla VecchiaDalmanDalsatt et al.DamesDanisDashzeveg et al.DatabaseDauphinDeMar and BreithauptDePalma et al.DeaneDelairDelfino et al.DemathieuDemathieu and GandDemathieu and SamamaDemathieu and SciauDepéretDerstlerDiCroce and CarpenterDiedrichDodsonDolloDongDong and AzumaDong and TangDong et al.DrevermannDutuit and OuazzouDyke and OsiDíez Díaz et al.EatonEberth and BrinkmanEberth and GettyEberth et al.EllenbergerEllingerElzanowskiElzanowski and WellnhoferElzanowski et al.EnsomEricksonErickson et al.EriksenEscaso et al.EstesEudes-DeslongchampsEvanoff and CarpenterEvans and ReiszEvans and RyanEvans et al.Everhart and HammEzcurraEzcurra et al.Fang et al.Fanti and MiyashitaFanti and TherrienFanti et al.Farke and SertichFarke et al.Farlow et al.Filippi and GarridoFilippi et al.FiorilloFiorillo and CurrieFiorillo and GangloffFiorillo and TykoskiFiorillo et al.FordFord and KirklandForster et al.FosterFoster et al.Fowler and SullivanFraasFraser et al.Fuentes VidarteFuentes Vidarte and Meijide CalvoFunston and CurrieFunston et al.GabuniyaGabuniya and KurbatovGaliano and AlbersdörferGallagherGallina and ApesteguíaGallina et al.GaltonGalton and BoinéGalton and JensenGalton and SuesGalton and TaquetGalton and Van HeerdenGandGand and DemathieuGand et al.Gangloff et al.Gao and LiuGao et al.GarciaGarcia and Pereda-SuberbiolaGarcia et al.Garrison et al.Gasulla et al.Gates and SampsonGates et al.GaudryGauffreGervaisGetty et al.Gianechini et al.GierlinskiGierlinski and AhlbergGierlinski et al.GiffinGiffin et al.Gignac et al.GilletteGilmoreGilpin et al.Godefroit et al.Godfrey and HolmesGomaniGong et al.González Riga and CalvoGonzález Riga and Ortiz DavidGonzález Riga et al.González-RigaGoodwinGoodwin and EvansGoodwin and JohnsonGoodwin et al.Gorscak et al.Gradzinski and JerzykiewiczGradzinski et al.Granger and GregoryGrigorescuGrigorescu et al.Göhlich and ChiappeGürichHammer and HickersonHan et al.Handa et al.Hansen et al.Hanson and MakovickyHarknessHarrisHarris and DodsonHarris et al.Hassler et al.HatcherHatcher and LullHatcher et al.HauboldHaughtonHe and CaiHe et al.HeadHeerden and GaltonHeinrichHendricksHendrickx and MateusHennigHickok and WillardHillHill et al.HirschHirsch et al.HitchcockHocknull et al.Hoganson et al.HollandHolmes and RyanHolmes et al.Holroyd and HutchisonHone et al.HooleyHopeHornerHorner and CurrieHorner and LessemHorner and MakelaHorner and WeishampelHorner et al.Hou and LiuHou and ZhangHou et al.HowgateHu et al.Huang et al.HueneHuene and MatleyHuh et al.HulkeHunt and LehmanHunt and LucasHunt and QuinnHunt et al.Hurum and SabathHutt et al.HuxleyHwang et al.Ibiricu et al.IkejiriIkejiri et al.Irmis et al.JacksonJackson and VarricchioJaillard et al.Jain and BandyopadhyayJain et al.JanenschJasinskiJasinski and SullivanJensenJi and JiJi et al.Jia et al.Jiang et al.Jin et al.JonesJurcsákJuárez Valieri and CalvoJuárez Valieri and Ríos DíazKaever and LapparentKappus et al.Karhu and RautianKarl et al.KellnerKellner and AzevedoKellner and CamposKellner et al.KellyKessler et al.Khosla and SahniKhosla et al.Kielan-JaworowskaKielan-Jaworowska and BarsboldKielan-Jaworowska and KowalskiKim et al.KirklandKirkland and CarpenterKirkland and DeblieuxKirkland and MadsenKirkland and WolfeKirkland et al.Kitching and RaathKnollKobayashiKobayashi and AzumaKobayashi and LüKordosKrause et al.Ksepka and NorellKues et al.KuhnKundrát and JanácekKurochkinKurochkin et al.KurzanovKurzanov and BannikovKurzanov and MikhailovKurzanov and OsmólskaKurzanov and TumanovaKutty et al.Lacasa RuizLacovara et al.Lamanna et al.LambeLambert et al.LambrechtLangerLanger et al.LangstonLapparentLapparent and AguirreLapparent and MontenatLapparent and Nowgol SadatLapparent and ZbyszewskiLarson and CurrieLarson and FarrarLarson et al.LavocatLawsLawsonLawver et al.Le LoeuffLe Loeuff and BuffetautLe Loeuff et al.Leal et al.Lee et al.Lefevre et al.LehmanLehman and CoulsonLehmannLeidyLeonardiLeonardi and Dos SantosLeshchinskiy et al.Li and HouLi et al.Liang et al.Lillegraven and EberleLindgren et al.LipkaLiu et al.Liyong and JunLlandres Serrano et al.Llompart et al.LockleyLockley and FosterLockley and HuntLockley et al.Loewen et al.LongLong and MurryLongmanLongrichLongrich and CurrieLongrich et al.Lovelace et al.Lozinsky et al.Lu et al.LucasLucas and HuntLucas and SullivanLucas et al.LullLull and WrightLund et al.Lupton et al.LydekkerLópez-MartínezLópez-Martínez and VicensLü and ZhangLü et al.Machado et al.Mader and BradleyMadsenMadsen and WellesMahammed et al.Maidment and BarrettMaidment and WeiMaidment et al.MakovickyMakovicky and NorellMakovicky et al.Malafaia et al.MaleevMalkaniMallon et al.Mannion and OteroMannion et al.MantellMarshMartill et al.MartinMartin and BonnerMartin and BuffetautMartin and Cordes-PersonMartin and TateMartin et al.Martin-RollandMartinelli and ForasiepiMartinelli and VeraMartinez and ApaldettiMartinez et al.MartínezMartínez and AlcoberMartínez and NovasMartínez et al.MaryanskaMaryanska and OsmolskaMaryanska and OsmólskaMateusMateus and AntunesMateus et al.MatheronMatleyMatsukawa et al.MatthewMatthew and BrownMaxwell and OstromMcCreaMcCrea and SarjeantMcDonald and HornerMcDonald et al.McIntoshMcIntosh and WilliamsMcIntosh et al.McLachlan et al.McPhee et al.McWhinney et al.Mcintosh et al.MehlMeijide Fuentes et al.MelvilleMensink and MertmannMeyerMichalik and KundrátMichardMikhailovMikhailov et al.Miles and HamblinMilnerMilàn and GierlinskiMilàn et al.Mo et al.MohabeyMolnarMonbaronMonbaron 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CalcáreoCañon del ColoradoCedar MountainCerro BarcinoCerro CarnereroCerro FortalezaCerro LisandroCerro del PuebloChaochuanChaomidianziCharmouth MudstoneChichengshanChinleChipping Norton LimestoneChorzowChuanjieClaggettClarensCloverlyCoal-Bearing ComplexColorado CityConglomerados de CaranguejeiraConquesContinental IntercalaireCooper CanyonCoral RagCotswold SlateCow BranchCratoCsehbányaCutzamalaDabeigouDabrazhinDabukaDaijiapingDakotaDalangshanDashuigouDe QueenDemopolisDensus-CiulaDensuş-CiulaDenverDigouDinosaur BedsDinosaur ParkDjadokhtaDonggouDongyuanDunveganDurlstonDushihinDzharakudukDzhirukutDzunbainEast BerlinEchkarEctor ChalkEjinhoroEl CastellarEl ColladoEl GalloElliotElrhazEntrada SandstoneEscuchaEtjo SandstoneEumerallaFangyanFarta PaoFeltvilleFengjiaheFerrisFerruginous SandsFiguerolaFleming FjordForcallForemostForest MarbleForest SandstoneFrenchmanFrontierFruitlandFruitland/KirtlandFuxianFuxinGalulaGaogouGatesGaultGethingGettysburgGlauconie de LonzéeGlen RoseGoberGolmayoGrey GarumnianGriman CreekGrès d'AntullyGrès de InfraliasGrès de LabarreGrès et Sables PiquetésGrès inférieursGrès supérieursGrès supérieurs et Argiles associésGrès à DinosauriensGrès à ReptilesGrünbachGuettiouaHamanHansonHaolingHarebellHassbergeHell CreekHongqinHornerstownHorseshoe CanyonHouchengHuajiyingHuinculHuiquanpuHutton SandstoneHuértelesHytheHöganäsIfezouaneIlekIouaridèneIren DabasuIrhazer IIIrhazer ShalesIsalo IIIIsalo IIIbIschigalastoIschigualastoItatIzukiJavelinaJavkhlantJiaguanJianchuanJiangdiheJibouJindongJingangkouJingchuanJinhuaJinjuJiufotangJiufotungJudith RiverJydegaardKaiparowitsKalazhaKangukKashimaKayentaKem KemKeuper WaterstonesKhodzhakulKhok KruatKhuren DukhKimmeridge ClayKirkwoodKirtlandKitadaniKitamatadaniKotaKugitangKurekKuwajimaLa AmargaLa Bocana RojaLa ColoniaLa HuérguinaLa MatildeLa MaçanaLa Pedrera de RúbiesLa Penthiève BedsLa PosaLa QuintaLago Colhué HuapiLaguna ColoradaLaijiaLakotaLametaLanceLaramieLas CurtiembresLas LeonerasLathiLechoLiangtoutangLianmuginLiburnianLisangouLissauer BrecciaLockatongLohan CuraLoncocheLongwangzhuangLopez de BertodanoLos AlamitosLos BastosLos BlanquitosLos ColoradosLos JumesLos MollesLourinhãLowerLower BauxiteLower DharmaramLower GarumnianLower MaleriLower Red GarumnianLufengLulworthLópez de BertodanoLöwensteinMackundaMaevaranoMagnesian ConglomerateMajiacunManassas SandstoneManda BedsMangchuanMarnes Rouges InférieuresMarnes Rouges de RoquelongueMarnes bleuesMarnes d'AuzasMarnes de DivesMarnes irisées supérieuresMarnes à Belemnopsis latesulcatusMarnes à bryozoairesMaríliaMcCoy BrookMcRaeMecsek CoalMelovatkaMenefeeMengyinMesa Rica SandstoneMesaverdeMiddle Inferior OoliteMiddle Kimmeridge marlsMidlandMilk RiverMinheMist MountainMojadoMoltenoMont-LambertMontemarcelloMoon-AirelMooreville ChalkMorenoMoreno HillMorrisonMuddy SandstoneMurtoiMuschekalkNam PhongNanushukNanxiongNapaiNavajo SandstoneNemegtNew EgyptNiobraraNorth HornNorthumberlandNyamandhlovu SandstonesOcozocoautlaOjo AlamoOldmanOn GongOrnatentonOxford ClayPackard ShalePaintenPajaPaluxyPari AikePassaicPatuxentPaw PawPenglaizhenPflugervilePhra WihanPierre ShalePinglingPlottierPoint LomaPopo AgiePortezueloPortlandPosidonia ShalePoudingue FerrugineuxPresidente PrudentePrice RiverPrince CreekPrzysuchaPurgatoireQiaotouQiguQingshanQiupaQuantouQuarziti de Monte SerraQuebrada del BarroQuiricóQuiriquinaQuseirRatonRavenscragRedondaReuchenetteRio PiranhasRock PointRognacianRutlandRöglingSaint-ChinianSainte-Barbe ClaysSamana SukSanta MariaSantanaSao KhuaSardScollardSebesSeonso ConglomerateSerra de AireShangshaximiaoShanyangSharp's HillShaximiaoSheep Pen SandstoneShemshakShirabadShiregin GashunShishugouSierra BarrosaSierra PerenchizaSigouSklobySloan CanyonSnow Hill IslandSolnhofenSousaSt. Mary RiverStanfordSubashiSuiningSummervilleSunjiawanSânpetruSüntelTadi BedsTagrezou SandstoneTando bedsTangshangTaynton LimestoneTayzhuzgenTecovasTendaguruTereñes MarlTianjialouTiaojishanTiourarénTolarTomanováToolebucToquiToro ToroToutunheTowacoTropic ShaleTrossingenTuchengziTunbridge Wells SandTuntianyingTurners FallsTurney RanchTwin MountainsTwo MedicineUdurchukanUhangriUkureyskayaUlansuhaiUnit 5Upper DharmaramUpper GreensandUpper Inferior OoliteUpper Karroo SandstoneUpper MaleriUpper VilquechichoVectisVermilion RiverVillalba de la SierraVillar del ArzobispoVitoriaWadhurst ClayWahweapWalloon Coal MeasuresWapitiWeald ClayWessexWestburyWhite LimestoneWilliams ForkWillow CreekWingate SandstoneWintonWoburn SandWolfvilleWonthaggiWoodbineWoodburyWulansuhaiXertXiagouXiangtangXiaodongXiaoyanXiashaximiaoXingezhuangXinlongXintiangouYacoraiteYimenYixianYong'ancunYuanpuYuliangzeZagajeZhangheZhenzhuchongZhiluoZhonggouZhoutianZhumapuZhuravlevskayaZhutianZiliujingZouyun0P1aquaticvolantD' :U#0@@@@U "R PPUUBPUUUPPU@P@$@@DPUP@$ UUU@ RBUU%@E%f D@@DDDDDE@@DUD34P PD@D C @UD@D@D PDP   " "  "E` D@    DU@ EPU  030@@D@@D@@@@@D@D$@@DDDD@DBTDD@@E@"U D PDDDDDD@P%$PP@UP@@ 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mognaiAegyptosaurus baharijensisAeolosaurus colhuehuapensisAeolosaurus maximusAeolosaurus rionegrinusAepyornithomimus tugrikinensisAerosteon riocoloradensisAfrovenator abakensisAgeroolithus fontllongensisAgialopous wyomingensisAgilisaurus louderbackiAgnosphitys cromhallensisAgujaceratops mariscalensisAhshislepelta minorAjancingenia yanshiniAjkaceratops kozmaiAlamitornis minutusAlamosaurus sanjuanensisAlaskacephale gangloffiAlbalophosaurus yamaguchiorumAlbertaceratops nesmoiAlbertadromeus syntarsusAlbertonykus borealisAlbertosaurus sarcophagusAlbinykus baatarAlectrosaurus olseniAlethoalaornis agitornisAletopelta coombsiAlexornis antecedensAlioramus altaiAlioramus remotusAlioramus sinensisAllosaurus europaeusAllosaurus fragilisAllosaurus jimmadseniAllosaurus lucasiAlnashetri cerropoliciensisAltirhinus kurzanoviAlvarezsaurus calvoiAlwalkeria maleriensisAlxasaurus elesitaiensisAmargasaurus cazauiAmazonsaurus maranhensisAmbiortus dementjeviAmblydactylus gethingiAmblydactylus kortmeyeriAmpelosaurus atacisAmphicoelias altusAmphicoelias brontodiplodocusAmtocephale gobiensisAmtosaurus magnusAmurosaurus riabininiAmygdalodon patagonicusAnabisetia saldiviaiAnasazisaurus horneriAnatalavis rexAnatotitan copeiAnchiceratops ornatusAnchiornis huxleyiAnchisauripus (Otouphepus) minorAnchisauripus australisAnchisauripus bibractensisAnchisauripus exsertusAnchisauripus gwyneddensisAnchisauripus milfordensisAnchisauripus pooleiAnchisauripus thomasiAnchisauripus tuberosusAnchisaurus polyzelusAndesaurus delgadoiAngaturama limaiAngolatitan adamastorAngulomastacator daviesiAniksosaurus darwiniAnimantarx ramaljonesiAnkylosaurus magniventrisAnodontosaurus lambeiAnomoepus fringillaAnomoepus minutusAnomoepus moabensisAnomoepus palmipesAnomoepus pienkovskiiAnomoepus scambusAnomoepus shingiAnomoepus tungchuanensisAnomoepus turdaAnoplosaurus curtonotusAnserimimus planinychusAntarctopelta oliveroiAntarctosaurus giganteusAntarctosaurus wichmannianusAntetonitrus ingenipesAnticheiropus hamatusAnticheiropus pilulatusAnzu wylieiAoniraptor libertatemAorun zhaoiApatoraptor pennatusApatornis celerApatosaurus ajaxApatosaurus louisaeAppalachiosaurus montgomeriensisApsaravis ukhaanaApulosauripus federicianusAquatilavipes currieiAquatilavipes izumiensisAquatilavipes swiboldaeAquilops americanusAragosaurus ischiaticusAralosaurus tuberiferusArchaeoceratops oshimaiArchaeoceratops yujingziensisArchaeodontosaurus descouensiArchaeopteryx lithographicaArchaeorhynchus spathulaArchaeornithipus meijideiArchaeornithoides deinosauriscusArchaeornithomimus asiaticusArchaeornithura meemannaeArchaeovolans repatriatusArcovenator escotaeArcusaurus pereirabdalorumArenysaurus ardevoliArgentinosaurus huinculensisArgoides macrodactylusArgoides minimusArgoides redfieldiiArgyrosaurus superbusArkansaurus fridayiArrhinoceratops brachyopsArriagadoolithus patagoniensisAsiaceratops salsopaludalisAsiahesperornis bazhanoviAsianopodus pulvinicalxAstrophocaudia slaughteriAsylosaurus yalensisAtacamatitan chilensisAtlasaurus imelakeiAtrociraptor marshalliAtsinganosaurus velauciensisAucasaurus garridoiAugustynolophus morrisiAuroraceratops rugosusAurornis xuiAustralodocus bohetiiAustralovenator wintonensisAustrocheirus isasiiAustroposeidon magnificusAustroraptor cabazaiAustrosaurus mckillopiAvaceratops lammersiAviatyrannis jurassicaAvimimus portentosusAvisaurus archibaldiAvisaurus gloriaeBactrosaurus johnsoniBagaceratops rozhdestvenskyiBagaraatan ostromiBagualosaurus agudoensisBahariasaurus ingensBalaur bondocBalochisaurus malkaniBambiraptor feinbergiBanji longBaotianmansaurus henanensisBaptornis advenusBaptornis varneriBarapasaurus tagoreiBarilium dawsoniBarosaurus lentusBarrancapus cresapiBarrosasaurus casamiquelaiBarrosopus slobodaiBarsboldia sicinskiiBaryonyx walkeriBatyrosaurus rozhdestvenskyiBaurutitan britoiBauxitornis mindszentyaeBeishanlong grandisBellusaurus suiBerberosaurus liassicusBicentenaria argentinaBissektipelta archibaldiBistahieversor sealeyiBlasisaurus canudoiBlikanasaurus cromptoniBohaiornis guoiBolong yixianensisBoluochia zhengiBonaparteichnium taliBonapartenykus ultimusBonapartesaurus rionegrensisBonatitan reigiBonitasaura salgadoiBorealosaurus wimaniBoreonykus certekorumBorogovia gracilicrusBosiutrisauropus phuthiatsaniBoutakioutichnium atlasicusBrachiosaurus altithoraxBrachylophosaurus canadensisBrachytrachelopan mesaiBrasilotitan nemophagusBravoceratops polyphemusBressanichnus patagonicusBreviparopus taghbaloutensisBrodavis americanusBrodavis baileyiBrodavis mongoliensisBrontopodus birdiBrontopodus changlingensisBrontopodus oncalensisBrontosaurus excelsusBrontosaurus parvusBrontosaurus yahnahpinBrontozoum thianschanicumBueckeburgichnus maximusBuitreraptor gonzalezorumBuriolestes schultziByakudansauropus shiraminensisByronosaurus jaffeiCaenagnathasia martinsoniCaenagnathus collinsiCairanoolithus dughiiCairanoolithus roussetensisCallovosaurus leedsiCamarasaurus grandisCamarasaurus lentusCamarasaurus lewisiCamarasaurus supremusCamarillasaurus cirugedaeCamelotia borealisCamptodontus yangiCamptosaurichnus fasolaeCamptosaurus disparCanadaga arcticaCanardia garonnensisCarcharodontosaurus iguidensisCarcharodontosaurus saharicusCardiodon rugulosusCaririchnium leonardiiCaririchnium magnificumCaririchnium protohadrosaurichnosCarmelopodus untermannorumCarnotaurus sastreiCaseosaurus crosbyensisCatenoleimus anachoretusCathartesaura anaerobicaCathayornis yandicaCaudipteryx dongiCaudipteryx zouiCedarosaurus weiskopfaeCedarpelta bilbeyhallorumCedrorestes crichtoniCentrosaurus apertusCeramornis majorCerasinops hodgskissiCeratonykus oculatusCeratosaurus nasicornisCerebavis cenomanicaCetiosauriscus stewartiCetiosaurus brachyurusCetiosaurus oxoniensisChangchengornis hengdaoziensisChangchunsaurus parvusChangdusaurus laminaplacodusChangmaornis houiChangpeipus bartholomaiiChangpeipus carbonicusChangyuraptor yangiChaoyangia beishanensisChaoyangsaurus youngiChapus lockleyiCharonosaurus jiayinensisChasmosaurus belliChasmosaurus russelliChebsaurus algeriensisChilantaisaurus tashuikouensisChilantaisaurus zheziangensisChilesaurus diegosuareziChimaerichnus ingensChindesaurus bryansmalliChinshakiangosaurus chunghoensisChirostenotes elegansChirostenotes pergracilisChoconsaurus baileywillisiChodjapilesaurus krimholziChromogisaurus novasiChuandongocoelurus primitivusChuanjiesaurus anaensisChuanqilong chaoyangensisChubutisaurus insignisChungkingosaurus jiangbeiensisChupkaornis keraorumChuxiongosaurus lufengensisCimolopteryx maximaCimolopteryx raraCitipati osmolskaeClaosaurus agilisCoahuilaceratops magnacuernaCoelophysis bauriCoelophysis kayentakataeCoelophysis rhodesiensisCoelurosaurichnus grancieriCoelurosaurichnus kehliCoelurosaurichnus moeniCoelurosaurichnus palyssiCoelurosaurichnus perriauxiCoelurosaurichnus romanovskyiCoelurosaurichnus sabinensisCoelurosaurichnus sassendorfensisCoelurosaurichnus schlauersbachenseCoelurosaurichnus schlehenbergensisCoelurosaurichnus tatricusCoelurosaurichnus toscanusCoelurosaurichnus ziegelangernensisCoelurus agilisCoelurus fragilisColepiocephale lambeiColoradisaurus brevisColumbosauripus ungulatusComahuesaurus windhauseniCompsognathus longipesConcavenator corcovatusConchoraptor gracilisConcornis lacustrisCondorraptor currumiliConfuciusornis chuonzhousConfuciusornis duiConfuciusornis feducciaiConfuciusornis jianchangensisConfuciusornis sanctusConfuciusornis suniaeContinuoolithus canadensisCoronosaurus brinkmaniCorpulentapus lilasiaCorvipes lacertoideusCorythosaurus casuariusCorythosaurus intermediusCraspedodon lonzeensisCratoavis cearensisCrichtonsaurus benxiensisCrichtonsaurus bohliniCridotrisauropus cruentusCruxicheiros newmanorumCryolophosaurus elliotiCumnoria prestwichiiDaanosaurus zhangiDacentrurus armatusDaemonosaurus chauliodusDahalokely tokanaDakotadon lakotaensisDakotaraptor steiniDakotasaurus browniDalianraptor cuheDalingheornis liweiiDamalasaurus magnusDapingfangornis sentisorhinusDashanpusaurus dongiDaspletosaurus horneriDaspletosaurus torosusDatanglong guangxiensisDatonglong tianzhenensisDatousaurus bashanensisDaxiatitan binglingiDefarrariischnium mapuchensisDeinocheirus mirificusDeinonychus antirrhopusDelapparentia turolensisDelatorrichnus goyenecheiDeltadromeus agilisDeltapodus currieiDeltapodus ibericusDemandasaurus darwiniDeuterotetrapous plancusDiabloceratops eatoniDiamantinasaurus matildaeDicraeosaurus hansemanniDicraeosaurus sattleriDictyoolithus hongpoensisDictyoolithus neixiangensisDilong paradoxusDilophosauripus williamsiDilophosaurus sinensisDilophosaurus wetherilliDinehichnus socialisDinosauropodes bransfordiiDinosauropodes magrawiiDinosauropodes osborniDinosauropodes wilsoniDiplodocus carnegiiDiplodocus hallorumDiplodocus longusDispersituberoolithus exilisDongbeititan dongiDongyangopelta yangyanensisDongyangosaurus sinensisDraconyx loureiroiDracopelta zbyszewskiiDracoraptor haniganiDracovenator regentiDreadnoughtus schraniDrinker nistiDromaeopodus shandongensisDromaeosauripus jinjuensisDromaeosauroides bornholmensisDromaeosaurus albertensisDrusilasaura deseadensisDryosaurus altusDryptosaurus aquilunguisDunhuangia cuiiDuriatitan humerocristatusDuriavenator hesperisDyoplosaurus acutosquameusDysalotosaurus lettowvorbeckiDyslocosaurus polyonychiusDystrophaeus viaemalaeEchinodon becklesiiEdmontonia longicepsEdmontonia rugosidensEdmontosaurus annectensEdmontosaurus regalisEdmontosaurus saskatchewanensisEfraasia minorEiniosaurus procurvicornisEkrixinatosaurus novasiElaltitan lilloiElaphrosaurus bambergiElbretornis bonaparteiEllipsoolithus khedaensisElmisaurus rarusElongatoolithus andrewsiElongatoolithus elongatusElongatoolithus magnusElopteryx nopcsaiElrhazosaurus nigeriensisElsornis keniEmausaurus ernstiEnaliornis barrettiEnaliornis sedgwickiEnantiophoenix electrophylaEnantiornis lealiEoabelisaurus mefiEoalulavis hoyasiEocarcharia dinopsEocathayornis walkeriEoconfuciusornis zhengiEocursor parvusEodromaeus murphiEoenantiornis buhleriEogranivora edentulataEolambia caroljonesaEomamenchisaurus yuanmouensisEopengornis martiniEoraptor lunensisEosauropus cimarronensisEosinopteryx brevipennaEotrachodon orientalisEotriceratops xerinsularisEotyrannus lengiEpachthosaurus sciuttoiEpichirostenotes currieiEpidendrosaurus ningchengensisEpidexipteryx huiEquijubus normaniErectopus superbusErketu ellisoniErliansaurus bellamanusErlikosaurus andrewsiEshanosaurus deguchiianusEubrontes (Brontozoum) approximatusEubrontes cursoriusEubrontes fieldiEubrontes giganteusEubrontes glenrosensisEubrontes lyelliiEubrontes monaxEubrontes pareschequierEubrontes platypusEubrontes sillimaniEubrontes tuberatusEubrontes veillonensisEubrontes xiyangensisEubrontes zigongensisEucnemesaurus entaxonisEucnemesaurus fortisEuhelopus zdanskyiEuoplocephalus tutusEuropasaurus holgeriEuropatitan eastwoodiEuropelta carbonensisEustreptospondylus oxoniensisEutynichnium lusitanicumEvazoum siriguiEvgenavis nobilisExplorornis nessoviExplorornis walkeriFalcarius utahensisFaveoloolithus ningxiaensisFeitianius paradisiFenestrosaurus philoceratopsFerganasaurus verziliniFerganocephale adenticulatumFlexomornis howeiFortunguavis xiaotaizicusFosterovenator chureiFruitadens haagarorumFukuiraptor kitadaniensisFukuisaurus tetoriensisFukuititan nipponensisFumicollis hoffmaniFuscinapedis woodbinensisFusuisaurus zhaoiFutalognkosaurus dukeiGaleamopus hayiGaleamopus pabstiGallimimus bullatusGallornis straeleniGalvesaurus herreroiGannansaurus sinensisGansus yumenensisGanzhousaurus nankangensisGarbina roeorumGargantuavis philoinosGargoyleosaurus parkpinorumGarudimimus brevipesGasosaurus constructusGasparinisaura cincosaltensisGastonia burgeiGeminiraptor suarezarumGenusaurus sisteronisGenyodectes serusGideonmantellia amosanjuanaeGigandipus caudatusGigandipus heiGiganotosaurus caroliniiGigantoraptor erlianensisGigantspinosaurus sichuanensisGilmoreosaurus mongoliensisGiraffatitan brancaiGlacialisaurus hammeriGlyptodontopelta mimusGobiceratops minutusGobipipus reshetoviGobipteryx minutaGobisaurus domoculusGobititan shenzhouensisGobivenator mongoliensisGojirasaurus quayiGondwanatitan faustoiGongbusaurus wucaiwanensisGongpoquansaurus mazongshanensisGongxianosaurus shibeiensisGorgosaurus libratusGoyocephale lattimoreiGrabauornis lingyuanensisGraciliceratops mongoliensisGraciliraptor lujiatunensisGracilornis jiufotangensisGraculavus veloxGrallator (Anchisauripus) hitchcockiGrallator (Anchisauripus) minusculusGrallator (Eubrontes) divaricatusGrallator (Grallator) zvierziGrallator angustidigitusGrallator crassidigitusGrallator cuneatusGrallator damaneiGrallator deambulatorGrallator digitigradusGrallator emeiensisGrallator formosusGrallator gracilisGrallator graciosusGrallator lacunensisGrallator lamberesheiGrallator leribeensisGrallator lescureiGrallator limosusGrallator magnificusGrallator matsiengensisGrallator maximusGrallator microiscusGrallator mokanametsongensisGrallator morijensisGrallator moshoeshoeiGrallator olonensisGrallator palustrisGrallator princepsGrallator rapidusGrallator rectilineusGrallator sauclierensisGrallator socialisGrallator ssatoiGrallator sulcatusGrallator tenuisGrallator variabilisGrallator yemiaoxiensisGravitholus albertaeGresslyosaurus plieningeriGryphoceratops morrisoniGryposaurus latidensGryposaurus monumentensisGryposaurus notabilisGuaibasaurus candelariensisGuanlong wucaiiGurilynia nessoviGypsichnites pacensisHadrosaurichnus australisHadrosaurichnus titicacaensisHadrosauropodus nanxiongensisHadrosaurus foulkiiHaestasaurus becklesiiHagryphus giganteusHalimornis thompsoniHalszkaraptor escuillieiHanssuesia sternbergiHaplocanthosaurus delfsiHaplocanthosaurus priscusHaplocheirus sollersHarpedactylus crassusHarpedactylus graciliorHarpedactylus tenuissimusHarpymimus okladnikoviHaya grivaHelioceratops brachygnathusHerrerasaurus ischigualastensisHesperonychus elizabethaeHesperornis chowiHesperornis crassipesHesperornis gracilisHesperornis lumgairiHesperornis macdonaldiHesperornis mengeliHesperornis montanaHesperornis regalisHesperornis rossicusHesperosaurus mjosiHeterodontosaurus tuckiHexing qingyiHexinlusaurus multidensHeyuannia huangiHippodraco scutodensHispanosauropus hauboldiHistriasaurus boscarolliiHolbotia ponomarenkoiHollanda luceriaHomalocephale calathocercosHongshanornis longicrestaHoplitosaurus marshiHorezmavis eocretaceaHuabeisaurus allocotusHualianceratops wucaiwanensisHuanansaurus ganzhouensisHuanghetitan liujiaxiaensisHuangshanlong anhuiensisHuaxiagnathus orientalisHuaxiaosaurus aigahtensHuayangosaurus taibaiiHudiesaurus sinojapanorumHuehuecanauhtlus tiquichensisHulsanpes perleiHunanpus jiuquwanensisHungarosaurus tormaiHuoshanornis hujiHwangsanipes choughiHylaeosaurus armatusHypacrosaurus altispinusHypacrosaurus stebingeriHypselospinus fittoniHypsiloichnus marylandicusHypsilophodon foxiiIaceornis marshiIberomesornis romeraliIchthyornis disparIchthyornis maltshevskyiIchthyornis minusculusIchthyovenator laosensisIgnavusaurus rachelisIgnotornis mcconnelliIgnotornis yangiIguanacolossus fortisIguanodon bernissartensisIguanodon galvensisIguanodon majorIguanodon mantelliIlerdopteryx viaiIlokelesia aguadagrandensisIncisivosaurus gauthieriIncolornis martiniIncolornis silvaeIndosaurus matleyiIndosuchus raptoriusIntiornis inexpectatusIranosauripus zerabensisIrenesauripus acutusIrenesauripus mclearniIrenesauripus occidentalisIrenichnites gracilisIrritator challengeriIsaberrysaura mollensisIsanosaurus attavipachiIschioceratops zhuchengensisIsisaurus colbertiItemirus medullarisItsukisauropus izumiensisJainosaurus septentrionalisJaklapallisaurus asymmetricaJanenschia robustaJaxartosaurus aralensisJeholornis curvipesJeholornis palmapenisJeholornis primaJeholosaurus shangyuanensisJeyawati rugoculusJialingpus yuechiensisJianchangornis microdontaJianchangosaurus yixianensisJiangjunosaurus junggarensisJiangshanosaurus lixianensisJiangxisaurus ganzhouensisJiayinosauropus johnsoniJibeinia luanheraJindongornipes kimiJinfengopteryx elegansJingshanosaurus xinwaensisJinlijingpus nianpanshanensisJintasaurus meniscusJinzhouornis yixianensisJinzhouornis zhangjiyingiaJinzhousaurus yangiJiuquanornis niuiJixiangornis orientalisJobaria tiguidensisJudiceratops tigrisJudinornis nogontsavensisJuehuaornis zhangiJuratyrant langhamiJuravenator starkiKaatedocus siberiKaijiangosaurus liniKainomoyenisauropus ranivorusKalohipus bretunensisKalosauropus masitisiiKalosauropus pollexKangnasaurus coetzeeiKarongasaurus gittelmaniKatepensaurus goicoecheaiKayentapus hailiutuensisKayentapus hopiiKayentapus minorKayentapus nananensisKayentapus otariensisKayentapus soltykovensisKayentapus xiaohebaensisKayentavenator elysiaeKazaklambia convincensKelmayisaurus petrolicusKentrosaurus aethiopicusKerberosaurus manakiniKhaan mckennaiKhetranisaurus barkhaniKileskus aristotocusKinnareemimus khonkaenensisKizylkumavis cretaceaKlamelisaurus gobiensisKol ghuvaKomlosaurus carbonisKoreaceratops hwaseongensisKoreanaornis hamanensisKoreanornis sinensisKoreanosaurus boseongensisKoshisaurus katsuyamaKosmoceratops richardsoniKotasaurus yamanpalliensisKritosaurus navajoviusKryptops palaiosKulindadromeus zabaikalicusKundurosaurus nagornyiKuszholia mengiLabocania anomalaLaevisoolithus sochavaiLaevisuchus indicusLagunculapes latusLamaceratops tereschenkoiLamarqueavis australisLamarqueavis minimaLamarqueavis petraLambeosaurus clavinitialisLambeosaurus lambeiLambeosaurus magnicristatusLametasaurus indicusLamplughsaura dharmaramensisLanzhousaurus magnidensLaornis edvardsianusLapampasaurus cholinoiLaplatasaurus araukanicusLapparentosaurus madagascariensisLaquintasaura venezuelaeLatirhinus uitstlaniLavinipes jaquesiLeaellynasaura amicagraphicaLectavis bretincolaLeinkupal laticaudaLeonerasaurus taquetrensisLeptoceratops gracilisLeptorhynchos elegansLeptorhynchos gaddisiLeshansaurus qianweiensisLesothosaurus diagnosticusLessemsaurus sauropoidesLevnesovia transoxianaLeyesaurus marayensisLiaoceratops yanzigouensisLiaoningornis longidigitrisLiaoningosaurus paradoxusLigabueichnium bolivianumLigabueino andesiLigabuesaurus leanzaiLiliensternus liliensterniLimayichnus majorLimaysaurus tessoneiLimenavis patagonicaLimusaurus inextricabilisLinhenykus monodactylusLinheraptor exquisitusLinhevenator taniLinyiornis amoenaLirainosaurus astibiaeLiubangosaurus heiLohuecotitan pandafilandiLonchodytes estesiLongchengornis sanyanensisLongicrusavis houiLongipteryx chaoyangensisLongirostravis haniLongusunguis kurochkiniLophorhothon atopusLophostropheus airelensisLoricatosaurus priscusLosillasaurus giganteusLourinhanosaurus antunesiLourinhasaurus alenquerensisLuanchuanraptor henanensisLucianovenator bonoiLufengosaurus changduensisLufengosaurus hueneiLuluichnus mueckeiLuoyanggia liudianensisLurdusaurus arenatusLusotitan atalaiensisLycorhinus angustidensLythronax argestesMaaqwi cascadensisMachairasaurus leptonychusMachairoceratops cronusiMacroelongatoolithus carlyleiMacroelongatoolithus xixiaensisMacrogryphosaurus gondwanicusMacroolithus rugustusMacroolithus turolensisMacroolithus yaotunensisMacropodosaurus gravisMafatrisauropus erransMagnapaulia laticaudusMagnirostris dodsoniMagnoavipes caneeriMagnoavipes loweiMagnosaurus nethercombensisMagyarosaurus dacusMahakala omnogovaeMaiasaura peeblesorumMajungasaurus crenatissimusMalarguesaurus florenciaeMalawisaurus dixeyiMamenchisaurus anyuensisMamenchisaurus constructusMamenchisaurus fuxiensisMamenchisaurus hochuanensisMamenchisaurus sinocanadorumMamenchisaurus youngiMandschurosaurus amurensisManidens condorensisMansourasaurus shahinaeMantellisaurus atherfieldensisMapusaurus roseaeMarisaurus jeffiMarshosaurus bicentesimusMartharaptor greenriverensisMartinavis cruzyensisMartinavis minorMartinavis saltariensisMartinavis vinceiMartinavis whetstoneiMasiakasaurus knopfleriMassospondylus carinatusMassospondylus kaalaeMaxakalisaurus topaiMedusaceratops lokiiMegaloolithus aureliensisMegaloolithus baghensisMegaloolithus cylindricusMegaloolithus dholiyaensisMegaloolithus dhoridungriensisMegaloolithus jabalpurensisMegaloolithus khempurensisMegaloolithus mamillareMegaloolithus megadermusMegaloolithus microtuberculataMegaloolithus mohabeyiMegaloolithus petraltaMegaloolithus problematicaMegaloolithus sirugueiMegaloolithus walpurensisMegalosauripus teutonicusMegalosauripus transjuranicusMegalosauripus uzbekistanicusMegalosauropus (Eutynichnium) gomesiMegalosauropus brionensisMegalosauropus broomensisMegalosaurus bucklandiiMegalosaurus dapukaensisMegalosaurus tibetensisMegaraptor namunhuaiquiiMei longMelanorosaurus readiMendozasaurus neguyelapMenglongipus sinensisMercuriceratops geminiMeroktenos thabanensisMetriacanthosaurus parkeriMicrodontosaurus dayensisMicropachycephalosaurus hongtuyanensisMicroraptor guiMicroraptor hanqingiMicroraptor zhaoianusMicrovenator celerMierasaurus bobyoungiMinisauripus chuanzhuensisMinisauripus zhenshuonaniMinmi paravertebrataMiragaia longicollumMirischia asymmetricaMoabosaurus utahensisMochlodon vorosiMongolosaurus haplodonMonoclonius crassusMonolophosaurus jiangiMononykus olecranusMontanoceratops cerorhynchusMontanoolithus strongorumMorosaurus agilisMorrosaurus antarcticusMosaiceratops azumaiMoyenisauropus karaszevskiiMurusraptor barrosaensisMussaurus patagonicusMuttaburrasaurus langdoniMuyelensaurus pecheniMymoorapelta maysiMystiornis cyriliNaashoibitosaurus ostromiNambalia roychowdhuriiNanantius eosNanhsiungoolithus chuetienensisNanningosaurus dashiensisNanosaurus agilisNanotyrannus lancensisNanshiungosaurus brevispinusNanuqsaurus hoglundiNanyangosaurus zhugeiiNarambuenatitan palomoiNasutoceratops titusiNavahopus coyoteensisNavahopus falcipollexNebulasaurus taitoNedcolbertia justinhoffmanniNeimongosaurus yangiNemegtomaia barsboldiNemegtosaurus mongoliensisNeoanomoepus perigrinatusNeogaeornis wetzeliNeovenator saleriiNeuquenornis volansNeuquenraptor argentinusNeuquensaurus australisNgexisaurus dapukaensisNigersaurus taquetiNingyuansaurus wangiNiobrarasaurus coleiiNipponosaurus sachalinensisNoasaurus lealiNodocephalosaurus kirtlandensisNodosaurus textilisNoguerornis gonzaleziNopcsaspondylus alarconensisNormanniasaurus genceyiNothronychus graffamiNothronychus mckinleyiNotocolossus gonzalezparejasiNotohypsilophodon comodorensisNqwebasaurus thwaziNuthetes destructorNyasasaurus parringtoniOhmdenosaurus liasicusOjoceratops fowleriOjoraptorsaurus boereiOlorotitan arharensisOmeisaurus jiaoiOmeisaurus junghsiensisOmeisaurus maoianusOmeisaurus tianfuensisOmnivoropteryx sinousaorumOobardjidama foulkesiOohkotokia horneriOpisthocoelicaudia skarzynskiiOplosaurus armatusOrcauichnites garumniensisOrkoraptor burkeiOrnithoides oshiensisOrnitholestes hermanniOrnithomimipus angustusOrnithomimipus jaillardiOrnithomimus edmontonicusOrnithomimus tenuisOrnithomimus veloxOrnithopodichnites magnaOrnithopodichnus masanensisOrnithopsis hulkeiOrnithopsis leedsiiOrnithopus adamsanusOrodromeus makelaiOryctodromeus cubicularisOsmakasaurus depressusOstafrikasaurus crassiserratusOthnielosaurus consorsOtogornis genghisiOtouphepus declivisOtozoum minusOtozoum moodiiOuranosaurus nigeriensisOvaloolithus chinkangkouensisOvaloolithus laminadermusOvaloolithus tenuisusOvaloolithus turpanensisOvaloolithus utahensisOverosaurus paradasorumOviraptor philoceratopsOvoraptor djadochtariOwenodon hoggiiOxalaia quilombensisPachycephalosaurus wyomingensisPachycorioolithus jinyunensisPachyrhinosaurus canadensisPachyrhinosaurus lakustaiPachyrhinosaurus perotorumPadillasaurus leivaensisPakisaurus balochistaniPalaeotringa littoralisPalaeotringa vagansPaludititan nalatzensisPampadromaeus barberenaiPamparaptor microsPanamericansaurus schroederiPanoplosaurus mirusPanphagia protosPantydraco caducusParabohaiornis martiniParabrontopodus disterciiParabrontopodus mcintoshiParachirotherium postchirotherioidesParacorpulentapus zhangsanfengiParaelongatoolithus reticulatusParafaveoloolithus macroporusParafaveoloolithus microporusParafaveoloolithus tiansicunensisParahesperornis alexiParahongshanornis chaoyangensisParalititan stromeriParanthodon africanusParapengornis eurycaudatusParaprotopteryx gracilisPararhabdodon isonensisParasaurolophus cyrtocristatusParasaurolophus tubicenParasaurolophus walkeriParaspheroolithus irenensisParksosaurus warreniParonychodon asiaticusParvavis chuxiongensisParvicursor remotusPasquiaornis hardieiPasquiaornis tankeiPatagonichnornis venetiorumPatagonykus puertaiPatagopteryx deferrariisiPatagosaurus fariasiPatagotitan mayorumPawpawsaurus campbelliPectinodon bakkeriPedopenna daohugouensisPegomastax africanusPelecanimimus polyodonPellegrinisaurus powelliPeloroplites cedrimontanusPelorosaurus conybeariPenelopognathus weishampeliPengornis houiPentaceratops sternbergiiPetrobrasaurus puestohernandeziPhilovenator currieiPhuwiangosaurus sirindhornaePiatnitzkysaurus floresiPicunichnus benedettoiPinacosaurus grangeriPinacosaurus mephistocephalusPisanosaurus mertiiPiscivoravis liiPiscivorenantiornis inusitatusPitekunsaurus macayaiPiveteausaurus divesensisPlanicoxa venenicaPlastisauropus ingensPlateosauravus cullingworthiPlateosaurus elizaePlateosaurus engelhardtiPlateosaurus gracilisPlateosaurus longicepsPlatyceratops tatarinoviPlatypterna concamerataPlatypterna deaniiPlatypterna delicatulaPlatypterna digitigradaPlatypterna gracillimaPlatypterna lockatongPlatypterna rectaPlatypterna tenuisPlatypterna varicaPlectropus longipesPlesiohadros djadokhtaensisPlesiornis pilulatusPlesiothornipos binneyiPneumatoraptor fodoriPodokesaurus holyokensisPoekilopleuron bucklandiiPolacanthus foxiiPolacanthus rudgwickensisPolarornis gregoriiPolemarchus gigasPolyclonoolithus yangjiagouensisPolyonyx gomesiPorituberoolithus warnerensisPotamornis skutchiPowellvenator podocitusPradhania gracilisPrenocephale prenesPrenoceratops pieganensisPreprismatoolithus coloradensisPrismatoolithus cabotiPrismatoolithus gebiensisPrismatoolithus heyuanensisPrismatoolithus hirschiPrismatoolithus hukouensisPrismatoolithus jenseniPrismatoolithus levisPrismatoolithus matellensisPrismatoolithus tenuisProa valdearinnoensisProbactrosaurus gobiensisProceratosaurus bradleyiProcerosaurus cruralisProcompsognathus triassicusProornis coreaePropanoplosaurus marylandicusProplanicoxa galtoniProsaurolophus blackfeetensisProsaurolophus maximusProtarchaeopteryx robustaProtoavis texensisProtoceratops andrewsiProtoceratops hellenikorhinusProtoceratopsidovum fluxuosumProtoceratopsidovum minimumProtoceratopsidovum sincerumProtohadros byrdiProtopteryx fengningensisPseudotetrasauropus bipedoidaPseudotrisauropus subengensisPsittacosaurus gobiensisPsittacosaurus lujiatunensisPsittacosaurus majorPsittacosaurus meileyingensisPsittacosaurus mongoliensisPsittacosaurus neimongoliensisPsittacosaurus sibiricusPsittacosaurus sinensisPsittacosaurus xinjiangensisPuertasaurus reuiliPulanesaura eocollumPullornipes aureusPyroraptor olympiusQantassaurus intrepidusQiaowanlong kangxiiQijianglong guokrQiliania graffiniQingxiusaurus youjiangensisQiupalong henanensisQomoqomosauropus acutusQuaesitosaurus orientalisQuetecsaurus rusconiiRahiolisaurus gujaratensisRahonavis ostromiRajasaurus narmadensisRapator ornitholestoidesRapaxavis paniRapetosaurus krauseiRaptorex kriegsteiniRatchasimasaurus suranareaeRavatichnus kotshneviRavatosauropus rozhdestvenkyiRayososaurus agrioensisRebbachisaurus garasbaeRegaliceratops peterhewsiReticuloolithus hirschiRhabdodon priscusRhabdodon septimanicusRhabdodon suessiiRhoetosaurus browneiRichardoestesia asiaticaRichardoestesia gilmoreiRichardoestesia isoscelesRinconsaurus caudamirusRiojasaurus incertusRocasaurus munioziRotundichnus muenchehagensisRubeosaurus ovatusRuehleia bedheimensisRugops primusRukwatitan bisepultusRuyangosaurus giganteusSahaliyania elunchunorumSaichania chulsanensisSalfitichnus mentoorSaltasaurus loricatusSaltopoides igalensisSaltosauropus latusSamanadrinda surghariSamrukia nessoviSanjuansaurus gordilloiSankofa pyrenaicaSanpasaurus yaoiSantanaraptor placidusSapeornis chaoyangensisSarahsaurus aurifontanalisSarcolestes leedsiSarcosaurus woodiSarjeantopodus semipalmatusSarmientichnus scagliaiSarmientosaurus musacchioiSatapliasaurus dsocenidzeiSatapliasaurus kandelakiiSatapliasaurus tschabukianiiSaturnalia tupiniquimSaurexallopus loveiSaurexallopus zerbstiSaurichnium anserinumSaurichnium damarenseSaurichnium parallelumSaurichnium tetractisSaurischichnus primitivusSaurolophus angustirostrisSaurolophus osborniSauroniops pachytholusSauropelta edwardsorumSaurophaganax maximusSauropodichnus giganteusSauroposeidon protelesSauropus barrattiiSaurornithoides mongoliensisSaurornitholestes langstoniSaurornitholestes robustusSaurornitholestes sullivaniSavannasaurus elliottorumSazavis priscaScansoriopteryx heilmanniScelidosaurus harrisoniiSchizooura liiScipionyx samniticusSciurumimus albersdoerferiScolosaurus cutleriScutellosaurus lawleriSecernosaurus koerneriSefapanosaurus zastronensisSegisaurus halliSegnosaurus galbinensisSeitaad ruessiSelenichnus breviusculusSelenichnus falcatusSenqutrisauropus priscusSerendipaceratops arthurcclarkeiShamosaurus scutatusShanag ashileShandongornipes muxiaiShantungosaurus giganteusShanweiniao cooperorumShanyangosaurus niupanggouensisShaochilong maortuensisShengjingornis yangiShenmuichnus youngteilhardorumShenqiornis mengiShenzhouraptor sinensisShenzhousaurus orientalisShidaisaurus jinaeShingopana songwensisShixinggia oblitaShixingoolithus erbeniShuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensisShuangmiaosaurus gilmoreiShunosaurus liiShuvuuia desertiSiamopodus khaoyaiensisSiamotyrannus isanensisSiats meekerorumSibirotitan astrosacralisSigilmassasaurus brevicollisSillimanius graciliorSillimanius tetradactylusSilvisaurus condrayiSimilicaudipteryx yixianensisSinocalliopteryx gigasSinoceratops zhuchengensisSinornis santensisSinornithoides youngiSinornithomimus dongiSinornithosaurus haoianaSinornithosaurus milleniiSinosauropteryx primaSinosaurus triassicusSinotyrannus kazuoensisSinovenator changiiSinraptor dongiSinraptor hepingensisSinusonasus magnodensSkartopus australisSkorpiovenator bustingorryiSonglingornis linghensisSonidosaurus saihangaobiensisSonorasaurus thompsoniSoriatitan golmayensisSoroavisaurus australisSousaichnium monettaeSousaichnium priceiSphaerotholus brevisSphaerotholus buchholtzaeSphaerotholus edmontonenseSphaerotholus goodwiniSpheroolithus albertensisSpheroolithus choteauensisSpheroolithus maiasauroidesSpheroolithus megadermusSpheroolithus spheroidesSpheruprismatoolithus condensusSphingopus feroxSpiclypeus shipporumSpinophorosaurus nigerensisSpinops sternbergorumSpinosaurus aegyptiacusSpinostropheus gautieriSpongioolithus hirschiStaurichnium diogenisStaurikosaurus priceiStegoceras novomexicanumStegoceras validumStegopelta landerensisStegopodus czerkasiStegosaurus stenopsStegosaurus ungulatusStenonyx lateralisStenopelix valdensisSteropezoum elegantiusSteropoides divaricatusSteropoides diversusSteropoides elegansSteropoides infelixSteropoides ingensSteropoides loripesSteropoides uncusStokesosaurus clevelandiStormbergia dangershoekiStreptospondylus altdorfensisStreptospondylus rostromajorStruthiomimus altusStruthiosaurus austriacusStruthiosaurus languedocensisStruthiosaurus transylvanicusStruthopus schaumburgensisStyracosaurus albertensisSubtiliolithus kachchhensisSubtiliolithus microtuberculatusSuchomimus tenerensisSulaimanisaurus gingerichiSulcavis geeorumSupersaurus lourinhanensisSupersaurus vivianaeSuuwassea emilieaeSuzhousaurus megatherioidesSwinnertonichnus mapperleyensisTachiraptor admirabilisTacuaremborum oblongumTalarurus plicatospineusTalenkauen santacrucensisTalos sampsoniTambatitanis amicitiaeTangvayosaurus hoffetiTanius sinensisTanycolagreus topwilsoniTaohelong jinchengensisTaponichnus donottoiTapuiasaurus macedoiTarascosaurus salluvicusTarbosaurus bataarTarchia giganteaTarchia kielanaeTarsodactylus caudatusTarsodactylus expansusTarsoplectrus angustusTarsoplectrus elegansTastavinsaurus sanziTatankacephalus cooneyorumTatankaceratops sacrisonorumTataouinea hannibalisTatarornipes chabuensisTaupezia landeriTaurovenator violanteiTawa hallaeTazoudasaurus naimiTehuelchesaurus beniteziiTelmatornis priscusTelmatosaurus transsylvanicusTelosichnus saltensisTendaguria tanzaniensisTengrisaurus starkoviTenontosaurus dossiTenontosaurus tillettiTeratophoneus currieiTethyshadros insularisTetrapodium elmenhorstiTetrapodosaurus borealisTetrasauropus unguiferusTeviornis gobiensisTexacephale langstoniTexasetes pleurohalioThecodontosaurus antiquusThecodontosaurus latespinatusThecodontosaurus minimusThecodontosaurus primusTheiophytalia kerriTherangospodus oncalensisTherangospodus pandemicusTherizinosaurus cheloniformisThescelosaurus assiniboiensisThescelosaurus edmontonensisThescelosaurus neglectusTianchisaurus nedegoapeferimaTiantaisaurus sifengensisTianyulong confuciusiTianyuornis cheniTianyuraptor ostromiTianzhenosaurus youngiTimimus hermaniTingmiatornis arcticaTitanoceratops ouranosTitanopodus mendozensisTitanosaurimanus nanaTitanosaurus blanfordiTitanosaurus indicusTochisaurus nemegtensisTonganosaurus heiTongtianlong limosusTornieria africanaTorosaurus latusTorotix clemensiTorvosaurus gurneyiTorvosaurus tanneriTototlmimus packardensisToyamasauripus masuiaeTraukutitan eocaudataTriceratops horridusTriceratops prorsusTridigitichnus inopinatusTrigonosaurus priceiTrinisaura santamartaensisTriprismatoolithus stephensiTrisauropodiscus aviformaTrisauropodiscus galliformaTrisauropodiscus superavipesTristraguloolithus cracioidesTriunfosaurus leonardiiTroodon formosusTsaagan mangasTsagantegia longicranialisTsintaosaurus spinorhinusTubercuoolithus tetonensisTugulusaurus facilesTuojiangosaurus multispinusTuranoceratops tardabilisTuriasaurus riodevensisTylocephale gilmoreiTyrannosauripus pillmoreiTyrannosaurus rexTyrannotitan chubutensisTytthostonyx glauconiticusUberabatitan ribeiroiUdanoceratops tschizhoviUgrunaaluk kuukpikensisUhangrichnus chuniUnaysaurus tolentinoiUndulatoolithus pengiUnenlagia comahuensisUnenlagia paynemiliUnescoceratops koppelhusaeUnquillosaurus ceibaliiUrbacodon itemirensisUtahceratops gettyiUtahraptor ostrommaysiUteodon aphanoecetesVagaceratops irvinensisVahiny deperetiValdosaurus canaliculatusVariraptor mechinorumVegavis iaaiVelafrons coahuilensisVelocipes guerichiVelociraptor mongoliensisVelociraptor osmolskaeVelociraptorichnus sichuanensisVelocisaurus unicusVenenosaurus dicroceiVescornis hebeiensisViavenator exxoniVitakridrinda sulaimaniVolkheimeria chubutensisVorona berivotrensisVouivria damparisensisVulcanodon karibaensisWalmadanyichnus hunteriWannanosaurus yansiensisWealdenichnites iguanodontoidesWendiceratops pinhornensisWiehenvenator albatiWildeichnus navesiWintonopus latomorumWintonopus middletonaeWintonotitan wattsiWuerhosaurus homheniWulagasaurus dongiWulatelong gobiensisXenoceratops foremostensisXenotarsosaurus bonaparteiXiangornis shenmiXiangxipus chenxiensisXiangxipus youngiXianshanosaurus shijiagouensisXiaosaurus dashanpensisXiaotingia zhengiXinghaiornis liniXinjiangovenator parvusXinjiangtitan shanshanesisXiongguanlong baimoensisXiphopeza triplexXixianykus zhangiXixiasaurus henanensisXixiposaurus suniXuanhanosaurus qilixiaensisXuanhuaceratops nieiXuwulong yueluniYacoraitichnus avisYamaceratops dorngobiensisYandangornis longicaudusYandusaurus hongheensisYangchuanosaurus shangyouensisYangchuanosaurus zigongensisYangtzepus clarkeiYangtzepus yipingensisYanornis guozhangiYanornis martiniYaverlandia bitholusYezosaurus mikasaensisYi qiYimenosaurus youngiYingshanosaurus jichuanensisYinlong downsiYixianornis grabauiYixianosaurus longimanusYongjinglong datangiYoungoolithus xiaguanensisYuanjiawaornis viriosusYuanmousaurus jiangyiensisYueosaurus tiantaiensisYulong miniYumenornis huangiYunganglong datongensisYungavolucris brevipedalisYunmenglong ruyangensisYunnanosaurus huangiYunnanosaurus robustusYunnanosaurus youngiYunnanpus huangcaoensisYurgovuchia doellingiYutyrannus hualiZalmoxes robustusZalmoxes shqiperorumZanabazar juniorZapalasaurus bonaparteiZapsalis abradensZby atlanticusZephyrosaurus schaffiZhanghenglong yangchengensisZhejiangosaurus lishuiensisZhongjianornis yangiZhongornis haoaeZhongyuangosaurus luoyangensisZhouornis haniZhuchengceratops inexpectusZhuchengosaurus maximusZhuchengtitan zangjiazhuangensisZhuchengtyrannus magnusZhyraornis logunoviZiapelta sanjuanensisZuniceratops christopheriZuolong salleeiZupaysaurus rougieri-'H0 $Aalenian ValanginianY-" +# %|v tB G{c!(. 6 ? 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(Brontozoum)EucnemesaurusEuhelopusEuoplocephalusEuropasaurusEuropatitanEuropeltaEustreptospondylusEutynichniumEvazoumEvgenavisExplorornisFalcariusFaveoloolithusFeitianiusFenestrosaurusFerganasaurusFerganocephaleFlexomornisFortunguavisFosterovenatorFruitadensFukuiraptorFukuisaurusFukuititanFumicollisFuscinapedisFusuisaurusFutalognkosaurusGaleamopusGallimimusGallornisGalvesaurusGannansaurusGansusGanzhousaurusGarbinaGargantuavisGargoyleosaurusGarudimimusGasosaurusGasparinisauraGastoniaGeminiraptorGenusaurusGenyodectesGideonmantelliaGiganotosaurusGigantoraptorGigantspinosaurusGilmoreosaurusGiraffatitanGlacialisaurusGlyptodontopeltaGobiceratopsGobipipusGobipteryxGobisaurusGobititanGobivenatorGojirasaurusGondwanatitanGongbusaurusGongpoquansaurusGongxianosaurusGorgosaurusGoyocephaleGrabauornisGraciliceratopsGraciliraptorGracilornisGraculavusGrallator (Eubrontes)Grallator (Grallator)GravitholusGresslyosaurusGruipedaGryphoceratopsGryposaurusGuaibasaurusGuanlongGurilyniaGypsichnitesHadrosaurichnusHadrosauropodusHadrosaurusHaestasaurusHagryphusHalimornisHalszkaraptorHanssuesiaHaplocanthosaurusHaplocheirusHarpedactylusHarpymimusHayaHelioceratopsHerrerasaurusHesperonychusHesperornisHesperosaurusHeterodontosaurusHexingHexinlusaurusHeyuanniaHippodracoHispanosauropusHistriasaurusHolbotiaHollandaHomalocephaleHongshanornisHoplitosaurusHorezmavisHuabeisaurusHualianceratopsHuanansaurusHuanghetitanHuangshanlongHuaxiagnathusHuaxiaosaurusHuayangosaurusHudiesaurusHuehuecanauhtlusHulsanpesHunanpusHungarosaurusHuoshanornisHwangsanipesHylaeosaurusHypacrosaurusHypselospinusHypsiloichnusHypsilophodonIaceornisIberomesornisIchthyornisIchthyovenatorIgnavusaurusIgnotornisIguanacolossusIguanodonIlerdopteryxIlokelesiaIncisivosaurusIncolornisIndosaurusIndosuchusIntiornisIranosauripusIrenesauripusIrenichnitesIrritatorIsaberrysauraIsanosaurusIschioceratopsIsisaurusItemirusItsukisauropusJainosaurusJaklapallisaurusJanenschiaJaxartosaurusJeholornisJeholosaurusJeyawatiJialingpusJianchangornisJianchangosaurusJiangjunosaurusJiangshanosaurusJiangxisaurusJiayinosauropusJibeiniaJindongornipesJinfengopteryxJingshanosaurusJinlijingpusJintasaurusJinzhouornisJinzhousaurusJiuquanornisJixiangornisJobariaJudiceratopsJudinornisJuehuaornisJuratyrantJuravenatorKaatedocusKaijiangosaurusKainomoyenisauropusKalohipusKalosauropusKangnasaurusKarongasaurusKatepensaurusKayentapusKayentavenatorKazaklambiaKelmayisaurusKentrosaurusKerberosaurusKhaanKhetranisaurusKileskusKinnareemimusKizylkumavisKlamelisaurusKomlosaurusKoreaceratopsKoreanaornisKoreanosaurusKoshisaurusKosmoceratopsKotasaurusKritosaurusKryptopsKulindadromeusKundurosaurusKuszholiaLabocaniaLaevisoolithusLaevisuchusLagunculapesLamaceratopsLamarqueavisLambeosaurusLametasaurusLamplughsauraLanzhousaurusLaornisLapampasaurusLaplatasaurusLapparentosaurusLaquintasauraLatirhinusLavinipesLeaellynasauraLectavisLeinkupalLeonerasaurusLeptoceratopsLeptorhynchosLeshansaurusLesothosaurusLessemsaurusLevnesoviaLeyesaurusLiaoceratopsLiaoningornisLiaoningosaurusLigabueichniumLigabueinoLigabuesaurusLiliensternusLimayichnusLimaysaurusLimenavisLimusaurusLinhenykusLinheraptorLinhevenatorLinyiornisLirainosaurusLiubangosaurusLohuecotitanLonchodytesLongchengornisLongicrusavisLongipteryxLongirostravisLongusunguisLophorhothonLophostropheusLoricatosaurusLosillasaurusLourinhanosaurusLourinhasaurusLuanchuanraptorLucianovenatorLufengosaurusLuluichnusLuoyanggiaLurdusaurusLusotitanLycorhinusLythronaxMaaqwiMachairasaurusMachairoceratopsMacroelongatoolithusMacrogryphosaurusMacroolithusMacropodosaurusMafatrisauropusMagnapauliaMagnirostrisMagnoavipesMagnosaurusMagyarosaurusMahakalaMaiasauraMajungasaurusMalarguesaurusMalawisaurusMamenchisaurusMandschurosaurusManidensMansourasaurusMantellisaurusMapusaurusMarisaurusMarshosaurusMartharaptorMartinavisMasiakasaurusMassospondylusMaxakalisaurusMedusaceratopsMegaloolithusMegalosauripusMegalosauropusMegalosaurusMegaraptorMelanorosaurusMendozasaurusMenglongipusMercuriceratopsMeroktenosMetriacanthosaurusMicrodontosaurusMicropachycephalosaurusMicroraptorMicrovenatorMierasaurusMinisauripusMinmiMiragaiaMirischiaMoabosaurusMochlodonMongolosaurusMonocloniusMonolophosaurusMononykusMontanoceratopsMontanoolithusMorrosaurusMosaiceratopsMurusraptorMussaurusMuttaburrasaurusMuyelensaurusMymoorapeltaMystiornisNaashoibitosaurusNambaliaNanantiusNanhsiungoolithusNanningosaurusNanosaurusNanotyrannusNanshiungosaurusNanuqsaurusNanyangosaurusNarambuenatitanNasutoceratopsNavahopusNebulasaurusNedcolbertiaNeimongosaurusNemegtomaiaNemegtosaurusNeoanomoepusNeogaeornisNeovenatorNeuquenornisNeuquenraptorNeuquensaurusNgexisaurusNigersaurusNingyuansaurusNiobrarasaurusNipponosaurusNoasaurusNodocephalosaurusNodosaurusNoguerornisNopcsaspondylusNormanniasaurusNothronychusNotocolossusNotohypsilophodonNqwebasaurusNuthetesNyasasaurusOhmdenosaurusOjoraptorsaurusOlorotitanOmeisaurusOmnivoropteryxOobardjidamaOohkotokiaOpisthocoelicaudiaOplosaurusOrcauichnitesOrkoraptorOrnithoidesOrnitholestesOrnithomimipusOrnithomimusOrnithopodichnitesOrnithopodichnusOrnithopsisOrodromeusOryctodromeusOsmakasaurusOstafrikasaurusOthnielosaurusOtogornisOtozoumOuranosaurusOvaloolithusOverosaurusOviraptorOvoraptorOwenodonOxalaiaPachycephalosaurusPachycorioolithusPachyrhinosaurusPadillasaurusPakisaurusPalaeotringaPaludititanPampadromaeusPamparaptorPanamericansaurusPanoplosaurusPanphagiaPantydracoParabohaiornisParabrontopodusParachirotheriumParacorpulentapusParaelongatoolithusParafaveoloolithusParahesperornisParahongshanornisParalititanParanthodonParapengornisParaprotopteryxPararhabdodonParasaurolophusParaspheroolithusParksosaurusParonychodonParvavisParvicursorPasquiaornisPatagonichnornisPatagonykusPatagopteryxPatagosaurusPatagotitanPawpawsaurusPectinodonPedopennaPegomastaxPelecanimimusPellegrinisaurusPeloroplitesPelorosaurusPenelopognathusPengornisPentaceratopsPetrobrasaurusPhilovenatorPhuwiangosaurusPiatnitzkysaurusPicunichnusPinacosaurusPisanosaurusPiscivoravisPiscivorenantiornisPitekunsaurusPiveteausaurusPlanicoxaPlateosauravusPlateosaurusPlatyceratopsPlatypternaPlectropusPlesiohadrosPlesiornisPlesiothornipusPneumatoraptorPoekilopleuronPolacanthusPolarornisPolemarchusPolyclonoolithusPolyonyxPorituberoolithusPotamornisPowellvenatorPradhaniaPrenocephalePrenoceratopsPreprismatoolithusPrismatoolithusProaProbactrosaurusProceratosaurusProcerosaurusProcompsognathusProornisPropanoplosaurusProplanicoxaProsaurolophusProtarchaeopteryxProtoavisProtoceratopsProtoceratopsidovumProtohadrosProtopteryxPseudotetrasauropusPseudotrisauropusPsittacosaurusPuertasaurusPulanesauraPullornipesPyroraptorQantassaurusQiaowanlongQijianglongQilianiaQingxiusaurusQiupalongQomoqomosauropusQuaesitosaurusQuetecsaurusRahiolisaurusRahonavisRajasaurusRapatorRapaxavisRapetosaurusRaptorexRatchasimasaurusRavatichnusRavatosauropusRayososaurusRebbachisaurusRegaliceratopsReticuloolithusRhabdodonRhoetosaurusRichardoestesiaRinconsaurusRiojasaurusRocasaurusRotundichnusRubeosaurusRuehleiaRugopsRukwatitanRuyangosaurusSahaliyaniaSaichaniaSalfitichnusSaltasaurusSaltopoidesSaltosauropusSamanadrindaSamrukiaSanjuansaurusSankofaSanpasaurusSantanaraptorSapeornisSarahsaurusSarcolestesSarcosaurusSarjeantopodusSarmientichnusSarmientosaurusSatapliasaurusSaturnaliaSaurexallopusSaurichniumSaurischichnusSaurolophusSauroniopsSauropeltaSaurophaganaxSauropodichnusSauroposeidonSauropusSaurornithoidesSaurornitholestesSavannasaurusSazavisScansoriopteryxScelidosaurusSchizoouraScipionyxSciurumimusScolosaurusScutellosaurusSecernosaurusSefapanosaurusSegisaurusSegnosaurusSeitaadSelenichnusSenqutrisauropusSerendipaceratopsShamosaurusShanagShandongornipesShantungosaurusShanweiniaoShanyangosaurusShaochilongShengjingornisShenmuichnusShenqiornisShenzhouraptorShenzhousaurusShidaisaurusShingopanaShixinggiaShixingoolithusShuangbaisaurusShuangmiaosaurusShunosaurusShuvuuiaSiamopodusSiamotyrannusSiatsSibirotitanSillimaniusSilvisaurusSimilicaudipteryxSinocalliopteryxSinoceratopsSinornisSinornithoidesSinornithomimusSinornithosaurusSinosauropteryxSinosaurusSinotyrannusSinovenatorSinraptorSinusonasusSkartopusSkorpiovenatorSonglingornisSonidosaurusSonorasaurusSoriatitanSoroavisaurusSousaichniumSpheroolithusSpheruprismatoolithusSphingopusSpiclypeusSpinophorosaurusSpinopsSpinosaurusSpinostropheusSpongioolithusStaurichniumStaurikosaurusStegocerasStegopeltaStegopodusStegosaurusStenonyxStenopelixSteropoidesStokesosaurusStormbergiaStreptospondylusStruthiomimusStruthiosaurusStyracosaurusSubtiliolithusSuchomimusSulaimanisaurusSulcavisSupersaurusSuuwasseaSuzhousaurusSwinnertonichnusTachiraptorTacuarembovumTalarurusTalenkauenTalosTambatitanisTangvayosaurusTaniusTanycolagreusTaohelongTaponichnusTapuiasaurusTarascosaurusTarbosaurusTarchiaTarsodactylusTarsoplectrusTastavinsaurusTatankacephalusTataouineaTatarornipesTaupeziaTaurovenatorTawaTazoudasaurusTehuelchesaurusTelmatornisTelmatosaurusTelosichnusTendaguriaTengrisaurusTenontosaurusTeratophoneusTethyshadrosTetrapodiumTetrapodosaurusTetrasauropusTeviornisTexacephaleTexasetesThecodontosaurusTheiophytaliaTherangospodusTherizinosaurusThescelosaurusTianchiasaurusTiantaisaurusTianyulongTianyuornisTianyuraptorTianzhenosaurusTimimusTingmiatornisTitanoceratopsTitanopodusTitanosaurimanusTitanosaurusTochisaurusTonganosaurusTongtianlongTornieriaTorosaurusTorotixTorvosaurusTototlmimusToyamasauripusTraukutitanTriceratopsTridigitichnusTrigonosaurusTrinisauraTriprismatoolithusTristraguloolithusTriunfosaurusTroodonTsaaganTsagantegiaTsintaosaurusTubercuoolithusTugulusaurusTuojiangosaurusTuranoceratopsTuriasaurusTylocephaleTyrannosauripusTyrannosaurusTyrannotitanTytthostonyxUberabatitanUdanoceratopsUgrunaalukUhangrichnusUnaysaurusUndulatoolithusUnenlagiaUnescoceratopsUnquillosaurusUrbacodonUtahceratopsUtahraptorUteodonVagaceratopsVahinyValdosaurusVariraptorVegavisVelafronsVelocipesVelociraptorVelociraptorichnusVelocisaurusVenenosaurusVescornisViavenatorVitakridrindaVolkheimeriaVoronaVouivriaVulcanodonWalmadanyichnusWannanosaurusWendiceratopsWiehenvenatorWildeichnusWintonopusWintonotitanWulagasaurusWulatelongXenoceratopsXenotarsosaurusXiangornisXiangxipusXianshanosaurusXiaosaurusXiaotingiaXinghaiornisXinjiangovenatorXinjiangtitanXiongguanlongXiphopezaXixianykusXixiasaurusXixiposaurusXuanhanosaurusXuanhuaceratopsXuwulongYacoraitichnusYamaceratopsYandangornisYandusaurusYangchuanosaurusYangtzepusYanornisYaverlandiaYezosaurusYimenosaurusYingshanosaurusYinlongYixianornisYixianosaurusYongjinglongYoungoolithusYuanjiawaornisYuanmousaurusYueosaurusYulongYumenornisYunganglongYungavolucrisYunmenglongYunnanosaurusYunnanpusYurgovuchiaYutyrannusZalmoxesZanabazarZapalasaurusZapsalisZephyrosaurusZhanghenglongZhejiangosaurusZhongjianornisZhongornisZhongyuanosaurusZhouornisZhuchengceratopsZhuchengosaurusZhuchengtitanZhuchengtyrannusZhyraornisZiapeltaZuniceratopsZuolongZupaysaurusYq 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Dindori District" (Prasad et al. 2007 in PINSA) or "1.5 km southwest of Kisalpuri village" with coordinate given (Prasad et al. 2007 in Science). Shown on map in ref 26453; located on E bank of Kharmer River"140 km south of the city of Salta ... and 11 km west of El Tala, in the Department of Candelaria". 500 m E of limestone quarry near Arroyo González, on Estancia "El Brete"."15 km north of the Altan Ula ridge and 7 km east of Bugeen Tsav; north west corner of Umnogobi Aimak, Mongolia" (coordinate based on Altan Ula localities)"48 km south of Shisanjianfang railway station, Upper Cretaceous, Subashi Formation""5 miles NW of Freehold on Rte. 9 at Manalapan-Marlboro township line, 3/4 mi. N of Gordon's Corner""50 m stratigraphically above the south bank of the Red Deer River and approximately 19 km south of the ghost town of Steveville, Alberta, Canada"\r\n"Agua de las Catas" (or Hoyada del Cerro Las Lajas), Cerro Bola area, in front of km 461 on National Route no. 40. Province of La Rioja. Coordinates for Ischigualasto Provincial Park."Altman property, on the Lance Creek-Crazy Woman Creek divide, east of the Lance Creek-Hampshire road, 17.3 miles by road north of Lance Creek"; coordinate based on Lance Creek (not the town) - changed to coordinates from UCMP database"Am Tiergärtle" locality, village of Ellingen, near the town of Weissenburg, 45 km S of Nuremberg (see map in Moser 2003:fig. 14)."Approximately" at this coordinate "in the border area between Liaoning Province and the Nei Mongol Autonomous Region""Barnard's Spruit, Ward, 15 miles south of Aliwal North""Cambridge"; general locality only"Camp des deux arbres", 7 km SE of Elrhaz, Gadoufaoua locality, Niger. 100 m N of the type locality of Ouranosaurus nigeriensis"Chabu Sumu, Otog Qi, Yikezhao-meng, in the Ordos Bason" (coordinate based on Otog Qi = Ulan). Also called Chaibu-Sumi"Daxishan locality, Jianchang County" (coordinate based on Daxishan)"E of Cerro Rajado" according to Arcucci et al. (2004). Coordinates are estimated based upon the location of Rajado on the map in Arcucci et al. (2004)"Estate of the National University of the Comahue, about 200 meters to the East of the building occupied by the Rector, city of Neuquen, Argentina. (translated, pg. 71)""Fall River County... Nebraska National Grasslands" (coordinate based on property of John and Laurel Hunter, who "allowed access to their land")"Gadoufaoua", W edge of Tenéré Desert"Gadoufaoua", W edge of Tenéré Desert; coordinates incorrectly given as 16° 88' N, 9°, 88' E in text but map shows relative placement to G138 site"Gongpoquan Basin""Graham County""Gruhalde" clay quarry, Frick, Kanton Aargau, Switzerland. Quarry of the Tonwerke Keller A. G. at Frick, coordinates 642-900/262-050."Herrera de la base" locality, at La Gallinita, 3 km NW of Cancha de Bochas. Ischigualasto Provincial Park, Ischigualasto-Villa Unión Basin"Hunter Wash, Bisti/De-na-zin Wilderness Area, northwestern New Mexico""Janner Site" = "Várzea do Agudo" according to ref 42509 although coordinates given differ slightly (20° 39' 10.89"S, 53° 17' 34.20"W); ca. 2 km W of town of Agudo"Karshamn 3E SV (topographical map sheet, 1:50,000); coordinates UTM VC 631 222 (56*08'21.6"N 14*24'05.8"E).""Khurilt Ulaan Bulag locality, Central Mongolian Altai Mountains, Bayankhongor Aimag" (coordinate based on Bayankhongor Aymag)"La Bonita" Hill fossil quarry, 8 km N of town of Cerro Policía, Río Negro province, NW Patagonia, Argentina"La Cavere" locality at Pietraroia (Pietraroja), Benevento, in SE portion of Matese Mtns., ca. 70 km NE of Naples. Coordinates given as 41°20'52.18"N, 14°32'53.33"E (NOT, as incorrectly reported elsewhere, 45°77'43.1"N, 24°82'22.8"E)"Laje do Coringa", on Ilha do Cajual, in Baia de São Marcos, municipality of Alcântara; easternmost beach on island. UTM 2070559882 / 9726080"Liuna Village, Anlongbao Town, Shuangbai County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The fossil site is about 100 km south to Lufeng County, where the famous Lufeng dinosaur fauna has been recovered since 1930s.". Coorindates based on the location of Shuangbai."Lo Hueco" site, near town of Fuentes, Cuenca - discovered during construction of high-speed rail between Madrid and Valencia, 15 m below ground"Near Santana do Cariri, Ceara State"; exact site(s) not recorded (mostly private collectors), but all materials believed to come from outcrops close to this city"Nemegt Valley" - Gradzinski et al. 1977 lists the species as coming from Altan Ula and northern Nemegt"Nijiagou track site in the Chicheng county, Hebei Province, China" on "the southern slope of Siliang Mountain, Nijiagou village, Yangtian township, Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province.""SE 1/4, NW 1/4, sec. 13, T 15 S, R 34 W:"Senjitu Area, Fengning County" (basis of coordinate)"Sierra Roca", above R bank of Río Neuquén shortly before its confluence with the Río Limay"Sihetun, Shangyuan, Beipiao city""Teton County" (coordinate based on Choteau)"The Arch, on shore platform near Kilcunda, Victoria, Gippsland Basin"The Scoaba locality is situated in the lower part of the outcropping sequence, on the left bank of the Sibisel valley.""The discovery site is three meters above the bed of a river in a box ravine, two or three kilometers north of the Berivotro hotel, this village being located on the route to Majunga near kilometer 527." (road = present-day R.N.4, village now called Berivotra.)"The new specimen was collected from several limestone and mudstone blocks among debris from a small rock fall at the base of the cliff on the east side of Lavernock Point (National Grid reference ST 187681)." "The only information concerning the provenance of the specimen provided by the collector is that the specimen was collected in the Hongcheng Basin near Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province.""Vicinity of Qiriga Village, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League""Wallace County" (basis of coordinate)"Wise County" only info available; county center chosen"Yaolugou", Jianchang county, W Liaoning. Not clear if this is a single locality or multiple within a local area. "Yixian County of Jinzhou"; coordinates based upon Jinzhou city"Yujingzi Basin, Jinta County, Jiuquan area, Gansu Province, People's Republic of China. Xinminpu Group"; "in the Mazongshan area" (You et al. 2011)"a short distance" E of Barne's Chine (Barnes High), near Brixton (now Brighstone) Bay, Isle of Wight, UK; NW of Cowleaze Chine' NGR = SZ 443 806. Fox describes site as "between Black Gang and Brooke""about 0.5 mile to the west" of Crystal Geyser Quarry"about 3 km southwest of [the locality] of Confuciusorins [sic]... Beipaio City" (coordinate based on Beipiao)"about 6 mi. NW of Freehold", therefore close to Manalapan"at ground level in a slot canyon below remains of the 'Eagle's Nest' cliff dwelling"\r\ncoordinate based on Figure 1 and Google Earth"at the heads of Hunter, Willow, Alamo, and De-na-zin washes" (Willow Wash used for coordinate)"buck camp", Golden Gate Highlands National Park"close to the type section of the Cloverly Formation....within a unit identified by Ostrom (1970:pls. 1A, 2A, 4A, 6B) as belonging to his Unit V subdivision of the formation (Section 14, Twp. 54N, Range 92W, Park County, Wyoming; specific coordinates on file at FMNH)." Note: county should be Bighorn County, not Park County. "closer to the Three Corners area" than the Furnish Canyon tracksite; NE of Tucker Ranch, just over the CO state line"extent of 25 m2"\r\nno geographic details are given, so coordinate is based on county"from an imprecise locality near Weiner Neustadt""in the Spanish Serra de El Montsec (south-central Pyrenees, in the province of Lleida" (coordinate based on El Monsech). Noguerornis locality described as "La Pedrera de Meià" - it is unclear whether this is the same for everything in the list. Quarry near Rubies, Sta. Maria de Meià, Sierra del Montsec, Lleida Province, Spain"in the Valle del Tonco, approximately 160 km southwest of the city of Salta"; coordinates given as 25° 23' S, 66° 5' W but map provides more specific location. Coordinates given in Leonardi 1994. Located 25 km SE of Quebrada de La Escalera locality, in Quebrada del Tapón, E of "Don Otto" miner's camp (CNEA)"in the footwall of the Hauptflötzes in Marienschacht on the Krössen in Stadthagen" - from a coal mine, from the Grube Körrssen"in the west end of San Vicente Bay, southwest of Talcahuano" (Chiappe 1991) or "Cliff at west end of Bahía San Vicente, on the southern point of Península Tumbes" (Olson 1992)"inside the campus of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNC) in the city of Neuquén"; discovered during construction for expansion of the university; in hills along SW margin of right bank of Río Neuquén, near confluence with Río Limay"is located in a series of exposures along the drainage of\r\nArroyo Seco, an intermittently flowing tributary of the Rio Chama.""just north of Iddesleigh [basis of coordinate]... on the south side of the Red Deer River, roughly 100 m above river level""located in a series of exposures along the drainage of Arroyo Seco, an intermittently flowing tributary of the Rio Chama."\r\n"near Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, in southeastern China""near the Grapevine Lake Dam Spillway" (basis of coordinate)"near the Gyeongnam Science High School, Jinseong-myeon, Jinji city, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea", Gajinri (= Gajin-ri)"near the top of the Wessex Formation at Barnes High""not far" from Mount Holyoke College, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA. Coordinates for the college. Found in a glacial boulder, supposedly carried only 2-3 miles. Lull (1915): "The parent ledge must lie on the south side of the Holyoke range not more than two or three miles north of the place where the specimen was found.""on Dog Creek, Montana, on the left hand side of the valley about one mile above its mouth" (coordinate based on Dog Creek)"on the east fork of the Little Powder River" according to Knowlton 1909 (p. 204)\r\n"Laramie deposits of Chalk Buttes, near Powderville, Custer County, Montana" according to Hay (1908, p. 229)."on the east side of the Hamilton River, near Hamilton Hotel" in the "North-east paddock of Warra Station" (coordinate based on Warra)"on the south bank of the [Smoky Hill River], about twenty miles east of Fort Wallace" (Coues 1903): this would be very close to Russell Springs (basis of coordinate), which is on the north bank of the river\n\n"Comparison of the locality of the type specimen of Hesperornis regalis (YPM 1200) published by Marsh (1880) with the terrain near present day Russell Springs, Kansas, has identified Goblin Hollow as the probable locality" (Everhart 2011)"right shore of the Tzimlyanskoe Reservoir, Don river, between Rychkovo and the 278 km Station, Surovikinsii District, in the south-west of Volgograd Province" (coordinate based on Tsymlyansk Reservoir)"some distance" from the L bank of the canal passing W of city of Cinco Saltos"well below the 2000' contour" on topo map; Mana Pools Camp, overlooking gorge in Angwa River, downstream of confluence with Maura River, less than 10 miles from the foot of the Zambezi escarpment, Sipololo district (now Mashonaland West), Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).0.25 miles S of UCMP V4214. 20 miles N of Cameron, AZ in the Navajo Indian Reservation. Coordinates from UCMP website.0.5 km NE of Houzhuang village, Xiaguan town, Neixiang county, Xiaguan Basin0.5 miles E of Red Deer River, 3.5 miles S of Steveville, 160 feet above water level; N 1/2, sec 27, T21, R12, LSD 40.5 miles SE of Steveville ferry, 35 feet above Red Deer River0.5 miles from Red Deer River, E side, immediately S of road to Rumsey Ferry, 100 feet above river0.6 km north of Cannonball Creek on land leased by Lyle Tennant from the US Forest Service. SE1/4, NE1/4, NE1/4, NW1/4, sec 32, T135N, R106W, Badland Draw Quadrangle MT-ND, 7.5 minute series, 1:24,000. West of the road, north of Pretty Butte, 29 miles NW of Marmarth, ND.0.7 km S of Tendaguru Hill, between Skeletons A and D0.8 km N of Tendaguru Hill0.9 km E of Tendaguru Hill1 km E of Dhoridungri (= Dholidungri) village. exact coordinate given by Wilson et al. 20101 km ENE of Gaston Quarry, NE of Arches NP1 km ESE of Rancho Corral de Enmedio, Cabulona Basin1 km N of Chuetien (Chutian), Nanxiong1 km N of In Gall, at the foot of the sandy buttes1 km N of Yaotun, Nanxiong1 km NE of Rincón Colorado, W of Saltillo1 km NE of Shawan1 km NNE of Galve, in the slope of a tunnel from Galve to Cañada. UTM 679266, 4503362. Originally named "La Carretera" in 1934 because it was on the old Galve road, then changed by Lapparent to "Las Zabacheras."1 km NNE of Tendaguru Hill1 km NW of Arroyo de Agua, San Juan, Argentina1 km S of Cashen Ranch house, NE 1/4, sec. 32, T4S, R29E, Big Horn Co., MT.1 km S of Gebel el Dist, in the plain at the base of the Baharîje Valley, Baharîje Oasis, near Marsa Matruh, Egypt1 km W of abandoned village of Elesitai, which is 23 km W of Tukemu village, Wulanbuhe Desert (E sector of Alxa Desert), Inner Mongolia1 km east of WPA 1 bonebed; coordinates based on WPA 11 km long exposure, farm Mequatling (278), about 20 km WSW of town of Clocolan, S of road between Clocolan and Excelsior.1 li (0.6 mi) W of Ningchiakou, 39 li (28.3 mi) NW of Mengyinhsien (= Mengyin Xian), Mengyin county, Shantung (Shandong), China1 mi below Munson Ferry, E side of Red Deer River, 100 ft above water level; section 10?, T30, R21, W 4th meridian1.0 km SSE of Tendaguru Hill1.0 km SSW of Tendaguru Hill, near two baobab trees in the Kitukituki streambed1.2 km NNE of Tendaguru Hill1.3 km NE of Tendaguru Hill1.4 km NE of Tendaguru Hill1.5 km E of Alfeizerão church, from an old exploratory coal shaft that opens into a ravine emerging into the plain immediately S of the curve that marks the beginning of the rise on the route to Alcobaça1.5 km S of Nanxiong1.5 km S of Wuliting, near Kanchou (Ganzhou)1.5 km north of Shirkent, near the right bank of the lower Shirkent River, southern slope of the Hissar Mountains. Supposedly in Shirkent National Park, but town is outside park.1.5 km north of the Delaware River Bridge at Milford, Hunderdon County, NJ.1.5 mi S of Fruita, Grand River Valley, Colorado. In NW 1/4, sec 29, T1N, R2W (Ute meridian)1.5 mi S of canal locks, E of canal, on road from Montague City to Grout's Corner; on the Greenfield-Athol Road (road to Boston)1.5 mi S of mouth of Sand Creek, 102 ft above river1.5 mi below Steveville; 40 ft above river, left bank; now in Dinosaur Provincial Park1.5 miles S of Munson Ferry on Red Deer River near Drumheller, Alberta. SW corner of subdivision 6, section 10, T30, R21, W of 4th meridian. Approx. 9.5 miles NW of Drumheller. Horizon is about 80 ft. above river. (Also described as near Bleriot Ferry, about 10 km NW of RTMP.)1.5 miles below U-L cattle ranch, near head and on N side of small draw which empties into Lance Creek from the E1.6 km NE of Blikana trading store, Herschel district, Transkei (now Eastern Cape), South Africa1.6 km S of Otis Chalk Quarry 1. NW corner of sec 87, block 29, near Magnolia no. 1 well, R. Scott lease1.7 km E of administrative office of Longchiaoxiang, NE of Matisi, Anyue Co., SIchuan1.77 km north of US Highway 82 at the Downing Crossroads: SE1/4, NE1/4, NE1/4, Sec 35, T14N, R20E1/3 up slope, SE side of Gebel Ghorâbi, N end of Baharije Oasis1/4 mi. above John Neills Ranch, above 75 ft (23 m) above of river flat (E bank), equivalent to sec 34, T 30, R 21, W of 4th meridian1/4 mile from expedition camp on Horse Shoe Bend, on the Cheyenne River10 km E of Ampho Phu Wiang, about 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, NE Thailand; Khorat plateau. Located a few meters from PW3, the first dinosaur discovery in Thailand.10 km E of Phu Wiang, about 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, NE Thailand. In a forest area.10 km ENE of Cerro Barcino, 50 km north of Los Altares, Paseo de Indios Department; originally described as "approximately between 60° 20' W and 43° 30'", and (on a cadastral survey) in Section B1, fraction D, between lots 2 and 9 (lot 9, league A)10 km NE of Khermeen Tsav I, about 50 km SW of Naran Bulak10 km SW of El Chocón10 km SW of El Chocón, 1 km from holotype site of R. tessonei10 km W of Dzamyn Khond (60 km W of Bulgan Somon and S of the Arts Bogd Ull Mtn.) in the southern Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Coordinates are for Arts Bodg Ull Mtn.10 km W of Hailiutu, Wulatezhongqi (near or the same as Urad Zhongqi)10 km east-southeast of Urho, coordinates are for Urho10 km southwest of El Rosario (basis of coordinate)10 mi E of Camp Crook, area known as the "Jump Off"100 m S of "Camp des deux arbres", 7 km SE of Elrhaz, Gadoufaoua locality, Niger.11 km N of Cañon City, Colorado. NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of sec. 28, T17S, R70W. S end of Garden Park. Site above a cliff on N side of arroyo feeding into Four Mile (= Oil) Creek110 km SE of El Rhaz, just SW of Egaro12 km north of Masan city, southern Gyeongsang Province, South Korea120 km NW of city of Neuquén, in the Auca Mahuida valley125 ft above R bank, Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville13 km S of Huangginqi site, Inner Mongolia, Ordos region. Near villages of Huamuxiao (spelled Muhuaximiao in Russell & Dong 1993) and Amulonggui, 4.1 km W of Duguijiahan and 42 km W of Alucaideng13. 5 mi a little E of S of Manyberries. In SW1/4 of sec 20, T. 3, R. 5, W of 4th meridian.130 km SW from Bayn Shanda (aimak center)14.4 (9 mi.) km E (or NE) of Tsaya, NM (Lull 1933 says 9 mi. NE). Listed as in the NW 1/4 of T22N, R11W.15 km N of Cerro China Muerta, on road halfway between Senillosa and Plottier, 22 km W of Neuquén, close to the L bank of the Río Limay15 km S of Auca Mahuevo sites15 km S of El Chocón15 km S of Villa El Chocón, Neuquén province, Argentina.15 km SE of Tendaguru Hill15 km W of Los Altares, Chubut province15 km W of Tedreft well, on the eastern side of the Oued (Wadi) Timmersöi (= Ti-m-Meghsoi)150 ft above R bank, Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville150 ft above R bank, Sand Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville150 km ESE of Agadez, 25 km E of longitude 9 degrees east, at El Rhaz150 km N of Calama, 50 km E from El Abra copper mine, near village of Conchi Viejo, Atacama Desert. Specimens collected in an area of 2 m2. W side of Domeyko range.150 km NE of Teheran, 4.5 km SE of Zerab locality150 m downstream from Reef Point, on N bank of Peace River150 yards west of Cowlease Chine, Isle of Wight150 yds below Triceratops horridus type site, just below mouth of tributary from N, directly opposite Johnson Brothers' sheep ranch buildings, near "Hatcher Springs", on S side of canyon which enters Buck Creek from W, Converse Co., WY1500 m N of Basturs (Bastús), Barranc de la Costa Gran (= Barranco de Bastús), Orcau commune, presumed to be the same as Lapparent's "Orcau" egg sites16 km NE of Erenhot, 7 km E of Iren Nor salt pan16 km south-east from Pisdura, Wardha Valley, Chadrapur district, Maharashtra state, India. In the Nand-Dongargaon Basin16 mi below Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, 70 ft above river17 miles southwest of Cut Bank2 km N of Centro de Pesquisas Paleontólogicas L. I. Price, Peirópolis2 km N of village of Fox-Amphoux2 km NW of town of Vilquechico2 km S of Itapecuru Fm type section, Itapecuru-Mirim county, Maranhão state, Parnaíba Basin2 km S of Nikol'skoe settlement, Sharypovo District, southern Krasmoyarsk territory, W Siberia. Includes "Stegosaur Quarry" portion of locality.2 km SE of Cinco Saltos cemetery in Cinco Saltos city, NW Río Negro province2 km SE of Trets, at the foot of Mont Olympe, Provence2 km SE of administrative office of Longchiaoxiang, Anyue Co., SIchuan2 km W of Galve in primary red, but shown as E on map in ref 19754, and described as 2.5 km ESE in ref 25010). From the E part of a small crest. Maestrazgo basin, Galve sub-basin, central Iberian Cordillera; original "La Maca" site2 km from Ain Gedid, on W foot of Gebel Harra, near Marsa Matruh, Baharîja Oasis, Egypt.2 km from Ain Gedid, on the western slope of Gebel Harra, near Marsa Matruh, Baharîja Oasis, Egypt.2 li (0.6 mi) W of Ningchiakou, 40 li (28.3 mi) NW of Mengyinhsien (= Mengyin Xian), Mengyin county, Shantung (Shandong), China2 li S of Tachung; 3 km N of Lufeng city, near small village of Shawan2 mi E of Cashen Ranch, probably near YPM 64-23, along E side of Horse Coulée2 mi S of Fruita, CO; 100 feet above Riggs Quarry 12; N of mouth of Wedding Canyon2 mi. below Smith's Ferry, W bank of Connecticut River, near railroad, in Northampton, probably same as 'Northampton, on railroad,' and 'below Smith's Ferry'.2 miles below mouth of Sand Creek/Little Sandhill Creek, R bank, 150 ft above river2 miles east of Lago Colhue Huapi and the head of Chico River, Chubut Province (Prieto-Marquez and Salinas 2010)2 miles south of Doaks Butte, ND2 tracksites2.1 km N of Bluewater Creek Fish Hatchery, Carbon Co.2.3 km NNW of Tendaguru Hill, near Kindope, ca. 400 m S of quarry St2.4 km E of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, section 8, T21, R11, W 4th meridian, near middle of exposures, Dinosaur Provincial Park2.4 km S of Steveville ferry crossing, Dinosaur Provincial Park2.5 km N of Tendaguru, near Kindope, near quarry Y and N of quarry ST (EH)2.5 km SE of bridge over the La Amarga Arroyo on National Route no. 40, Catan Lil department, Neuquén province, close to China Muerta Hill and near the house of Mr. Crespo. Stegosaur cervical from ca. 100 m from type of A. cazaui.2.5 km SW of the Otjihaene-Maparero (= Otji-hina Mapareno) farmhouse, which is 25 km NE of Omburo; near Kalkfeld station on the Otawi train, south past a series of "marble-mountains" and a valley beyond the "Little Etjo."2.5 mi E of Happy Jack Ferry, Red Deer River2.5 miles S of mouth of Berry Creek, 140 feet above river; SE 1/4, sec 21, T21, R12, LSD 42.5 miles SE of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, 160 ft above river; SE 1/4, sec 5, T21, R11, LSD 42.75 mi S of the mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, a tributary of the Red Deer River, 210 ft above river level; SE 1/4, sec 31, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridian2.9 km ENE of Tendaguru Hill20 km SW from Fisque Menuco (General Roca)20 miles northeast of Barun-Bajan-Ula, Uber-Khangai Aimak200 ft above river, E fork, Sand Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville, near C.P.R. house200 ft above river, N fork, Sand Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville200 m north of Gaochufujiang River, bank of Fujiang River, Mt. Gushushan (Gulou Shan), 35 km from Taihezhen Village (Taiho Zhen), north of Zhongqing, NW Hechuan county. Coordinates for Tiahezhen. Ca. 100 m below surface of hill slope.2011 Locality 7, Zuoyun county, Datong city22 km S of Auca Mahuevo sites22 km W of Lufeng by the Kunming-Tali section of the Yunnan-Burma Highway, near Mahuangching, between 4.5-5 km N of Ipinglang along brine conduit from Yuanyungching24 km (15 mi) SE of Moore, 1.6 km (1 mi) N of interstate 70, in the San Rafael Swell desert25 km NE of Jiangjunmiao, Xinjiang25 km NNE of Cerro Cóndor25 km south of Lake Rukwa in the Galula Study Area, Namba Member, Galula Formation, Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania (locality coordinates on file at Ohio University and with the Tanzania Antiquities Unit).25 mi SE of Pryor, MT near Cashen Ranch, probably along Beauvais Creek250 ft above river, N fork, Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville260 m N of a section taken in sec 28, T24S, R6E; at 38° 41' 17.34" N, 111° 15' 41.16" W28 km NE of pueblo of Buen Pasto, in S-central Chubut province280 ft above river, E fork, Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River, 12 mi below Steveville2km SE of Barranc de Torrebilles locality3 km ESE of Aguada de la Peña, Ischigualasto Valley3 km N of Aguada de la Peña, Ischigualasto Valley3 km S of Agrio del Medio, Picunches department (coordinates for Bajada del Agrio), along S bank of Río Agrio, Patagonia3 km W of RTMP; UTM 12U 374600, 57059503 km north of Gebel el Dist, in the plain at the base of the Baharîje Valley, Baharîje Oasis, near Marsa Matruh, Egypt3 mi S of Comanche, near dam across Mercer Creek that formed Lake Eanes, exposed along spillway following May 1925 flood3 mi W of Buffalo Lake, MT, 45 mi W of Sweet Grass, on Blackfeet Indian Reservation3 mi below Bow Island Ferry, South Saskatchewan River3 miles S of Lander, Fremont Co., WY3 miles S of Little Sandhill Creek; SE 1/4, sec 31, T20, R11, LSD 43 miles SW of Little Sandhill Creek; NW 1/4, sec 35, T20, R12, W 4th meridian; UTM = 12 U 460546 E, 5621615N (NAD 83)3 miles SW of mouth of Lightning Creek, Converse Co. (now Niobrara), WY3.1 km N of Tendaguru Hull3.22 km N of Arches National Park boundary, 1.2 km E of Dalton Well, S of US 60 in section 22, T24S, R20E, Grand Co., SE Utah3.3 km north of Leander, South San Gabriel River, Williamson Co.3.5 km E of Gebel el Dist, in the plain at the base of the Baharîje Valley, Baharîje Oasis, near Marsa Matruh, Egypt3.5 mi below Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, 53.4 m above river level, E bank3.7 km ESE of Aguada de la Peña, Ischigualasto Valley3/4 mile east of paratype site (SE part of SW 1/4 of section 26, T4S, R14E, Oklahoma Indian meridian), Atoka County, OK3/4 mile northeast of Foremost, South Alberta30 km NW of Suhongtu, near Ulan Suhai, Alashanzuo Banner, near the boundary of China and Mongolia, in the western part of the Nei Mongol Autonomous Region (aka North Alashan Geological Region); NW of Bayan Mod30 km/18 mi E of Lismas, MT300 m N of tourist office entrance, 500 m N of locality of Villa El Chocón, 2000 meters from the main access to Villa El Chocón town, Department of Confluencia, Neuquén Province, Argentina30°04'04"S, 67°56'11"W; Valle de la Luna, southern Ischigualasto Provincial Park, San Juan,320 m downstream from Ferro Point, on N bank of Peace River35 km N of Jiangjunmiao,S of Kelamailishan Mtns., Jiangjun Gebi, eastern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang350 m from base of the dam at Shangyou reservoir (Shangyou Shiuku), Yongchuan county375 m WSW of Carnegie Quarry, visitors center, Dinosaur National Monument - photo in paper shows site very precisely3km E of Serrat del Rostiar 1 locality4 km ESE of Aguada de la Peña, Ischigualasto Valley4 km N of km 426 (RN 4) on a small road to Tsinjorano, which departs RN 4 about 500 m N of Andranomamy. Site occupies a series of small hills (tanety) of 10-20 m height4 km NW of B'ir Miteur (= Bir Miteur, Gebel Miteur, Jebel Miteur), 28 km NW of Foum Tatahouine4 km NW of Sousa (coordinates for town), N division of Fazenda Ilha; Rio do Peixe Basin; Huene lists state as "Parahyba do Norte"; now part of the Park Vale dos Dinossauros. Incorrectly listed as in Rio Grande del Norte by Huene 1930.4 km west-northwest of the village of Cerro Cóndor4 mi SW of Kimbetoh (Kimbeto), Ah-shi-sle-pah Wash4 miles SW of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River4 miles above Tolman Ferry, Red Deer River, Alberta; 50 ft above river4.1 km north (2.5–3 mi. upstream) of Tarpley, Hondo Creek, Bandera Co.4.75 km SE of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, Dinosaur Provincial Park4.8 km NW of Iddesleigh, Alberta.4.8 km west of Blanco near FMR 1623 and 1888, Blanco Co.40 km SW of Grand Prairie, NW Alberta; 10 m above creek bed and 1.1 km upstream from Pipestone Creek County Park campground and the confluence with the Wapiti River. Also exposed 120 m downstream of main site on W bank of creek. Sec. 14, T70N, R8W, 6th meridian400 m S of Tendaguru Hill, Tendaguru Plateau45 km N of Tashkent, 10-12 km north of the Dzhilga (=Zhilga, Djilga), Syuk-Syuk wells in the south of the Chimkent region450 m SW of original Howe Q, on Howe Ranch456920 N, 5622350E (NAD 27 datum) = S5, T21, R11, W of 4 (also listed as 465950mE, 5622350mN)5 km N of Cerro Cóndor locality, W of Farias store, Chubut province, Argentina.5 km SE of ACC Cement Quarry, NW part of town of Balasinor5 km SW of El Chocón, Dept. Confluencia, Neuquén province, Patagonia, Argentina5 km W of Avelino site, Cabo Espichel region, S of Lisboa5 km W of the Royal Tyrrell Museum; UTM 12U, 372125 E, 5708055 N5 km from El Ceibal, Candelaria department, Salta province, within the property of Don Fidel Leal and in the vicinity of (R side of) the Arroyo El Morterito. Coordinates are for El Ceibal. At the foot of the Sierra de Candelaria or Castillejo (also described as 10 km SE of El Ceibal), on the Potrero del Nogalito.5 mi. NE of Elkader, Logan Co.5 miles NW of Scollard, SW 1/4, sec 33, T34N, R21W, W 4th meridian500 m S of Tendaguru Hill, on the Tendaguru plateau55 acre tract on NE side of Riker Hill, in Roseland, owned by Walter Kidde Company, Inc. Park area (17 acres within Riker Hill site) donated to Essex Co as parkland in 1977.56 fossil-bearing localities - preliminary analysis underway; Berivotra study area6 km N of Estancia "Ochos Hermanos", Sierra de San Bernardo, W of Lago Musters, S-central Chubut province; facing Bajo Guadaloso6 km N of Estancia "Ochos Hermanos", Sierra de San bernardo, W of Lago Musters, S-central Chubut province; 150 m from type sites of Epachthosaurus and Xenotarsosaurus6 km WNW of Aguada de la Peña, 200 m right of dry river bed of Arroyo de la Pintada, Ischigualasto Valley6 mi above Sand Creek6 miles W of Morrin6.5 km W of Candelária, 100 m S of RS 287 (state hwy)60 km west of Hudson's Hope on the west side of Carbon Creek, 900 m south of Little Carbon (Indian) Creek in the northwestern end of a campsite for Utah Coal Exploration.7 km northeast of the Village of Foremost7 mi NW of Morrin, 20 ft above Red Deer River; sec 28, T31, R21, W 4th meridian7 mi. W, 2 mi. N of Morrin, Alta, sec. 28, T. 31, R. 21, on old Joe’s place…E side of river about 50 ft above the water.”; “2 mi up river from Starland Rec Area (east side)”7 miles north of Jenner7 miles north of Sheldon's Ranch7.5 mi SW of Morrin75 feet above Red Deer River, 1.5 miles below mouth of Sand Creek, 0.5 miles W of river8 km NNE of Study Butte\n"bone-bearing deposit ranges up to 10 m wide"8 km S of El Chocón8 miles E of Iren Dabasu (= Ehrlien)8.5 miles E of Iren Dabasu telegraph station8.5 miles E of Iren Dabasu telegraph station, SW of quarry 14980 km N of Karmakchi (Dzhusaly station), along road to Karsakpai, central Kazakhstan80 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ, at West Moenkopi Plateau on the Ward Terrace. Within the Navajo Indian Reservation, about 10 km SW of Sand Springs, AZ. Locality is about 0.5 km SE of Rock Head (topographic feature).9 km SE of Huff9 mi SW of Warren Post Office, Niobrara Co., WY9.6 mi (16 km) S of Shawmut (km and mi reversed in text)90-110 km NW of San Luis, near where San Luis, Mendoza, and San Juan provinces meet, in the Sierra de las Quijadas90-95 km NW of Neuquén, N coast of Lago Barreales?NE 1/4, sec 20, T5S, R28E; approx 8 mi S of Cashen Ranch house and 1.5 mi W of Thor K. Lande Ranch, on Push Creek; locality uncertain but photo and notes indicate W end of outcrop in this areaA quarry E of Bletchingdon (= Bletchington, old Kirtlington) Station, near Enslow Bridge, National Grid Reference SP 484 182, about 8 mi (12.9 km) N of Oxford, along Lince LaneA quarry at Huangsha village, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province. A small quarry opened in a hillside about 1.6 km south of Goldsboro, York County, PA.ACC Cement Quarry, NNW of town of BalasinorAbout 1 mile N of Keet Seel Ruin on W side of Keet Seel Canyon, the N branch of Segi Canyon (= To'-wan'-aho'-che Creek), about 14 miles by trail NW of Marsh Pass on the Kayenta-Tuba City Road, Navajo Indian Reservation, AZ. Note that stated coordinates list the longitude as "E" but this is obviously in error.About 100 ft. N of the south line, SE1/4, SE1/4, sec. 19; 19 mi S of Little Bow River Pachyrhinosaurus type locality.About 15 km S and 14 km W of Figuerola, south-central Pyrenées, along Ager syncline, Cataluna province, Spain. Camarasa 6, Fontllonga.About 5 miles S of the Wood Ranch headquaters, sec. 36, T24N, R12W. This is in the headwaters of Coal Creek, most likely in the vicinity of sections 23 to 26, T23N, R12W.\r\nAccording to Kues et al. 1977 the site is 6.5 miles north of Wood Ranch.About halfway up Dead Lodge Canyon (ca. 200 ft. from top), 0.5 mi. below Happy Jack Ferry, on the Red Deer River. \r\n\r\nAn exact location including latitude, longitude, and elevation were given in Currie and Russell (2005) but Darren Tanke (pers. comm., 2010) believes this is not the Scolosaurus quarry which may actually be a different quarry lying near the base of the Dinosaur Park Formation (Paul, 2013)Abra El Zunchal, north of Puente Morales, Las Conchas River valley, Salta provinceAguada Grande, 15 km S of Plaza Huincul, Neuquén province, ArgentinaAin MurûnAixheim, near Neuhaus, in RottweilAlam Kali Kakor locality, Vitakri area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, BalochistanAlgoa Basin, ca. 5 km W of Kirkwood (based on map in ref 13821)Along Kikak Creek near where it empties into the Colville River; about 80 km upriver from Liscomb Quarry.\r\nThe Kikak-Tegoseak Quarry is located in the extensive exposures of the Prince Creek Formation along bluffs bordering the Colville River, North Slope Borough, Alaska, USAAlong Medveditsa River bank 3.5 km east of Melovatka village, northern part of Volgograd. Zhirnovskii District, 2 km east of the village of Melovatka.Along the western shore of the reservoirAltan Ula II, W of Nemegt, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)Altan Ula III, 40 km W of Nemegt, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)Altan Ula IV - no specifics given, 50 km W of Nemegt, OmnogovAltan Ula IV, 40 km W of NemegtAlvincz, NE of Hateg, near Vintu de JosAmpho Phu Wiang, about 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, NE Thailand. "This site was discovered in 1991 by John and Moo Lek. They were looking for a new locality after a lightning struck near them while they were working at site 1." (Martin et al., 1999:86)Amtgai (Amtgay), approximate location NW of Bayshin Stav used for coordinatesAn apparently vague locality definition, that might also include the site referred to as 'Khermeen-Tsav 2' and the surrounding area.Ankylosaur Flats, Ukhaa Tolgod, Gurvan Tes Somon, Omnogov Aimak, Mongolia. Includes "Big Mamma" sublocalityAnttully PlateauAntully plateauAntully plateau, NE edge of Massif CentralApache Canyon, eastern Quay CountyApprox. 100 km SE of San Fernando, VI Region. Tracks are 100 m NE of Termes del Flaco. N side of Tinguiririca River. 138 km from Santiago by road.Approx. 3 km northeast of the famous Sihetun Locality in Beipiao, Liaoning Province of northeast China.Approximately 12 Km SW of the city of Monte Alto, western São PauloApproximately 45 km southwest of the town of Jordan, Garfield County, MT, USA. ROM 53665 from same deposit, but 0.6 km awayApproximately 5km northwest of the John Wodarz Bridge, in badlands exposures of the Judith River Formation outcropping along the north side of the Milk River Drainage near the City of Havre, Montana (Section 35, Township 33N, Range 15E).\r\n\r\n(Coordinates guessed at from map in Figure 1.)Arches National Park near Moab, Utah "Lower Cedar Mountain Formation on the south rim of Doelling's Bowl"Around Rajulwari village, N of Umrer (Umred)Arrived at Tugrikin Shire. The group set the camp on the top of pediment, 26.2 km from Bulgan. N: 44-13-58.3; E: 103-17-19.5; A: 1085 mArrived at Tugrikin Shire. The group set the camp on the top of pediment, 26.2 km from Bulgan. N: 44-13-58.3; E: 103-17-19.5; A: 1085 m\r\nBy short searching, Protoceratops skeletons and isolated skulls were found. This area rich in fossils was named as Tugrikin Shire - II (TS-H) in 1993.Arroyo Seco, Rio Arriba Co.Arroyo Seco, S region of Cerro Guillermo, Malargüe dept., Mendoza province, ArgentinaArtsa Bogdo, Oshih Basin (Ashile)At Devil's Coulee, near Warner AlbertaAt Devil's Coulee, near Warner, AlbertaAt Devil's Coulee, near Warner, Alberta.At the State Correctional Institution at Graterford, Pa.Auca Mahuevo, near Mina La Escondida, NE corner of Neuquén province, Argentina.Aude Valley, CorbièresAuvringhen, commune of Wimille, near Boulogne-sur-MerB27, near Gingama (see Stockley 1932. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 88:610)Baal Quarry, Loma de La Lata area, near the northern coast of Lago Los Barreales, 12 km south of Anelo city; coordinates based on map in Porfiri et al. (2011: fig. 1)Baerecke-Limpricht birck-clay pit, a little S of HalberstadtBaicaigou (= Baitaigou), Toutai, approx. 11 km N of Yizhou, Jinzhou region, western Liaoning; Jinzhou city, Yixian countyBaidian Village, Dongyang City, Zhejiang ProvinceBajo de Santa Rosa locality, 09 km SW from Lamarque, near "El Matuasto" ranch post, S central Río Negro province.\r\nDifferent coordinates given in ref 29129: 39° 54' 28" S, 66° 34' 57" W. \r\nDifferent coordinates again given in Apesteguia & Jones (2012): 39° 46' 53.65" S, 66° 33' 44.5" W, and given under the name "Cerro Bonaparte" (which is a different PBDB collection), but this is certainly the same locality based on comparison of the occurrence record.Balde de Leyes, Marayes Basin, NW ArgentinaBan Tâng Vai, Savannakhet provinceBanqing Houshanliangzi of Jiangyi, N of Yuanmou city, Yuanmou administrative unit (county), Yunnan provinceBar-le-Duc, Dept. MeuseBara Simla, Jabalpur CantonmentBarkley East map, farm Upper DrumboBaroch Nala, Malakhel area, Mianwali district; Surghar RangeBarrel Springs area, San Juan County (T24N, R11W)Barrow-on-Soar (Barrow-Upon-Soar), Leicestershire, England.Based on Figure 1 in Jasinski and Sullivan (2011)Based on Figure 1.Based on Google Earth co-ordinate for ChuxiongBased on Google Earth landmark for The Blues, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Located in low hills W of overlook at 20.5 mi. E of Tropic on SR 12.Based on Google Earth location of the town Linhe from which the taxon name partially derives.Based on Google Earth location of the town of Linhe for which teh taxon is partially named.Based on Google Earth placemark for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. NOTE: There is no reason to believe that the two ceratopsian specimens were collected from the same locality.Based on Google Earth placemark for Jingyan, Sichuan.Based on coordinates for SMP Loc. 319. Located in the East Branch of Hunter Wash, in the Bist/De-na-zin WildernessBased on location for "Horse Mountain" within GSENM in Google Earth.Basségat, near Fox-Amphoux, Fox-Amphoux Syncline, VarBayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia, ChinaBayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia, China.Bayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi banner, Bayan Nor league, Inner Mongolia, ChinaBayn Dzak (= Bain Dzak, Shabarak Usu), OmnogovBayn Dzak (= Shabarak Usu), OmnogovBayn Dzak (= Shabarakh Usu), OmnogovBayshin-Tsav, in SE MongoliaBeagle Pit, Hartwell, near AylesburyBeipiao area, near Sihetun, western LiaoningBeishan Quarry, Boluochi, Chaoyang County, Liaoning, NE ChinaBellevue, Campagne-sur-AudeBibury, near Cirencester, GloucestershireBig Bend NP, Brewster Co., W of WPA Quarry L1, NW of Talley Mtn., S side of Glenn Spring/Castalon RoadBig Bend NP, Brewster Co., near quarries WPA 1 & 3, NW of Talley Mtn.Bincombe railway cutting, a few miles SSW of DorchesterBl. 7917/34 750 54 279Black Horse Quarry, Tetham Hill, 1.5 mi SE of BattleBlack Ven landslip (landslide), between Charmouth and Lyme RegisBlackall, E-central QueenslandBlackgang Chine, Isle of WightBlainville, near LunévilleBlancafort, Ager synclineBleriot Ferry, Drumheller Valley; Horsethief Canyon, northern portion, along trail to TMP Day Digs bonebed excavationBlikana MountainBois de la Penthière, near Louppy-le-Château, Meuse dept., GaultBolney, SussexBolor's Hill, approximately 5 km away from the main Ukhaa Tolgod exposure. See Ukhaa Tolgod, coll. 37184.Bor Guvé (= Bur Gove), Dornogov Aimag, MongoliaBor Kali Kakor locality, Vitakri area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, BalochistanBou LaalouBradford-on-Avon, WilsthireBrixton (Brighstone) BayBrook Chine, Isle of WightBrosses-Thillot, northeastern border of Massif Central, Côte-d'Or, France, several km S of Mont Saint-Vincent and N of ClunyBruns Quarry, NettelstedtBug Creek 7 1/2 minute Quadrangle, NE 1/4 of section 5, Township 22N, Range 43E, approx. one mile east of Fort Peck Reservoir and 1.5 miles northwest of the Bug Creek Anthills locality. The lat long is for the Fort Peck Reservoir.Bugin Tsav (= Bügin Tsav), SW MongoliaBugin Tsav (= Bügin Tsav, Bugin-Tsab), SW MongoliaBugin Tsav, South Gobi Aimak (= Omnogov), southwest MongoliaBuriol ravine (29°3930.78"S; 53°2608.97"W) (Cabreira et al. 2016)Bushmans River, near Woodbury Farm, Algoa Basin, Cape Province; probably one of the eroded gullies near the common boundary of the modern farms at Bushmans River and Hillneck, about 1.6 km S of Dassies KlipBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. NE 1/4, sec 32, T4S, R29E; 0.75 mi SSW of Cashen Ranch houseBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. NW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 0.25 mi S of Cashen Ranch houseBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. NW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 0.25 mi SE of Cashen Ranch houseBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. NW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 0.25 mi SSE of Cashen Ranch houseBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. NW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 0.5 mi SE of Cashen Ranch houseBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. SE 1/4, sec 32, T4S, R29E; 1.25 mi SSW of Cashen Ranch houseBuster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. SW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 1 mi S of Cashen Ranch house, 350 yds E of YPM 64-17Buster Creek, Cashen Ranch, Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana. SW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 1.25 mi SSW of Cashen Ranch houseBustingorry's farm, 3 km NW of Villa El ChocónBylot Island, off the northern end of Baffin Island in Nunavut Territory, CanadaCGH Section, SE of Nanxiong, NE Nanxiong BasinCGL-CGW Section, SE of Nanxiong, NE Nanxiong BasinCGP Section, Mashi area, Shixing County, NE Nanxiong BasinCGT-CGF Section, S of Feng-Men-Ao village, SW of county seat, NE Nanxiong BasinCGY-CGD Section, S of Datang village, near Wujing, NE Nanxiong BasinCIT locality 3361, in the Panoche-Tumey HillsCIT locality 3571, in the Panoche-Tumey HillsCabotville, 1 mi S of Chicopee, in quarry on E side of road to SpringfieldCactus Park area, near Grand JunctionCactus Park, ca. 29 KM S of Grand Junction, Mesa Co. ColoradoCal Fontanet, SE of SallentCalico Gulch Quarry at Lily Park, 195 miles from Dry Mesa Quarry, Moffat Co.Cambelas, near Torres Vedras, 37 km N of LisbonCanadian Creek, Hill County, MT.Canal du Der, S of Saint-DizierCancha de Bochas, Valle Pintado, southern outcrops of Ischigualasto Fm.Cap de la Hève, Bléville, Seine-MaritimeCap de la Hève, Bléville, Seine-Maritime, Le HavreCap/Cabo Mondego, 2 km N of BuarcosCape Lamb, SW Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Western Antarctica\r\nexact coordinate given in supplement of Clarke et al. (2005)Carentain basin, W of Caen, SE of Cotentin peninsula, NormandyCarl Nielsen's sand pit, near Robbedale, SW Bornholm IslandCarrière de la Compagnie Solvay (Solvay Company quarry), Damparis, near Dôle, JuraCasa de Piedra, Estancia MaquinchaoCañada del Pichanal, in the southern end of Mendoza Province, near the Río Colorado and very close to Neuquén ProvinceCañadón Grande, Departamento Paso de Indios, Chubut province, Patagonia, Argentina. Huene (1929) gave the coordinates as 44°30' S, 'slightly east' of 70°W, but also 'not very far from Gaiman', which according to Rauhut is over 50 km away. This large canyon is likely in the region of Laguna del Mate and Manantial Pelado. Listed coordinates are estimated from map as 20 km W of this lake.Cañadón Las Leoneras, S of Cañadón del Zaino (both flow into the L bank of the Río Chubut), SE of Sierra de Taquetrén, central PatagoniaCañadón de Aguada Grande, Rincón de los Sauces area, N part of Neuquén provinceCentral Cliffs of KhlusanCentral Sayr, Nemegt locality, Nemegt basin, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)Cerin-Marchamp community (Ain), old Cerin Quarry, locality no. 5Cerrito del Bote islet, SW end of Ezequiel Ramos Mexía artificial lake, 600 m NE of Peninsula Nueva, 15 km E of Picún Leufu, NeuquénCerrito del Bote islet, SW end of Ezequiel Ramos Mexía artificial lake, 600 m NE of Peninsula Nueva, 15 km E of Picún Leufú, NeuquénCerro Baya Mesa, 30 km S of Plaza HuiculCerro Cóndor locality, close to (but not at) an old excavation siteCerro Cóndor, 15 km west of the Farias store, and 1 km E of the villa of Cerro Cóndor, Chubut province, Argentina. "On the banks on the right of the river."Cerro Fortaleza, east bank of Río La Leona, between Lago Argentino and Lago Viedma, Santa Cruz Province, south-western Patagonia, Argentina (coordinates on file at MPM).Cerro La Torre site, 600 m S of Quebrada Norte quarry, near the Paso de las Bardas oil baseCerro Los Hornos, La Leona, southern coast of Viedma Lake, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaCerro Overo, 40 km southwest of Rincón de los SaucesChaaft, ca. 50 km E of Amadel N'GhioulChamrin-Us (= Gashunu-Chuduk), southeastern Gobi, 160 km SE from city of Sain-Chandi, on NW side of Barun-Chadun-Chiar butteChangma, Jiuquan areaChangu areaChangxi, Pingxiang cityChaoyang County, Liaoning Province, northeastern China; Jehol Group. The specimen was collected by local farmers and, therefore, its precise geographic and stratigraphic location remains unclear.Chaoyang area of Liaoning Province, NE ChinaChawley Brick Pit, Hurst Hill, Cumnor Hurst, 2.5 miles WSW of Oxford center, England (National Grid reference SP 475 043)Chengguan, TiantaiChesterfield coal mine, at Sego (formerly Ballard), in Sego Canyon, about 8 mi N of Thompson Springs. Old Ballard mine, then American Fuel Company, then Chesterfield. Located on the Denver and Rio Grande RR.Chiangchialing, Laiyang - location estimatedChilton, Isle of WightChimney Butte 7.5'Chitake River, central Zambezi Valley, 80 km W of Maura River localityChungchai, Kangsien, GansuClarens mapClark quarry, near Milford, Hunterdon Co., NJ. About 0.5 mi E of Smith Clark quarry.Clay pit at the Buchenbühl Hill, 2 km S of Heroldsberg, near Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Middle Franconia, Bavaria. Dorn (1930) thought that the site was actually between Heroldsberg and Günthersbühl, rather than the clay pit at Buchenbühl (as claimed by Blanckenhorn, 1897).Cliffs and beach just south-southeast of Paddy Island, Kings County, Nova Scotia.Co-ords based on Shantou Town (Wikipedia)Coastal exposers of the Jingdong Formation, Silbawi section, middle bird track horizon, near Dukmyeongri, Koseong-gun (Goseong), Kyeongsangnam Province, KoreaCoastal exposers of the Jingdong Formation, Silbawi section, upper bird track horizon, near Dukmyeongri, Koseong-gun (Goseong), Kyeongsangnam Province, KoreaCodó-Culles, E of Mas de Pinyes and W of Coll de NargóColl de Jou, Vallcebre SynclineCollected in the Kayenta Formation near the base of Rock Head (Rock Head Quadrangle, U.S.G.S. 7.5' series), on land of the Navajo Nation, northeastern Arizona.Collected two miles from AMNH site at Cashen Ranch. SE 1/4, sec 32, T4S, R29E, 1.25 mi SSW of Cashen Ranch House, 400 yds W of road.Collected two miles from AMNH site at Cashen Ranch. SE 1/4, sec 32, T4S, R29E, 1.25 mi SSW of Cashen Ranch House, close to OU 40-11.Collection is believed to be from Quarry 137, however the exact origin is not known. Not the same as Quarry 137 in Danis (1986)Combebelle, VillespassansComo BluffComo Bluff, near Medicine BowConquès, SE of Orcau, 2 km S of Figuerola and along the Rio Conques, R bank, where it is crossed by a high-tension line to BarcelonaConstruction site of the G15w Expressway (Shangsan), beside the factory of the Zhejiang InBev Shiliang Beer Co. Ltd., TiantaiCoordinates are VERY generalCoordinates are for Niobrara County only; scale refers to size of site itself (0.5 km^2)Coordinates based on nearby town of Dzun-Bayan, Southeastern Gobi, MongoliaCoordinates based on nearby town of Hach'on. Gyeongsang Basin.Coordinates based on nearby town of Seonso. On Deokryang Bay, Bibongri coast.Coordinates based on nearby town of Tongmyong-ni.Gyeongsang Basin.Coordinates estimated from map in Figure 1. From Yangjiagou Town, near the Yongjing-Lintao county border, in the Lanzhou-Minhe BasinCoordinates given by Bonaparte et al. (2010); slightly different sets of coordinates given for the same locality in different papers. Quarry for road metal located 1.5 km NE from the city of Faxinal do Soturno. Langer et al. (2007) refer to this locality as "Linha São Luiz". Coordinates taken from collection # 52468, near Dry Island, AlbertaCoordinates taken from collection #52468, near Dry Island, AlbertaCorwsnest Pass; sec. 32, T 7 N, R 1 W, 5th meridianCrawford Ranch, between Fish Creek and Mud Creek, about 29 km SE of Harlowton, Wheatland County, MT.Cream Ridge Marl Company, estimated near site of Cream Ridge, NJ, north of Hornerstown, though one source places it on the Hornerstown-Arneytown Rd, SW of this point. Upper Freehold Township.Cripple Creek, near OnefourCrooked Creek, 130 miles NW of Miles CityCuckfield Quarry, Tilgate Forest, West SussexCuckfield, Sussex, England. Includes "the locality whence the first tooth of the genus was obtained by Dr. Mantell, about 1820", Cuckfield, Sussex, England."Cuesta Lonsal fossil site, close to Galve (Teruel, Spain)Culles-les-Roches quarry, Côte-Châlonnais, Bourgogne regionCulpeper Crushed Stone Quarry, near Stevensburg, S of Lake CulpeperCut no. 45, km 15 (numbered from Adamantina to Paulicea), municipality of Pacaembú Paulista, W part of São PaoloDabangou village, Sihetun Area, near Beipiao CityDachengzi town, Kazuo county, western Liaoning, Harqin Left Mongol Autonomous CountyDafang Basin, North GuizhouDalishu bonebed, near Dalishu village, Konglongshan town, Lufeng county, YunnanDana Quarry, near Ten Sleep; NW 1/4, SW 1/4, sec 6, T48N, R89W (title incorrectly states Big Horn Co.)Dangers Hoek (Dangershoek)Daohugou, Ningcheng county, eastern Nei Mongol (west of Liaoning province), northeastern China. 41°18.979 N, longitude 119°14.318EDapingcun village, Shuikou commune - NOTE: site placement estimated based on coincident locations of towns of Daping and Shuikou in Guangdong province; NEEDS TO BE REFINEDDapingfang, Chaoyang County, western Liaoning (30 km southwest of Chaoyang City), different from Shangheshou (but listed as same site in ref 26670Darwaza-Gumbrak locality (Nala locality), Nahar Kot area, Central Sulaiman Range (Dhaola), Barkhan District, BalochistanDashanpu Dinosaur Quarry, 10 km NE of Zigong, Sichuan Basin/Province, China. Near Heping.Dashanpu quarry, 10 km NE of Zigong, Sichuan, ChinaDashi village, suburb of Nanning city, near Youjiang RiverDaston (= Duston?)Davenport Ranch, 14.4 km southwest of Bandera on West Verde Creek, Medina Co.Dawson Creek area, Big Bend National ParkDaxia (possibly near Bingling Temple), SE Lanzhou BasinDaxishan fossil site, Longlongta town, Jianchang county; section extends from 40° 51' 45" N, 119° 59' 59" E (240 m asl) to 40° 52' 20" N, 119° 59' 03" E (309m asl).Del Monte mines, N of BullfrogDelunshan (Dlunshan, Delun Mountain), Dsungar (Junggar) basin, near WuerhoDelunshan, Junggar BasinDenazin Wash (SMP loc. 884b)Detailed locality data on file at the Royal Ontario Museum. UALVP 54559 was found on the north side of the Red Deer River, approximately 1 km east of‘Happy\r\nJack’s cabin’Dholidanti, near DohadDholiya, near the Hathi RiverDinosaur Cove East, Dinosaur Cove, VictoriaDinosaur Provincial Park, probably near Steveville ferry crossing, below Berry CreekDinosaur Provincial Park; LSD 14, sec 10, T12, R11, W 4th meridianDinosaur Provincial Park; SE 1/4, sec 29, T21, R12, LSD 4Dinosaur State Park, Rocky Hill, CT; site comprises two tracksites, separated but probably on the same bedding plane. Originally the site of an excavation of a new basement for a State Highway Dept. research laboratory on West St. near the State Veterans Hospital.Dinosaur Valley State Park, includes three nearby sites at same level: Blue Hole, Blue Hole Ballroom, and Blue Hole ParlorDirty Devil River ValleyDiscovered during construction on the building site of the No. 3 high school of GanxianDiscoveries came from large quarry or chain of quarries, but locality data is imprecise. Most collections likely came from the "Heslacher Wand" cliff face at the mouth of the Nesnbach Valley to the east of Heslach. This large outcrop runs today for more than 200 metres from northwest to southeast (see Hungerbühler 1998: 380–383). Gauß-Krüger coordinates given by Hungerbühler (1998) are R 351058 H 540260. Note that this is distinct from the "Billert" quarry near Heslach that yielded abundant material of Aetosaurus. Note also that some of the specimens included here were listed by Hungerbühler (1998) as "Heslach or Kaltental". Dominguez/Jones Quarry Pit 1, above confluence of Big and Little Dominguez Creeks, T14S R98W (N. Mex. principal meridian), Mesa Co., Colorado; E slope of Uncompaghre Plateau; ca. 1000 ft. above river. Pits 1 and 2 are 300 yes apart, and considered together as one site. Directions given in ref 62833 (Newell 1973).Douar of Tazouda, near village of Toundoute, High AtlasDreuilhe anticline, on N edge of village of Lavelanet, NE of hamlet of Gabre (but map shows it to be within Dreuilhe on the Rue du Gabre), from the property of Mr and Mme Varin. Lambert coordinates: x = 4° 7' 30", y = 47° 54' 54"Dry Sandford/Great Sandford, near AbingdonDujia Commune, Rongxian Co.Durdham Down locality at Quarry Steps, off Belgrave Terrace, Clifton, Redland, Bristol. Grid reference ST 572747. Described in Buckland 1824 as "by the turnpike-gate on Derdham Down"Durdlestone (Durlston) Bay, SwanageDurdlestone (Durlston) Bay, Swanage; exact site of quarry no longer knownDurham Downs, near Roma, SW Queensland. Found near the bank of a small gully running into Eurombah Creek (tributary of Dawson River). About 1/4 mi. on S side of Eurombah Creek on Grazing Farm 1352A, Roma district, portion 1v, parish of Narran, Aberdeen county. Now called Taloona Station. Listed as 26°05±3'S, 149°03±3'E in Rich 1996. ca. 4 mi. NW of Durham Downs Homestead.Durlston (Durdlestone) Bay, Isle of Purbeck, DorsetDurlston Bay, near Swanage, Dorset, England (coordinates for Swanage); high in cliffDzarakuduk areaDzhiddasai, about 3.5 km SW of Taskumyr (also listed as 5 km W), N FerganaDzhyrakuduk (Dzharakuduk), near Bukhara, central Kyzylkum DesertDzhyrakuduk (Dzharakuduk), near Bukhara, central Kyzylkum Desert, 50 km W of Bukan-tau. "Dzharakuduk II" is a complex of sites within an overall outcrop; this locality includes specimens not assigned to individual sites within the complex.Dzhyrakuduk (Dzharakuduk), near Bukhara, central Kyzylkum Desert, 50 km W of Bukantau. Refers to Bissekty materials that were not assigned to a particular specific locality within DzharakudukE 1/2 of NE 1/4 of sec. 17, T22N, R77W, Como BluffE 1/2 of border between sec 5, T21, R11 and sec 32, T20N, R11W; SE of mouth of Little Sandhill CreekE 1/2, NW corner, Sec 23, T50N, R14W, Montrose Co., Colorado; also listed as "Mesa County, 35 miles west of Delta, Colorado" (ref 12262). Quarry on E rim of canyon of the E fork of Escalante Creek, on W slope of Dry Mesa, in the SE corner of Mesa Co.E foot of Gebel el Dist, in the plain at the base of the Baharîje Valley, Baharîje Oasis, near Marsa Matruh, EgyptE of Judith River, ca. 8 km WSW of Winifred, MT, in sec 1, T20N, R17EE of Kenton, Cimarron Co. On Hwy 64, about 100 yds E of bridge crossing Carrizo Creek, 10 mi E of NM-OK lineE of Tendaguru, in a small streambed on the path to MtapaiaE of U/L Ranch, between Lance Creek and Buck CreekE of highway, 10 km S of Chiangchun miao (Jiangjunmiao), Chitai (Qitai). Also listed as Jiangjunggobi, northern Qitai county, but should be same site as taxa are the same.E of the small village of Lehmahagen near Grimmen, approx.. 20 km W of Greifswald, Röstock district, eastern Germany.E part of Como BluffE part of Garden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO. General vicinity of DeWeese QuarryE part of Lanzhou Basin, Quarry 2, near Liujiaxia (Liujia Gorge) along Yellow RiverE part of Lanzhou Basin, Quarry 2, near Liujiaxia (Liujia Gorge) along Yellow River; beside the G75 Highway and less than a kilometer from the quarries of Daxiatitan and Huanghetitan liujiaxiaensisE shore of Elephant Butte Reservoir, 1.1 km N of Kettle Top Butte, 33° 14' 32"N, 107° 8' 59"WE side (also "south end") of Garden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO. On property owned by the Diamond Fire Brick CompanyE side of Ferro Point, Peace River Canyon area. Includes at least five subsites: IIIa, b, c, d, eE side of Lance Creek, on gently sloping hillside, about 0.25 mi. from creek and directly opposite the mouth of Lightning CreekE side of Red Deer River, below mouth of Berry CreekE slope of Mt. Tom uplift, E bank of Connecticut River, opposite Smith's Ferry, in South HadleyE slope of Mt. Tom uplift, W bank of Connecticut River (sometimes listed as E), N of road, in NorthamptonE slope of Mt. Tom uplift, W bank of Connecticut River; between ridges of trap near Ashael Lyman's, in Northampton; now the Dinosaur Footprint Reservation; near retaining wall for Rte 5East Canyon, San Juan Co., southeastern UT. Approx. 8 mi. from CO border.East Texas State locality 36, on Woodson property, 100 m upstream from "a bridge on an unnamed and unnumbered county road", approx. 1 km E of Gober, Fannin Co., TX, on "an unnamed tributary of the North Sulphur River", (Gober 7.5' quadrangle).East end of Lungkuchian (Longgujian) gully between Xi-jian-dun (Hsichiantun) and Ge-gou (Kokou, Kugou) in the district of Lübiao (Lüpiao) CommuneEast side of Red Deer River at mouth of Berry Creek; exact locality unknownEhrchuanshan, about 12 li NE of LufengEidsbotn graben on Devon Island, Nunavut in the Canadian High ArcticEl Mirador, Coll de Nargó synclineEl Oterillo, 2.5 km NW of Salas de los Infantes, in the area between the communities of Barbadillo del Mercado, La Revilla-Ahedo, and Pinilla de los MorosEl Salgar de Sillas (= Los Campos I), Soria. Near the Rio Cidacos. 100 m from La Revilleja tracksite.Els Nerets, Vilamitjana, Tremp BasinEls Terrers, E of MaçanersEly, CambridgeshireEmbira-Branca hills, near Coração de Jesus city, northern Minas Gerais; Sanfranciscana BasinEmei tracksite, Xingfu cliff (Xingfuya), ChuanzhuEnserris, SW of Coll de NargóErhlien, Iren DabasuErhlien, Iren Dabasu, 8 miles S of Telegraph StationEshan county, Yunnan, Dianzhong BasinEstancia "Las Overas", about 8 km E of Plaza HuinculEstancia Pocho Sastre, near Bajada Moreno, Telsen Department, Chubut Province, Patagonia, ArgentinaEstimated from map provided by Lü (2010) and Google EarthExact locality unknown, but from the La Tordolla area, in the Vereda Monquira, northeast of Villa de Leiva town, Department of Boyaca, Ricaurte Province, ColombiaExact location is uncertain due to conflicting descritptions and all that can be said is it is probably somwhere in the Riedenburg-Kelheim area.Exact location is unknown but is near Rutherford, NJ. Apparently the locality was on the east side of the ridge that underlies the towns of Lyndhurst and Rutherford.F. C. H. Heye (Schauenstein) glassworks quarry, Bückeburg, ca. 1.5 km SE of Obernkirchen, Westphalia; UTM R: 3509887, H: 5791918Faidella, Tremp Basin - based on the Coll de la Faidella in Isona, E of AbellaFako, ESE of In GallFalatsaFangshan, Tiantai CountyFanying, Yangcheng, Xixia basinFazenda Estreito (Farm), 6.5 km NE of Sousa, road to Serrote Verde, 240-250 m elevation, N limit of Rio do Peixe basin; Sousa municipalityFengguang area, near Heyuan city, Heyuan BasinFenghe village, Zhonghe, Yungyin County, Dianzhong Basin, central YunnanField locality 94, 2000 Expedition to Niger, Gadoufaoua, approximately 125 kms east of Agadez, Niger Republic (Sereno & El Shafie 2012).Fletton, Cambridgeshire (formerly in Huntingdonshire), near Peterborough, NorthamptonshireFont del Bullidor, near old village of Vilanoveta, now the town of Conca de DaltFootprints near Veillon point, 12 km south of Les Sables-d’Olonne on the Vendée coast. Tracks are on the strand of l’Anse de la République (Republique Cove), 500 m north of the pointFootprints near Veillon point, 12 km south of Sables-d’Olonne on the Vendée coast. Tracks are on the strand of l’Anse de la République (Republique Cove), 500 m north of the pointFour Mile Canyon, N of Lake Powell (details not specified)Fox Coulee, about 3 km E of the RTMP. LSD 14-16-29-20W4Fox-Amphoux-Métisson locality, located in the property of "Le Domaine de Métisson" in the Fox-Amphoux Syncline, Fox-Amphoux, VarFrenchman River valley, SE of Eastend. Chambery Coulee, on the N side of the valleyFrom Little Nishisakawick Creek, adjacent to the boro boundary of Frenchtown, NJFrom Nishasakawick Creek, 4.7 km east of Frenchtown, NJ; Newark BasinFruita Paleontological Area, 4.8 km WSW of Fruita; S 1/2 sec 13 and N 1/2 sec 24, T1N, R3W, Ute principal meridianFruita Paleontological Area, 4.8 km WSW of Fruita; S 1/2 sec 13 and N 1/2 sec 24, T1N, R3W, Ute principal meridian. Evans 1996: "a series of sublocalities...all apparently exposing the same horizon"Fuente Arnar outcrop, near Camarillas village, Teruel Province, Aragón, NE Spain\r\nThe fossils come from a rock outcrop in a farm field, which, according to the discoverer of the dinosaur remains, is called Fuente Arnar, within the land of the Pedro Cirugeda Buj family, close to Camarillas villageFuentesalvo locality (= Villaseca Bajera), N of La Soria, 29 km along road C-115 betwween Soria and Amedo, near Villar del Río; Cameros Basin; UTM X: 0555477, Y: 4655925Furnish Canyon, SE ColoradoFuxin open cut coal mine, Haichou, Fuxin city (Fusin)Fösterei Kotzuren (= Kocury), Upper SilesiaGPS coordinates are provided on request from the first authorGain-ri section of Changseon Island, NamhaeGalgot-ri, Geoje-siGalton Quarry, just N of Arches National Park, Utah. Located west of Yellow Cat road, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SW 1/4, section 35, T22S, R21E on the Molle Hogans.Galve syncline is in the Rama Castellana of the Iberian Range. Poyales Barranco Hondo is also referred to as Barranco Poyales-Cerrada Roya in Buscalioni and Sanz 1987, and as Poyales Barranco Canales. Near town of Galve.Garadi (= Garada?)Garden Park, N of Cañon City, CO. Along cliff S of Saurian HillGarden Park, N of Cañon City, CO. N side of Saurian Hill. About 500 yds SW of "Cope's Nipple"Garden Park, N of Cañon City, CO. Near Quarry II on SW side of Saurian Hill. Located S of the Camarasaurus supremus Quarry (Quarry I).Garden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO.Garden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO. About 500 feet SW of Cope's NippleGarden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO. Area known as Green AcresGarden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO. S along cliff running S from Saurian Hill/Cope's NippleGarden of the Gods Park, NW of Colorado Springs, along ridge extending S toward Colorado City (now Colorado Springs), about 550 m S of opening between Gateway RocksGebel el Dist, in the plain at the base of the Baharîje Valley, Baharîje Oasis, near Marsa Matruh, EgyptGeneral area is eastern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, about 105 km NNE of Qitai, 2.5 km E of main N-S road between Qitai and Ertai. Site is 22 km N of Jianjungmiao and 1.7 km E of main N-S road.Gibraltar Quarry, Bletchingdon Station (OUM), N of OxfordGlacier County, 30 mi W of Sweet Grass, South Milk RiverGohyunri (= Goyun-ri, Gohyeonri, Gohyeon-ri), Jindong-myeon, Euichang-gun, MasanGoogle Earth landmark for "Chaoyang, Liaoning".Google Earth placemark used in conjunction with map in Figure 2 to estimate lat-long. From a site near a pond, Khot Kruat subdistrict, Muang Nakhon RatchasimaGoogle Earth placemark used to derive lat-long from map in Figure 1,Grand Co. near CO border, about 40 km from Rabbit Valley, COGrand Staircase-Escalante National Momument, just south of Powell Point, in an area known as "The Blues." Located in low hills W of overlook at 20.5 mi. E of Tropic on SR 12.Grandpré, in the Ardennes Forest, NE FranceGranger's Hill, Ukhaa TolgodGrolliers Quarry, Antully PlateauGrossen Gleichberg, near Römhild, SW of Hildburghausen, S ThuringiaGrut-Gumbrak, Nahar Kot area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, BalochistanGuanyingchong (Kuanyinchon), Kaichinhsiang (Gaijin village), Guanying town (Kuanyin), Yibien (Yiping/Yibin) cityGustaf Adolf coal mine, Höganäs, Tjörröd, Margreteberg; subsurface discoveries in area around towns of Höganäs and BjuvHanna BasinHaoling of Shijiagou Village, Liudian Town, Ruyang County, Henan Province, ChinaHaystack Butte, NE Butte CountyHei Koa Peng/Heikuopeng, near Ta Ti, NE of Lufeng city. Multiple sites in area, but none specified.Heitizigou Locality: 0.5 km east of Libalanggou Village, Zhangjiying Township, Beipiao City, Liaoning ProvinceHengdaozi, Tanshan Gou, near Sihetun, Beipiao, western LiaoningHenryville Creek. R1W, T36S, no section given.Highway construction site on roadcut between villages of Daepyeongri and Jisanri, Jinbuk-myeon, Masan City. Coordinates given as 128° 40' E, 35° 10' N, but are actually 35.1°N, 128.4°E. 40 km W of Busan City, 40 km NE of Goseong dinosaur tracksite.Hilda; UTM = 12; 543367; 5596003Ho-Hum site, Belmont Station, near WintonHobson Ranch, Parker County west of Forth Worth (exact locality on file at SMU). Near Weatherford.Hollington, near Hastings, East SussexHongcheng area, near city of Ganzhou, southern Jiangxi province, Hongcheng BasinHongjiang Machine Factory in the vicinity of the municipality of Yongchuan, Yongchuan countyHongpo, Chishuigou, Xixia countyHongwei village, near Jiuquwan copper mine, Xiangxi (Chenxi), NW HunanHorizon—‘2005 Quarry’ (445423.82S, 6922 43.67W), Estancia Laguna Palacios, south-central Chubut Province, central Patagonia, ArgentinaHorse Race quarry on N bank of Connecticut River, 3 mi (or 4 mi.) upstream from Turner's FallsHoshangkong, near WujingHouzuoshan Dinosaur Park, near village of same name, Lingquan town, Junan CountyHoward McLeod Correctional Center, 23 km WSW of AntlersHoyada Arroyo Seco, close to W side of Leona River, 4 km S of De los Hornos Hill, S coast of Viedma Lake, SW Santa Cruz province; sauropod found 300 m awayHsiachiayin (also given as Machiayin), Chingkankou, S of LaiyangHuamiaogou Village, Liudian Town, Ruyang County, Henan Province, ChinaHuanlong, Yuechi countyHujiayingzigouli, Chaoyang County (coordinates for Chaoyang)Hukou village, Nanxiong BasinIVPP site 64043, near Wuerho (Urdo), Junggar BasinIberian Peninsula (Basque-Cantabrian Region), Condado de Treviño, BurgosIn Abaka, near In GallIn Leaksville Junction, straddling the VA/NC border near Edens, NC. Materials are from quarry B, in North CarolinaIn Price River Coal Company mine in Spring Canyon, west of Helper, Utah.In Redlands SW of Fruita, CO; near base of Serpent's Trail, near E entrance to Colorado NM. Now on private land, S side of No Thoroughfare Canyon, sec 29, T11S, R101W.In Wu & Godefroit (2012): "Bataigou, Toutai, Yixian County, western Liaoning Province 41° 36' 6.79" N, 121° 7' 43.1" E\r\nIn original description: site description in Chinese but coordinates provided: 41° 36' 6.79" N, 121° 7' 43.1" E. In western Liaoning provinceIn a commercial clay quarry near Eldorado SpringsIn a cut of Schuykill Expressway at Arcola, PA.In northwestern Patagonia about 80 km southwest of Cipolletti close to the south shore of Lake Ezequiel Ramos-Mexía.In northwestern Patagonia about 80 km southwest of Cipolletti close to the south shore of Lake Ezequiel Ramos-Mexía.\r\n\r\nNear Cerro PoliciaIn the Hogback South quadrangle T26N, R16W.In the bed of a small thalweg, Ban Kalum, Tang Vay area, Savannakhet ProvinceIn the sandstone quarries of Peter M. Ryerson, in a ravine in Pompton, ca. 25 mi. from New York City, and ca. 10 mi. NE of BoontonInversand Company marl pit, SewellIschigualasto ValleyIslas Malvinas locality, Puelén department, in SW La Pampa province; Neuquén BasinItemir locality, Itemir-Dzharakuduk Depression, central Kyzulkum Desert, Navoi ViloyatJabalpur area, along N bank of Narmada RiverJbel Sgat, at Ighrem Sgat, Azilal, Taguelft synclineJebel al QablaJianchang County (Huludao City, Liaoning Province, China)Jianshangou village (~25 km south of Beipiao City, western Liaoning Province" (Ji et al. 1999)Jiaojiadian, Yimen Co., Yunnan - coordinates for nearby YuxiJiufotang Formation near Lingyuan, western Liaoning of ChinaJordan's Cliff (= Furzy Cliff), Overcombe, 1.5 mi N of Weymouth, DorsetJugo Loco locality, close to the village of Cerro Condor, Chubut, Argentina.Junggar Basin, Jiangjunmiao region & basin, 34 km NE of Jiangjunmiao, XinjiangJust SW of ManassasKankradungra, Jhalod areaKaochiahoutou, near Ehrchuanshan, NE of Lufeng cityKaoshangtun, Shangyuan, Beipiao City, western Liaoning, China.Kap Rocca (Rocca Kapp), Ploce (Lastra) Promontory, S part of main (Veliki) Brijuni (Brioni) island, SW Istria.Kawakami colliery, construction site for hospital, of the Mitsui (Mitsubishi) Mining Co., Toyohara Co., Japan - now Sinegorsk, South Sakhalin (= Saghalien) Island, Russia.Kennedy CouleeKennedy Coulee, Hill Co.Khermeen Tsav (no discrimination between sites I and IIKhermeen Tsav; N: 43-28-2896; E: 99-49-5871 A: 991mKhetitila SrhiraKholboot (Holbotu), Holbotu-gol, south of Boon Tsagan nuur, north of Tsetsen uul Mountain, Bayankhongor Aimag, MongoliaKhugenetslavkant badlands, 3 sq. km areaKhulsan locality, Southern Gobi Aimak (= Omnogov), MongoliaKhuren Dukh (Xypeh Dyx), NW Dornogov', approx. 30 miles S of Choir (Choyr), Mongolia. 200 km NE of Khamarin KhuralKinwa Kali Kakor, Vitakri area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, BalochistanKleskun Hill Park, ca. 25 km NE of Grande Prairie, W-central Alberta, on left side of Smoky RiverKonglonggou (Dinosaur Valley), S of Mt. Kelameili, Junggar BasinKuantaohsia, Chingkangkou, S of LaiyangKubake, 33 km NW of Moyeni area, following the milestones of Seaka, Mekaling, MaphutsengKulinda, Olov Depression, Chernyshevsky district, Chita region, Zabaikalsky Krai, SE Siberia. Ca. 220 km E of Chita.Kumaoi Creek, one branch off Lake Katsurazawa, Mikasa City, Hokkaido, JapanKundur locality, near town of Obluch'e, Arkharinskii district, Amur region, Yevreyskaya Avtonomnyy Oblast, Russia. On the Vladivostok-Moscow highway\r\n\r\nGodefroit et al. (2012): "Kundur (N 49deg 04' 57.5"; E 130deg 51' 34.1"), Amur Region, Far Eastern Russia."Kuwajima "Kaseki-kabe" (= "fossil bluff"), Shiramine vilage, Ishikawa prefecture, central JapanL bank Sand Creek, 75 ft above river, 12 mi below Steveville, near Red Deer RiverL'Abeller site, E of TrempL'Olivet Quaary of Villebeyrac, about 30 km E of Montpellier, Villeveyrac-Mèze BasinLSD *, Sec 34, T2, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 1, Sec 6, T21, R11, W 4th meridian, Dinosaur Provincial ParkLSD 1, Sec. 21, T2, R7, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 10, Sec 35, T1, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 10, Sec. 36, T1, R6, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 10, sec 31, T20, R11, W 4th meridian, Dinosaur Provincial Park; UTM [WGS 84] = 12U 0463976 5620718LSD 11, Sec 34, T13, R13, W 4th meridian, S side of Bow River, near Hays, AlbertaLSD 12, Sec 35, T1, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 12, sec. 32, T20 (incorrectly listed as T26 in ref 56332), R11, W 4th meridianLSD 13, Sec 23, T2, R7, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 13, Sec. 11, Tp. 13, Rg. 9, W 4; South Saskatchewan River areaLSD 13, sec 27, T21, R12, W 4th meridian; 180-210 m above floor of valley, Dinosaur Provincial ParkLSD 14, sec 32, T20, R11, W 4th meridian; 1.5 mi SE of Dinosaur Provincial Park headquartersLSD 14, sec. 35, T20, R12, W 4th meridianLSD 15, NE 1/4, sec 31, T20, R11, W 4th meridian, Dinosaur Provincial Park; about 1.5 mi due S of the mouth of Sand Creek, and about 0.5 mi E of the creek at this point; 111 ft above riverLSD 15, sec 32, T20, R11, W 4th meridian, Dinosaur Provincial ParkLSD 16, Sec 34, T1, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 2, Sec 10, T3, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 2, Sec. 2, T2, R7, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 2, sec 31, T20, R11, W 4th meridianLSD 2, sec 4, T21, R11, W 4th meridian; Dinosaur Provincial ParkLSD 4 (says 3), sec 4, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian, S side of Red Deer RiverLSD 4, Sec. 22, T2, R7, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 4, Sec. 7, T2, R7, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 5, Sec 31, T1, R5, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 5, Sec. 7, T2, R7, W4; Calib Coulee/Pinhorn RanchLSD 5, sec. 7, T2, R7, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 6, Sec 10, T3, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 6, Sec. 36, T1, R6, W4; Calib CouleeLSD 6, sec. 30, T20, R11, W 4th meridianLSD 7, sec 2, T5, R19, W 3rd meridian; Map reference 72F8, Valley of Frenchman River, SaskatchewanLSD 7, sec 20, T21, R12, W 4th meridianLSD 9, Sec 34, T2, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLSD 9, Sec 35, T1, R6, W 4th meridian; Calib CouleeLa Amarga, 70 km S of Zapala, Neuquén provinceLa Cardeline, N of RN 7, near Châteauneuf le RougeLa Cardeline, N of RN 7, near Châteauneuf-le-RougeLa Cañada site, 800 m from Losilla, left margin of the barranco de Escáiz, municipality of Aras de Alpuente, Los Serranos basin, Valencia; coordinates given as X = 662.000, Y = 4.426.000, Z = 980 mLa Cierva township, 20 km E of Cuenca, in the Castellana Branch of the Iberian RangeLa Esquina locality, near Pagancillo, Ischigualasto-Villa Unión basinLa Invernada area, 50 km (also said to be 35 km) SW of Rincón de los Sauces, northern PatagoniaLa Nou-1, Vallecebre synclineLa Revilleja, Los Campos, Soria, in the Puerto de Oncala, at the bottom of a valley near the head of the Rio Cidacos, at 1300 m. UTM X5532 / Y46488 (MTN 318, 1:50,000 scale). 100 m from El Salgar de Sillas tracksite.Labordé near Auxerre, Yonne, BourgogneLadybrand, (Orange) Free StateLago Pellegrini stone quarries, Department of General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina; specifically the Cantera de la Pala Mécanica along the SW shore of the lake; NE of Cinco SaltosLaguna La Colorada (= Laguna Colorada), Estancia Cañadón Largo, N-central Santa Cruz, PatagoniaLaguna Palacios ranch, approx. 30 km N of Buen Pasto, S-central Chubut, 280 km W of Comodoro RivadaviaLaijia village, Tiantai CountyLamadong town, Jianchang countyLamatong TownLambeau de Beausset escarpment, part of Beausset syncline, near Le Beausset, FranceLance Creek (near Doegie Creek)Lance Creek areaLance Creek area, near Buck CreekLance Creek, opposite the mouth of Dolgie Creek" (Hay, 1908, p. 63) Converse County, Wyoming, now Niobrara County. In the Lance Creek area (Clemens, 1963, map in pocket) there is no "Dolgie" Creek but there is a Dogie Creek. The mouth of Dogie Creek is well within the area of the Lance Formation. Lull & Wright 42 describe the locality as 3 mi N of the mouth of Doegie Creek.Lance Creek; *not* the same as Hatcher No. 2. In S side of small canyon near head of a tributary of Buck Creek, 1200 yds N70°E of benchmark N-100.Lance outcrops of Niobara Co. (formerly Converse Co.)Lander's Quarry (Burt's Quarry) at Gallows Gore, Eastington Road, near Worth Matravers, DorsetLandslide Butte Field Area, ca. 42 km NW of Cut Bank; also listed as "MOR locality #456" in Rogers 1997.Langenaltheim region, Bavaria, near site of London specimen discoveryLangenaltheimer Haardt, BavariaLanggou, Qiketia area, Shanshan county (coordinates for this point), Xinjiang, Turpan BasinLangley Park, NE of Washington, DCLansdale-Gwynedd tunnel (Reading RR), about 1 mi N of Gwynedd Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Tunnel located between North Wales and Gwnedd Valley, and top was later removed. Many fossils from spoil piles in a nearby 15-acre field.Lark Quarry, between the townships of Winton and Jundah in west-central Queensland; about 95 km SW of WintonLas Chacritas, on land belonging to Hipólito Currumil, 2.3 km W of Cerro CóndorLashuyuan, 4 km S of WujingLat/Long taken for Dawangzhangzi townshipLatitude and longitude derived from map in Figure 1. Site located 1 km NE of Rampur villageLatitude and longitude derived from map in Figure 1. about 3 km N of Jaklapalli village.Lawrence County, N of Sturgis, on a Lakota Fm hogback near WhitewoodLeft bank of Sugiyama River, Katsuyama city, Fukui prefecture.\r\n\r\nLerici community, Gulf of Spezia, exact locality data withheld for protection of site. Between Baia Blú coastal resort and Santa Teresa.Les Quijoles, E of MaçanersLiancheng, LishuiLianmuqin, Shanshan county, Turpan basinLibalanggou, Zhangjiyin, Beipiao, Liaoning, China. Coordinates for Beipiao.Lightning RidgeLikhoele Mountain, near settlement of Mafeteng, LesothoLimestone quarry near Fátima (Serra D'Aire), north of Lisbon. In the Lusitanian Basin, W-central Portugal; \r\n"located on the eastern side of Serra de Aire in the municipal area of Bairro, 10 km from Fátima, within the Serra de Aire and Candeeiros Natural Park" (Santos et al. 2009)Lingyuan CityLittle Missouri BadlandsLittle Polecat Dome/Anticline, Big Horn Basin; Silver Tip Gulch, Park Co.; SW 1/4, SE 1/4, sec 7, T57N, R99WLittle Walnut Creek-Old Sprinkle Bridge Locality, Austin, Travis Co., Texas (Austin East 7.5' Quadrangle).Liufugou village of Luidan (Liu Dianxiang), Luoyang, Ruyang County, Henan; S of Yellow RiverLixian, Jiangshan county, Zhejiang provinceLlabusta, Tremp Basin, Lérida (Lleida) provinceLocality 1, Changshanling, Potzewan (= Buziwan), ca. 4 km NW of Weiyuan cityLocality 2, Changshanling, Potzewan (= Buziwan), ca. 4 km NW of Weiyuan city. Very lose to Locality 1Locality 3, Changshanling, Potzewan (= Buziwan), ca. 4 km NW of Weiyuan city; In the vicinity of Locality 1.Locality is given as "Quebrada de los Jachaleros, 7 km W of R.N. 126, La Rioja province, Argentina" by Ezcurra & Novas (2007) and Arcucci & Coria (2003). However, according to Arcucci et al. (2004) the locality is "NW of La Esquina and SE of El Salto" and is different to the classic "Quebrada de los Jachaleros" which is nearby, but in San Juan state. \r\nCoordinates are estimated based upon the map in Arcucci et al. (2004)Locality of Holotype UCM-17614: Mehl 1931: "about one and a half miles northwest of Golden, Colorado." Lockley 1992: "in clay pits 5 km north of Golden, Colorado"Located in the East Branch of Hunter Wash, in the Bist/De-na-zin WildernessLocated in the eastern Cobieres, NE edge of the Roquelongue hill. Lambert coordinates: x = 43° 6' 46", y = 2° 49' 48"Loma del Lindero, 10 km W of Rincón de los Sauces, W edge of Neuquén provinceLongling town, Nankang of Ganzhou cityLonzée, SE of Gembloux (Brabant), NamurLos Candeleros, 50 km W of El ChocónLos Hornos Hill, southern coast of Viedma Lake (Lago Viedma), Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaLotoshankou, Liukou (Liugou), Chengteh (Chengde), E Hopei (Hebei) provinceLovell Lakes quadLower Tumí, Vallcebre SynclineLujiatun village (N 41° 36.201'; E 120° 54.793'), Shangyuan, Beipiao CityLujiatun, Beipiao, western LiaoningLuyuan, Shixing (Shixin) countyLuzhougou, Yaolugou town, Jianchang county, Huludao city, W LiaoningMSM 98-65, southern Zuni BasinMSM 98-78, southern Zuni BasinMSM 98-79, southern Zuni BasinMackay Creek, near Walsh, a station on the C.P.R., ca. 28 mi. E of Medicine HatMae Nam/Maenam Sai Yai (= Sai Yai River), 20 km southward from the National Park station, Khao Yai National Park, approx. 100 km northeast of BangkokMahajanga Basin, near village of Berivotra, Madagascar. Coordinates are for Berivotra.Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra and SE of MajungaMalton, YorkshireMamenchi (Mamenxi) ferry at Jinshajiang, along Yangtze River near Yibin (Yiping), SichuanManderson NE quadMaoershi, in the Jiangbei district of Chungking municipality,Maortu (Maorty), 60 km N of town of Giantai (Dzhilantay, Chilantai, Jartai), on E side of Gilantai Salt Lake, aong N edge of basinMaortu, about 60 km N of Chilantai (Jilantai), on E side of Chilantai Salt Lake (Chilantaiyen Chih), E part of Alashan DesertMari Bohri locality, Vitakri area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, Balochistan; from E plunge of Mari Bohri-Mawand anticlinoriumMark's Second Egg, Ukhaa Tolgod, Gurvan Tes Somon, Omnogov Aimak, Mongolia.Massecaps locality, near village of Cruzy, a few km SE of Saint-Chinian, Hérault Dept., southern FranceMatilda Site, Elderslie Station, approx. 60 km NW of WintonMatsepe, near Mafeteng; 40 km NW of Kubake and close to LikhoeleMatsiengMazongshan area, Gongpoquan Basin, Gansu province, ChinaMazongshan area, Gongpoquan Basin, western Gansu province, ChinaMazongshan area, Gongpoquan Basin, western Gansu province, China. Now within the Subei Gongpoquan Dinosaur Geopark.Mbeya district, SW Tanzania, 20 km W of MbeyaMcKenzie Butte 7.5'Meileyingzi, approx. 60 km SW of Chaoyoung, Liaoning provinceMeileyingzi, approx. 60 km SW of Chaoyoung, Liaoning province. Near type locality.Merchantville, at the Penn RR crossing of Moorestown pike over the branch from Delair to Haddonfield.Mergandava Creek, Yakkabag Mountains, near Tashkurgan, UzbekistanMiaoshan, Neixiang, XichuanMicrovertebrate sites are locate within the Dinosaur Provincial Park, 48 km northeast of Brooks, Alberta. UTM coordinates and elevation are provided in Eberth (1990).Microvertebrate sites are located within the Dinosaur Provincial Park, 48 km northeast of Brooks, Alberta. UTM coordinates and elevation are provided in Eberth (1990).Microvertebrate sites are located within the Dinosaur Provincial Park, 48 km northeast of Brooks, Alberta. UTM coordinates and elevation are provided in Eberth (1990). Microvertebrate sites are located within the Dinosaur Provincial Park, 48 km northeast of Brooks, Alberta. UTM coordinates and elevation are provided in Eberth (1990). NOTE: This is incorrectly listed as BB 71 in Brinkman (1990) but has been corrected here.Middle Fork of Sand Creek, on the right bank, approx. 250 feet above Red Deer River, 12 miles below Steveville, AlbertaMiddle Park, Grand CountyMiddlefield, SW of Middletown. Some discovered as sidewalk flagstones (etc.) and traced to quarry in Middlefield.\r\nPerry: "Powder Hill and Besek Lake near Durham, Conn. (six miles south of Middletown)." - this corresponds to old sandstone quarries W of Middlefield.\r\nPowell: "The Merritt Parkway through Connecticut crosses under U.S. Highway Alt. 6 north of Wallingford, Conn. Motorists driving east (toward Hartford) at this point should turn off on 6 towards Middletown. Several miles down this highway they will come to a fairly straight stretch marked only by a diner on the left-hand side. Opposite this diner will be a road going to the right and sign pointing to Durham. If I recall, this is Route 147. A few miles down this, one eventually goes down and around a steep curve to the left. Near the bottom of this curve there is a road turning off the main route and going uphill to the right. I cannot recall the name of the road, but it leads up the hill and towards a rest home of some sort—called "Happy Acres" of some such name. You will recognize this by many nicely kept buildings on both sides of the road—and a nice swimming pool near the main development on the left. About one and a half miles beyond this place is the quarry—on the right. A sign nailed to a tree used to indicate it as you approached it, but I believe it is now gone. Quarry is small but has many nice tracks. Incidentally, across the road in the nearest farmhouse lives a Mrs. Williston. She is the daughter of a famous American geologist and can tell those interested many details about the surrounding countryside."\r\nFurther research showed that "Happy Acres" was a recreational park, now closed, and that the quarry is now the Powder Hill Dinosaur Park, at 105 Powder Hill Road, Middletown. The town website indicates that the quarry was used to provide material for the Beseck Dam in 1846.Midland Provincial Park; LSD 11, sec 17, T29, R20, W 4th meridianMilk River badlands, Pinhorn Grazing Reserve on the Milk River, approx. 15 km S of Manyberries; UTM: 12 U, 510019 E, 5440905 NMokkanametsong, 1 km W of MoyeniMont Rouge, commune of Wimille, near Boulogne-sur-MerMonton-Ilo zone, near Ingeniero JacobacciMorella Basin, Masia de Arsis, Peñarroya de Tastavins, TeruelMorobongMount IguallalaMount Kirkpatrick, near Beardmore Glacier, Transantarctic Mtns., approx. 650 km from Souh PoleMountouliers, HéraultMr. A. Burrer Quarry, Weisser Steinbruch, near Pfaffenhofen (= Heilbronn), Stromberg region, NW of Ludwigsburg, Nordwürttemberg (now Baden-Württemberg) and SW of Brackenheim; on the height over Pfaffenhofen. Originally three separate operations that were combined: Heugel, Kleinarth, and Biedermann quarries.Mt. Hsikuashan (Xiguashan), outside E gate of Dongmenwai, near Junghsien (Rongxian), Sichuan; a few yards E of river that runs N-S and E from city of JunghsienMt. Uskuk (= Usskuk), Tsagan Nor BasinMurell Park, along northeast shore of Lake Grapevine, just north of Tarrant County line, Denton Co., TXMuthmannsdorf, Grünbach Basin, Neue Welt, in Wiener Neustadt, about 45 km S of Vienna, AustriaMutoudeng town, Qinglong county, northern Hebei provinceMwakasyunguti, former Nyasaland, 7.5 km WSW of VuaN 1/2, sec 1, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridianN 1/2, sec 2, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; UTM NAD83 E470035.390, N5623289.679N 1/2, sec 35, T20N, R12W, W 4th meridianN 1/2, sec 5 or NW 1/4, sec 6 of T24N, R1E, Rio Arriba Co., in Cañada de Tableta, N of Cerro Blanco, near Gallina (sec 6 used for lat-long)N Section, just E of CGT-CGF section, SW of county seat, NE Nanxiong BasinN bank of Connecticut River, just below Turner's FallsN bank of Connecticut River, nearly opposite mouth of Millers RiverN bank of Pine River at East Pine Bridge, exposure is 15 m above river levelN edge of Praia da Corva, near Torres Vedras, W coast of central Portugal. Praia de Areia Branca syncline, Bombarral-Alcobaça subbasin, Lusitanian basinN fork of Sand Creek, 12 mi below Steveville, Red Deer River, 250 ft above river levelN of Ain MurûnN of Arches NPN of Arches NP and MoabN of Bonebed 74, Dinosaur Provincial Park; LSD 7, sec 32, T20, R11, W 4th meridianN of Cañon City, CO; Garden Park; SW side of Saurian hillN of MoabN of Schlehenberg, 450 m from second tracksite in same valley (main valley near Bayreuth)N of route D6 from Trets to Saint-MaximinN of sea wall below Yaverland Battery, Sandown, Isle of WightN shore of Peace River Canyon, 870 m downstream from Ferro Point near Hudson's Hope. Several meters below GSC locality C-6919.N side of Cerro El León (= Cerro de los Leones), 8 km SW of Picún Leufú, southern Neuquén provinceN side of Peace River Canyon, anout 0.25 miles upstream from Gething's mine; now inundated by Peace River Dam; several sites along canyonN side of Peace River Canyon, anout 1.5 miles upstream from Gething's mine; now inundated by Peace River DamN side of Peace River Canyon, anout 1.75 miles upstream from Gething's mine; now inundated by Peace River DamN side of Peace River Canyon, anout 2 miles upstream from Gething's mine; now inundated by Peace River Dam; several sites along canyonN side of middle fork and about 3 miles above mouth of draw of Dry Creek, which empties into Lance Creek from the W, immediately below U-L cattle ranch (then abandoned, now Mr. Jacob Mills' sheep ranch), Converse Co. (now Niobrara), WYN slope of Bogda Feng, near Lake Tianchi, Sagonghe Valley, Tianshan Mtns, Fukang Co.; listed as 35 km NW of Urumqi but is actually NE.N slopes of Krommespruit (Kromspruit) Mtn near Voisana (Voyzane), Herschel district.N: 43-33-50.57; E: 107-54-42.47; A: 857m\r\nAmtgai (Amtgay)\r\nN: 43-38-52.4; E: 99-09-42.8; A: 708 m. Dinosaur eggshell and nests from northeastern area.N: 44-03-0478; E: 102-49-1971; A: 1466m. SW of Udyn Sayr region.N: 44-13-42.28; E: 103-18-09.70; A: 1043m\r\n35 km W of Bayn DzakNE 1/4 of sec. 5, T22N, R76W, Como Bluff, Albany Co., WY (possibly section 6); 8 miles E of ComoNE 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4 of sec 22, T15N, R1E; near San Ysidro, in a small arroyoNE 1/4, SW 1/4, sec 32, T25N, R43E, McCone Co., MTNE 1/4, Sec 16, T21, R12, W of 4th principal meridian; about 3.5 miles S of Steveville, AlbertaNE 1/4, Sec/ 6, T33, R21, W of 4th meridian; 110 feet above river level, along Red Deer River, SW of Rumsey, AlbertaNE 1/4, sec 1, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 1 mi. E of Denhart FerryNE 1/4, sec 1, T5S, R29E, 3 mi ESE of Cashen Ranch, 300 yds SE of YPM 64-28NE 1/4, sec 17, T21N, R10W, W 4th meridianNE 1/4, sec 17, T7S, R24E; 1.5 mi NE of Tom Edwards Ranch houseNE 1/4, sec 17, T7S, R24E; 1.5 mi NE of Tom Edwards Ranch house, on NW side of knobNE 1/4, sec 17, T7S, R24E; 1.5 mi NE of Tom Edwards Ranch, on N side of knobNE 1/4, sec 17, T7S, R24E; 1.55 mi NE of Tom Edwards Ranch, on N side of knobNE 1/4, sec 19, T8S, R25E; 5.5 mi NNW of WarrenNE 1/4, sec 2, T5, R5, W 4th meridian; about 7 mi SE of ManyberriesNE 1/4, sec 20, T5S, R28E; 650 yds W of YPM 64-41, 1 mi W of Thor Lande Ranch, on Push CreekNE 1/4, sec 20, T5S, R28E; approx 1.5 mi W of Thor K. Lande Ranch, on Push CreekNE 1/4, sec 21, T2, R4, W 4th meridian; about 17.5 mi S and 9 mi E of ManyberriesNE 1/4, sec 27, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridian; 2 mi. S of Steveville on SE side of riverNE 1/4, sec 6, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; about 60 ft above level of Red Deer River, 0.5 mi. above the mouth of the creekNE 1/4, sec. 4, T22N, R61W. 1.5 miles up Horse Creek, near TorringtonNE corner of NW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec 27 plus SE corner, SW 1/4, SW 1/4, sec 22, T48N, R91WNE corner of sec 12, T36, R22, W 4th meridian; about 13.5 mi NE of Elnora, Alberta and 14 mi N of type locality for Leptoceratops; Red Deer River valley; directly over Campkin's coal mineNE edge, Cancha de Bochas, Valle de la Luna, Ischigualasto-Villa Unión Basin, San Juan Province, ArgentinaNE end of outcrops, Artsa Bogdo, Öösh/Oshih Basin (Ashile), a desert hollow 40 km N of Artsa Bodgo Range, 64 km W of type Djadokhta Fm. at Bayn DzakNE of Brooks; NW 1/4, sec. 17, T21, R10, W 4th meridianNE of Cincos Saltos city, S of road to airportNE of Qiaowan, Yujingzi Basin, Jiuquan areaNE of Quantou and S of Shuangmiaozi, Changtu, LiaoningNE of Sierra Aguja, Brewster Co., Big Bend NPNE of Smith Clark Quarry & Pebble Bluff, along Mill Road, N side of Hackihokake CreekNE part of Deerfield, between bridges over Connecticut and Deerfield Rivers, actually in Greenfield; small quarry 0.5 mi. S of bridge over Connecticut RiverNE part of Dinosaur Provincial Park; 12, 477238 E, 5629954 N; approx. 500 m N of RTMP 86.126.1NE side of an open-pit bauxite mine, Iharkút,Veszprém County, Bakony Mtns., Transdanubian Range, western Hungary\r\n\r\nAn open-pit bauxite mine in the location of the former village of Iharkút in the Bakony Mountains, Veszprém county, western Hungary (Rabi et al. 2012)NE slope of Kangdailiang hill, Zhaojiagou town, Tianzhen countyNGR SP 269 291, near Little ComptonNNE of BaltimoreNW 1.4, sec 32, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridianNW 1/4 and SW 1/4, Sec. 9, T 22 N, R 43 E. Near Fort Peck ReservoirNW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of sec. 18, T22N, R77W, Como BluffNW 1/4 of sec. 18, T22N, R77W, Como BluffNW 1/4 of sec. 8, T22N, R77W, Como Bluff. Along NW edge of Aurora Lake/Lake Como, NW of old Como RR stationNW 1/4, NW 1/2, sec 15, T7S, R6E; Hot Springs Quadrangle, Fall River Co., SDNW 1/4, SE 1/4, sec 28, T58N, R95W; 1.75 mi WSW of Tillett Fish HatcheryNW 1/4, SE 1/4, sec 31, T24N, R17E; in a small creek running parallel to an E-W dirt road N of the silos of the Halley ranch.NW 1/4, SW 1/4 of sec. 15, T26N, R27E, north of Farley in Colfax CountyNW 1/4, SW 1/4, sec. 28, T24N, R13W, approx. 5 km E of Burnham Trading Post, San Juan Co., NMNW 1/4, Sec. 21, T21, R12, W f 4th meridian; about 1.5 miles SW of mouth of Berry Creek (Steveville), Red Deer River, AlbertaNW 1/4, sec 17, T7S, R24E; 1 mi NE of Tom Edwards Ranch, 60 yds E of YPM 64-53NW 1/4, sec 2, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridianNW 1/4, sec 2, T34, R22, W 4th meridian; W side of Red Deer RiverNW 1/4, sec 21, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridian; W side of river, 3 mi belo Steveville, 50 ft above waterNW 1/4, sec 21, T5S, R28E; 1 mi W of Thor Lande Ranch, on Push CreekNW 1/4, sec 24, T5S, R28E; 5.5 mi SW of Cashen Ranch house, 600 yds W of W Buster CreekNW 1/4, sec 28, T58N, R95W; 20 yds NW of YPM 63-16NW 1/4, sec 28, T58N, R95W; 20 yds NW of YPM 63-17NW 1/4, sec 28, T58N, R95W; 20 yds SE of YPM 63-17NW 1/4, sec 28, T58N, R95W; 30 yds NW of YPM 63-18NW 1/4, sec 28, T58N, R95W; 75 yds NW of YPM 63-19NW 1/4, sec 29, T58N, R95W; 500 yds due W ("over the scarp") of YPM 63-28NW 1/4, sec 3, T52N, R92W; 6 mi WSW of ShellNW 1/4, sec 33, T4S, R29E; 0.25 mi SSE of Cashen Ranch houseNW 1/4, sec 34, T58N, R95W; 1.75 mi SW of Tillett Fish HatcheryNW 1/4, sec 35, T20N, R12W, W 4th meridianNW 1/4, sec 35, T20N, R12W, W 4th meridian; S side of W branch of Little Sandhill CreekNW 1/4, sec 35, T20N, R12W, W 4th meridian; on the S side of the W branch of Little Sandhill CreekNW 1/4, sec 35, T4S, R29E; 160 yds SE of YPM 64-25, 2 mi E of Cashen Ranch houseNW 1/4, sec 35, T4S, R29E; 300 yds SE of YPM 64-26, 2 mi E of Cashen Ranch houseNW 1/4, sec 5, T6S, R24E; 4.5 mi NE of Bridger railroad station, 0.5 mi N of Bluewater CreekNW flank of Betonnie Tstosie Wash; SE 1/4, sec 8, T22N, R9W. Same as historic KU-16 site (Black Ridge), also referred to as Kimbeto Arroyo in ref 1965NW flank of Talley Mtn., S side of Glenn Spring/Castalon Road NE of where it crosses Fresno CreekNW of Moab; near I-70 milepost 141. T24S, R20E (no section given), in the Salt Valley, ca. 9 km NE of the axis of the Salt Valley Anticline. From a 9-m-high ridge on the W side of Mill Canyon Wash. Also includes nearby Mill Canyon Dinosaur Trail.NW of Tendaguru HillNW part of Nemegt locality, 10 m from site 12 (shown as in the N part of the Western Sayr in ref 10453)NW part of Nemegt locality; listed as "2.5 km" NW of Central Sayr in ref 9900 but shown as much closer in ref 10453 map, where it is clearly in the N part of the Western SayrNW valley, Chingkangkou, S of LaiyangNalatvad (Nalat-Vad), in the Râul Mare Valley, 3 km downstream from Totesti-baaraj and between villages of Nalat and Vad. Three fossiliferous "pockets" at this locality.Nazao village, ca. 21 km SW of Datang town, 35 km SE of Napai Basin, Nanning city, Near Ampandriambengy, within the Diego (Ambilobe) Basin of northernmost Madagascar. Precise locality data, available to qualified researchers, are archived at University of Antananarivo and Stony Brook University.Near Rahioli village, Kheda District, Gujarat, western IndiaNear Rhodes, Barkley East (coordinates for farmhouse)Near Xiabanjing, Jiangyi Rural Area, Yuanmou County of Yunnan Province, ChinaNear mouth of Berry CreekNear the Terlingua micrositeNear village of Qiupa, Luanchuan Basin (also listed as Luanchuan County, Tantou Basin).\n"At least five individuals of Yulong were found in the Qiupa Area, but they are from different quarries up to 4 km apart. The geological survey indicates that these different quarries belong to the same age." (Lü et al. 2013) — indicates geographic resolution of 'local area' until more detailed provenance data are provided.Neixiang County, Nanyang City; map indicates site just NE of XiaguanNemegt, Nemegt BasinNemegt, Nemegt Basin, OmnogovNethercomb, about 1 mi N of Sherborne, DorsetNew Peterborough Brick Company, No. 1 yard, near Peterborough, E of Great Northern RailwayNianpanshan, Jinlijing townshipNigerndeg bonebed, Castle Butte, Bayan MandahuNiupanggou, Shanyang Basin, eastern QinlingNogon Tsav, in the Zaltaika (Trans-Altai) Gobi, 20 km NW of Mt. Ongon-Ulan-Ula. In figure captions site is also called "Ingenii-Khobur"North Alashan desert, NW of NinghsiaNorth Grapevine Hills, in Big Bend National Park, TXNortheast of Paint Gap Hills, in Big Bend National Park, TX, USANortheast of the salt mines of Bajo Trapalcó, approximately 80 km southeast of General Roca, Department Avellaneda, northern-central Rio Negro Province. Near "El Matuasto" ranch post, in vicinity of town of Lamarque.\nApesteguia & Rougier (2007) state different co-ordinates (39 deg 26' 50"S, 67deg 19' 20"W) for whaty is clearly the same locality (e.g. the same map is provided, it has the same name and lithology)Northern Cliffs area of Khulsan, in a cliff ca. 4m above ground levelNorthern Sayr, NemegtNorthern Sayr, Nemegt localityNorthern Sayr, Nemegt locality, Nemegt basin, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)Northern edge of Gold Springs Wash drainage basin; coordinates based on existing PBDB collection 51894 (Gold Springs)Northern part of Cerro GuillermoNorthern part of Cerro Guillermo - 403 m away from the type locality of NotocolossusNorthern slope of Khermeen Tsav, approx. 4 km to the east of the Khermeen Tsav mouth, 30 km west of Naran Bulak Wellspring, Trans-Altai Gobi Desert, South Gobi Aimak. Coordinates are based on Naran Bulak Wellspring.OS coordinates ST 704 916. This locality is the new fissure fill discovered in 1990.Oarda de Jos, Alba District, 2 km N of Vurpar along the R bank of Sebes River, 3 km S of Alba Iulia and 1 km upstream of junction with Mures RiverObolello, 15 km SW of Tendaguru HillOhmden, near Holzmaden, WürttembergOil Creek, Garden Park, N of Cañon City, Fremont Co., CO.Ojo Alamo (Indian trading post), in Chaco Cañon, 95 miles NW of Gallup and 20 miles W of old Indian pueblo Bonita (= Putnam). On E edge of badlands to W of canyon, and near Cope's Puerco collections of 1874. Cretaceous beds exposed less than 1 mile S of Ojo Alamo. Supposedly on Willow Wash.\r\n\r\nGilmore (1916c, p. 295) stated in a footnote: "In a letter to me dated February 26, 1916, Mr. Brown says: 'Thescelus rapiens came from the lower conglomerate just below the old Indian trading store in Ojo Alamo,' or from the Ojo Alamo sandstone. - C.W.G." In the current terminology (Baltz, Ash, and Anderson, 1966, p. D3) this would be the Naashoibito Member of the Kirtland Shale of Montana age (ibid.).On Eagle Mountian near Elkford, B.C.On Gong Gol (= Ongt Gol) basin, place name = HukongwulongOn an unnamed island (Island 126/127) in Lake Kariba, about 8 km WSW of Bumi Hills Hotel, Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe (Rhodesia in this paper).On the E slope of the Sierra Pampa de Agnía, SE of the Cerro Camerón and ca. 8 km WSW of the García Prieto ranch (formerly Gallina ranch) at the source of a tributary of Cañadón Puelman. This ranch is accessible by a trail that is part of La Herrería located on National Route 25, 400 km from Rawson. Coordinates are for the Sierra Pampa de Agnía. SW of Cerro Carnerero, Sierra de Cerro Negro. Listed as Cañadón Puelman, SW from Cerro Carnerero in ref 45986.On the land of Mr. Joe B. Friday near Lockesburg, AR.On the riverbed of the Sasayama River in Kamitaki, Sannan-cho, Tamba City, Hyogo Prefecture, JapanOn the westerly escarpment in SE1/4, SE1/4, sec. 19Open-pit clay mine near Muirkirk, same general locality as 19th century Collections but cannot be certainly placed to same strata, etc.\r\nIdentified as Cherokee-Sanford Brick Clay Pit by Lipka et al. (2013)Originally described as from an unknown locality, possibly around Porteiras and the Sierra da Maozina, Chapada do Araripe, southern Ceará, northeastern Brazil. Further specified (Sues et al. 2002) as from near Buxéxé, 650 m altitude in southern Ceará, about 5 km S of Santana do Cariri (coordinate site).Oshimizu, Ooyama-machi, Kaminiikawa-gunOstrom's Beach, Devil's Kitchen quadOtari VillageOurém, VestariaOutcrop along road ("roadside cliff"), approximately 2 km south of Meoto-sugi and Nagakuradani sites, Fukui Prefecture; near Hayashidani villagePH 1597 locality, Rincón de los Sauces, Patagonia, ArgentinaPaballong, Mt. Fletcher, Eastern Cape Province, South AfricaPaballong, near Mt. Fletcher, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Coordinates provided by Kitching & Raath (1984)Paimogo (Forte Pai Mogo), 60 km NNW of Lisbon, near Louriñha, near top of cliffs along the AtlanticPanchmahals district; Waniawao, near DohadPant-y-ffynnon Quarry, near Bonvilston, South Glamorgan, Wales; also called Pant-y-ffynon, Cowbridge Island, ST 046 743; 3 mi E of CowbridgePaori, near DohadParaje la Esquina, Dpto. Independencia, SW La Rioja province, about 8 km west of provincial route 26, km 142Paso Córdova localityPatbaba ridge, Jabalpur CantonmentPaton's Hole, Bear Creek Ranch quadPeace River Canyon area, between Ferro Point and site 1Pemberton Marl Company pit, BirminghamPengtang, Jinquan, Zigong. Also listed as Yinhe village, ZhongquanPerlata, 75 km NW of Lisbon, near Louriñha, UTM = MD707443Peñagolosa Basin, S of Mora de RubielosPhu Nok Khian hill, near Ban Non Thaworn village, Chaiyaphum province, Khorat Plateau, NE ThailandPinglinggang Hill, Yangyan Village, Mazhai Town, Dongyang CityPinyes locality, ca. 20 km W of Coll de Nargó, in the drainage of the Sallent RiverPioch Herbaut, near village of Les MatellesPiqan = Shanshan CountyPisdura, Pisdura Hill, Wardha Valley, about 320 km S of JabalpurPlaya de la Griega, Jurassic section north of Colunga, 300 m east of the Rio Libardón delta, Gijón province, Asturia, SpainPochampalli (Posampalli), about 18 km E of Sironcha, Maharastra, Gadchiroli district, Pranhita-Godavari valley, IndiaPont d'Argent Quarry, Antully Plateau, on the edge of the Charbonnière ravine, Autun, Saône-et-Loire Dept., France.Porto de Mos (=Porto de Moz), S of LeiriaPossibly from a quarry at Scorlon (= Schorlan), 0.5 mi W of Newton Nottage, near Porthcawl (Porth-Cawl); discovered resting in the Newton Nottage green in front of the church, previously in front of the village inn.Potash Road Dinosaur Tracksite, 7 km southwest of Moab, Utah. Along pullout road (Potash Road) from Utah Rte 279, near a rockslide. Also called the "western site" in Lockley 1986.Praia da VermelhaPraia de Vale Frades, 5 km N of LouriñhaPranhita-Godavari Valley, Nennal (Nainial) villagePrecise locality data not given, based on Mesa Butte location (Zanno, pers. comm.)Priozernyi Quarry (open-cast coal mine), near Lake Kushmurun, Kustanai RegionProbably from Morrison outcrops near Redbird and Lance Creek, but exact locality unknown. Redbird used for coordinates.Proxy site for Prenoceratops type, collected on privately owned and deeded land of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, in the area of the Piegan (Piikani) tribe, in Pondera CountyPuesto Morales, La Picaza, S-central Neuquén provincePuesto Tripailao, about 30 km SW of General RocaPunta del Dente, near the Quieto/Mirna River mouth, central-W Istria; Solaris Campground, near Cervar/CerveraQiangang is a small village approx. 10 km southwest of the city of Yixian in Liaoning Province.QomoqomongQomoqomong = Rashoalane ("Le-Père-du-Crépuscule"), 8 km E of MoyeniQuarry behind the village of Aolicun, near Shangpanzhen. Coordinates are for Shangpanzhen. Site is near Yandang MountainQuarry is situated on the southern slope of the Langenberg, east of the town of Oker (Goslar) in front of the northern margin of the Harz MountainsQuebrada Norte quarry, near the Paso de las Bardas oil baseQuebrada de la Escalera, western outlfow of Río Tronco in the Valle del Tronco, San Carlos dept., Salta province. Coordinates given as 25° 23' S, 66° 5' W, but map provides more specific location.Quebrada de los Jachalleros, 3 kilometres south to the Cerro Rajado, General Lavalle Department, La Rioja Province, NW Argentina. Coordinates based on Figure 1 of Ezcurra (2017)Quergou/Queergou, near Hutubi; southern part of Junggar BasinR bank Sand Creek, 150 ft above river, 12 mi below Steveville, near Red Deer RiverR bank Sand Creek, 50 ft above river, near Red Deer River, Little Sandhill Creek basinR bank Sand Creek, 75 ft above river, near Red Deer River, Little Sandhill Creek basinR bank of Red Deer River, 1 km N of AMNH 5214; SE 1/4 of Sec 35, T33, R22R. C. Miller Ranch/Post quarry, 9 mi/14.5 km SE of of Post, Garza County, W Texas; coordinates stated by Bolt & Chatterjee (2000) and Chatterjee (1991)Rabbit Valley, Mesa Co., ColoradoRajpura, Jhalod regionRaposo Tavares road (BR-374), close to the Assis Chateaubriand Road (SP-425), outskirts of the Presidente Prudente CityRattlesnake Mountain, Big Bend National ParkRavat settlement in the valley of the Yagnob (Yaknob) River, close to the right bank, near side of the former road from Dushanbe to Khodzhent, along the stretch from the Ravat bridge to Kugi-Malek mountain, Zeravshan Ridge, at junction of Gissar and Zeravshan ranges. Based on map in ref 41213.Red Deer RiverRed Deer River valley, 300 feet above river, 2 miles SE of Sand Creek, in badlandsRed Deer River, 0.25 mi above Tolman Ferry, 20 ft above riverRed Deer River, 1 mile south of river, 2.5 miles up from Happy Jack Ferry. Alberta (badlands); SW 1/4, sec 4, T21, R11, LSD 4. UTM NAD83 E466,786.580 N5,622,422.480Red Deer River, 2 mi above Tolman Ferry, 50 ft above riverRed Deer River, 3 mi above Tolman Ferry, left bank of river, 190 ft. above riverRed Deer River, 7 mi below Tolman Ferry, 5o ft above riverRed Deer River, Alberta, 2 miles SW of Steveville, 0.5 miles W of river, 50 feet above water; SE 1/2, sec 29, T21, R12, LSD 4Red Deer River, Alberta, 3.5 miles below Steveville, W side of river, 100 feet above water; SW 1/4, sec 21, T21, R12, LSD 4Red Deer River, Alberta, W side of river, 3 miles below Steveville, 75 feet above water; SE 1/4, sec 29, T21, R12, LSD 4Red Deer River, Tolman FerryRed Deer River, approx. 10 mi below Tolman Ferry, 150 ft above river. ?sec 32, T31, R21. Close to type locality of Leurospondylus ultimus.Red Deer River, opposite mouth of Three Hills Creek (Threehills Creek), 200 ft (ca. 60 m) above river level, S end of Horsethief CanyonRed Fork of the Powder River, along SE edge of Big Horn Mtns.Red Peak, near Apache Canyon, eastern Quay Co.Redhole Lane, about 1 mi N of Abbey, *or* back of houses on N side of Cold Harbour Road (= Coldharbour Road). Both in Sherborne, but latter probably correct. Found in sandstone blocks quarried for building a school.Revuelto Creek, Quay Co., NMRibadesella, west side of the Playa, rock block at the northern retaining wall, Gijón province, Asturia, SpainRibomar (=Ribamar), W coast of Portugal, 37 km NW of Lisbon; from Praia do Sul; found 400 m E of littoral cliff of Assenta region, 5 km N of Ribamar da Ericeira, approx. 2.5 km S of Cambelas, 13 km W of Torres VedrasRio Martin Cultural Park, Village on Ezcuriza River, Val de Ariño Basin, 126 km NE of Teruel. Open pit coal mine. Road-cut between the towns of La Grita and Seboruco, Táchira State, VenezuelaRongseng, Lianjie townRosebud Creek, S12 T027N R22W 04; UTM = 12; 362800; 5684000Rosendal, Senekal district (= Ficksburg), (Orange) Free State, South AfricaRoss Coulee, near Irvine Station, on the C.P.R. line, about 18 mi. E of Medicine HatRousset-Highway 3Route Nationale 50, E of Saint-LaurentRoxborough State ParkRudgwick Brickworks Company quarry, Rudgwick, Sussex; NGR TQ 085 343Rygol Quarry, near PaintenS 1/2 Sec. 14, Tp. 6, Rge. 8W of Principal MeridianS 1/2 of SW 1/4 of sec. 11, T22N, R77W, Como BluffS 1/2, Sec 17, T19S, R6E; South Dragon ValleyS 1/2, sec 3, T21N, R37E, Garfield Co.S 1/2, sec 32, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridianS and W of ruins of telegraph stationS and W of ruins of telegraph station, 30 km W of AMNH quarry 136; 1 km S of EhrlienS and W of ruins of telegraph station, about 1 km S of Erhlien; 200 yds S of camp at Iren Dabasu telegraph station; 2 specimens found 100 feet apartS bank of Amur River, Heilongjiang, 8 km S of Jiayin, China. = Belyye Kruchi (White Cliffs). Between N bank villages of Sagibovo and Kasatkino, below mouth of Aian River.S end of deep cut on C.N.R. railway grade, about 2 miles SW of mouth of Berry Creek (Steveville), Red Deer River, Alberta; E 1/2, sec 29, T21, R12, W 4th meridianS of Cisco and N of Arches NPS of Deseado River, 140 km SW of Jaramillo, near the "Monumento Natural Los Bosques Petrificados", quarry near the main farmhouse "Laguna Manantiales." Given coordinates match location in Fig. 2 of Casamiquela 1964, which is actually ca. 70 km SW of Jaramillo.S of Mosquero, at end of promontory; escarpment south of the creek, 6.8 km west of NM Highway 39 in the SW 1/4, NE 1/4, SW 1/4, sec. 23, T17N, R29E.S of Piedmont, about 18 km N of Rapid CityS of Roquehautes (Roques-Hautes), toward the Crête du MarbreS of Saint-Chinian, in the region of Cruzy (Gabelas) and Quarante, near the Montagne-NoireS of StevevilleS of Tendaguru HillS of the Green RiverS side of Red Deer River at Jenner Ferry Crossing, ca. 18 km E of Dinosaur Provincial Park, sec 11, T22, R9, W4MS side of Red Deer River, E of Little Sandhill Creek; LSD 8, sec 31, T20, R11, W 4th meridian; 2264 ft elevationS side of Red Deer River, opposite Happy Jack's ranch; sec 2, T21, R11, W 4th meridianS slope of Gebel Maisara (?Gebel Ma'sera), approx. 1/4 up slope, in the plain at the base of the Baharîje Valley, Baharîje Oasis, near Marsa Matruh, EgyptS slope of hill, 50 m from highway connecting Kunming and Dali. Approx. 20 km S/SE of Lufeng, near Lao Chang Qing (= Laochangjing), A'na village, Chuanjie township, Lufeng countyS.E. 1/4, Sec. 23, Tp. 1, Rge. 5, W. 3rd. Merid., Morgan Creek (east branch, Rocky Creek), S of Wood Mtn., SaskatchewanSBDE Quarry 96BM-III, 15 km N of Bayan Mandahu village, Uraq Houqi, Bayan Nor LeagueSE 1/4 of sec. 6, T22N, R76W, Como BluffSE 1/4, NE 1/4, sec. 14, T24N, R12W, along Alamo Wash, San Juan Co., NMSE 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4, sec 1, T24N, R4E. Ghost Ranch, orig. owned by Arthur N. PackSE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec 21, T17S, R11E, SLBM, approx. 20 mi. S of Price (Carbon Co.) and 8 mi E of Cleveland (Emery Co.), UTSE 1/4, SW 1/4, sec 34, T24N, R13WSE 1/4, sec 11, T4S, R61E; Sand Creek, Carter Co., MTSE 1/4, sec 12, T5S, R28E, 3.75 mi SW of Cashen Ranch, 400 yds NW of junction of West Buster and Middle Buster CreeksSE 1/4, sec 12, T8S, R24E; 7 mi NNW of WarrenSE 1/4, sec 14, T5S, R28E; 1100 yds NW of YPM 64-37 on opposite side of mesaSE 1/4, sec 2, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; at a high point 500 yds S of Happy Jack Ferry, at Denhart Ferry, ca. 15 mi. below StevevilleSE 1/4, sec 21, T21, R12, W 4th meridianSE 1/4, sec 21, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridian; 2.25 mi S of mouth of Berry Creek, 140 ft above riverSE 1/4, sec 21, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridian; 3 mi below StevevilleSE 1/4, sec 26, T53N, R93W; 0.8 mi WNW of junction of Bentonite Company road and road to Kane, 4 mi NE of GreybullSE 1/4, sec 29, T6S, R24E; 4.25 mi NNE of Tom Edwards Ranch, 3.75 mi ESE of Bridger railroad stationSE 1/4, sec 29, T6S, R24E; 4.25 mi NNE of Tom Edwards Ranch, 3.75 mi ESE of Bridger railroad station, 220 yds N of YPM 64-64SE 1/4, sec 29, T7S, R24E; 2.5 mi SSE of Tom Edwards Ranch houseSE 1/4, sec 3, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 1 mi above ferry, 0.25 mi S of riverSE 1/4, sec 3, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; W side of River, 1 mi above Happy Jack Ferry, 200 ft above waterSE 1/4, sec 31, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridianSE 1/4, sec 31, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 8 mi. below Steveville, Dead Lodge CanyonSE 1/4, sec 31, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridian; ca. 3 mi S of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, 210 ft above riverSE 1/4, sec 31, T21N, R37E, Garfield Co.SE 1/4, sec 31, T5S, R24E; 5 mi NE of Bridger railroad stationSE 1/4, sec 32, T4S, R29E; 1.25 mi SSW of Cashen Ranch houseSE 1/4, sec 33, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridianSE 1/4, sec 35, T33, R22, W 4th meridian; about 8 mi NW of Rumsey, 260 ft above Red Deer RiverSE 1/4, sec 4, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridianSE 1/4, sec 5, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 1.5 mi S of river and 2 mi above Happy Jack FerrySE 1/4, sec 5, T21N, R11W, W4th meridian; 11 mi SE of StevevilleSE 1/4, sec 6, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridianSE 1/4, sec 6, T5S, R29E, 300 yds SW of YPM 64-31SE 1/4, sec 6, T5S, R29E; 2.25 mi SW of Cashen Ranch houseSE 1/4, sec 8, T7S, R24E; 1.75 mi NE of Tom Edwards Ranch, 200 yds N of knobSE 1/4, sec. 34, T21, R12, W 4th meridianSE of Berivotra, NW MadagascarSE of Marion Junction, and 10 miles west of Selma, Dallas County, Alabama on the Moore Brothers' FarmSE of Palmitas railway station, 10 km from Drable railway station, 80 km from Mercedes & 220 km from Montevideo. Between upper run of the Arroyo Maciel and its northern tributary, Arroyo La Lancha, in open fields. 10 km W of José E. Rodó.SE of StevevilleSE part of SW 1/4 of Section 26, T4S, R14E (OK Indian meridian), on Herman Arnold's farm, SE part of abandoned former Goessel quarry, 175 m NW of Ochsenbach church (Gauß-Krüger coordinates R 3498500, H 5431825, see Benton 1994), Stromberg region. Coordinates estimated from Google EarthSE ¼, Sec. 5, T1S, R55E, western Carter County. Blacktail Creek quad.SMP Loc. 388, N fork Alamo Wash, San Juan Co., NMSW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of sec. 10, T22N, R77W, Como Bluff, Albany Co., WYSW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of sec. 12, T22N, R77W, Como BluffSW 1/4 of sec 10, T24N, R43E; along Ft. Peck Reservoir, S of Ft. PeckSW 1/4 of sec 27, T4S, R69W; Bear Creek Road from Morrison to Denver, where it leaves creek and enters hills, 6 miles from Morrison, R (= S) side of road and 20 feet from road bed, near end of gully within 100 yds of house on L of road (white school house); also described as about 12 miles from Denver, where old Morrison Road left the mesa and entered Beaver Creek Valley at end of small arroyo E of the road. In Lakewood, CO.\r\n\r\nCannon 1890 gives this as near sec 28, S.R. 69 W.\r\n\r\nRef 60140: "The type and referred specimens were discovered in the upper part of the late Maastrichtian Denver Formation in the current city of Lakewood Colorado, 12 km southwest of the city of Denver on the south side of West Morrison Road, about 370 m east of the intersection of Kipling Street. The site was located 7 m south of West Morrison Road at the base of a gully. The area has seen much human modification, and there is now a drainage divertment culvert at the site to pass water underneath West Morrison Road...The original locality data provided with the specimen indicate that it was found by Mr. George L. Cannon Jr. on 19 June 1889. George Cannon supplied locality information on 24 August 1908 during a visit to YPM, and orally to Barnum Brown on 29 June 1916 (Osborn, 1917). The original locality data provided with the specimen identified the section as Denver Formation, about 12 miles from Denver, Colorado, S/W 1/ 4 Section 27, Township 4 South, Range 69 West, near where the old Morrison should have left the mesa going down into Beaver Creek Valley, at the head of a small arroyo east of road and near a small white school house (Marsh's collection notes identify the house as a white house with chicken coops around it)."SW 1/4 of sec. 12, T22N, R77W, Como BluffSW 1/4, NW 1/4 and NW 1/4, SW 1/4, of sec. 27, T9N, R31E; NE corner of Mesa RedondaSW 1/4, T24N, R13W (no section given; coordinates for sec 28 = SW area of quad)SW 1/4, sec 11, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; W side of river, 1.5 mi NE of Happy Jack FerrySW 1/4, sec 16, T4S, R26E, 0.25 mi E of AMNH 31-10; 3.5 mi N of PryorSW 1/4, sec 16, T4S, R26E, 0.25 mi W of AMNH 31-9SW 1/4, sec 21, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridianSW 1/4, sec 26, T4S, R29E; 2 mi E of Cashen Ranch house on Horse CouléeSW 1/4, sec 26, T7N, R16E, Wheatland Co., MT. Middle Dome, 12 miles SE of HarlowtonSW 1/4, sec 28, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridianSW 1/4, sec 33, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridian; 1.5 mi below Steveville; UTM NAD83 E457353.919, N5629594.606; 20 ft above riverSW 1/4, sec 34, T5S, R24E; 2.5 mi NE of Bluewater Creek Fish HatcherySW 1/4, sec 35, T20N, R12W, W 4th meridian; SW side of river, 6 mi. N of DenhartSW 1/4, sec 36, T4S, R29E, 3 mi ESE of Cashen Ranch, 700 yds NW of Point CreekSW 1/4, sec 5, T6S, R24E; 0.25 mi S of YPM 64-71SW 1/4, sec 8, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 12 mi. below Steveville, R bank, 75 ft above riverSW 1/4, sec 8, T5S, R30E; 6 mi SE of Cashen Ranch house, 20 miles E of Pryor, on Mott CreekSW 1/4, sec 8, T5S, R30E; 6 mi SE of Cashen Ranch house, on Mott CreekSW 1/4, sec. 34, T24N, R13 W, along Hunter Wash, San Juan Co., NMSW 1/4, section 8, T10S, R1W, on farm of Warren Condray, Ottawa Co., Kansas. 10 miles S of Miltonvale, KS.SW Nemegt BasinSW Nemegt Basin. E side of the northern mouth of Khermeen Tsav Sayr, probably from the\r\nsame site that was described by Kielan-Jaworowska and Barsbold (1972) and Elzanowski (1981)SW coast of the Isle of Wight, about 100 yds (90 m) W of Cowleaze Chine and 50 yds E of Barnes High; Brixton (now Brighstone) BaySW end of South Table Mtn, 5 miles NE from GoldenSW end of Tuileries d'Argences (new tileworks quarry), Le Fresne d'Argences, N of Argences. Calvados, 10 km E of Caen, NormandySW of Choteau, Teton County; multiple sites (including MOR TM-160) through ca. 8 m of section. 22 total sites - 3 nesting sites, 4 bonebeds, 15 coprolite sitesSW of Lacey Point, Petrified Forest National ParkSW of Laiyang, Laiyang district, Shandong province, China. 1 li (0.6 mi) SW of Chiangchingting (Chiang-Chün-Ting) villageSW of Rattlesnake Mtn., Brewster Co., Big Bend NPSW part of Montague, less than 0.5 mi from Connecticut RiverSW side of Sand Mesa, near S end of Adeii Eechii Cliffs, on Ward Terrace, in the Little Colorado River Valley, Navaho Nation, NE ArizonaSW slope of Cerro Cuadrado, Estancia Los Alamitos, near Arroyo Verde, SE Río Negro provinceSW slope of Cerro Cuadrado, Estancia Los Alamitos, near Arroyo Verde, SE Río Negro province; Cona Niyeu\r\nWest slope of Cerro Cuadrado, Estancia Los Alamitos, near Arroyo Verde, SE Río Negro province; Cona NiyeuSW toe of North Horn Mtn., Manti National Forest, Emery Co., UTSW ¼ of Sec. 8, T22N, R10W\r\nIn the Ah-shi-sle-pah Wilderness Study Area along the south side of Ah-shi-sle-pah WashSage Creek, Fremont Co., WYSage Creek, near Onefour; 12, 545414E, 451340 N (there is an error in the coordinates); 130 km SE of holotype locality of Styracosaurus albertensisSaihanggaobi, Sonid Zuoqi (Sunitezuoqi), 15 km SW of ErenhotSaint Leons (Saint-Léons), center-W of the Causses, in an abandoned quarrySaint-Hilaire quarter, CoudouxSaint-Laurent-de-Trèves, Lozère; W of the village at the summit of a spur, near FloracSainte-Barbe coal seam near Bernissart, between Mons and Tourney (= Tournai) near the French border. Accessed through several wells and shafts, including Cran du Nord, Cran du Midi, Cran aux IguanodonsSainte-Sabine quarry, northwestern border of Massif Central, Côte-d'Or, France. Auxois.Salir dos Matos, Caldas da RainhaSalitral Moreno, 20 km SW of city of General Roca, SE margin of Salitral Moreno depression, Río Negro province, ArgentinaSand Arroyo (Sand Creek), 16 miles SE of Lismas, MT. 4 mi E of the CK Ranch; also listed as in the badlands between Sand Creek and Prairie Elk (Creek)Sand Creek, 12 mi below Steveville, Red Deer River, 150 ft above river levelSand Creek, Red Deer RiverSandown BaySandy/Sand Arroyo, 20 mi SE of LismasSanga Grande (Baixo), at Alemõa, kilometer 3, E outskirts of Santa MariaSangiali Kali Kakor locality, Vitakri area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, BalochistanSanhangobi, Sunitezuoqi, Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolian) Autonomous Region (20 km southwest of Erlian city)Sant Romà d'Abella (= Barranco de la Llau de Doba), near Isona, Tremp Basin, Lleida; left flank of the Barranco de la Posa, Dellà basinSanta Eulària, E of Mas de Pinyes.Sarsgroove (= Sarsgrove?), Sarsden, near Chipping Norton, Wiltshire.\r\nSarykamyshsay Natural Reserve, on the left bank of the Naryn River, northern Fergana, near the town of Tashkumyr (=Tash-Kumyr, Tash-Komur, Tash-Komuer, Taskumyr). Originally said to be in the Osh region, but modern boundaries place this site in the Jalal-Abad region, NW from the Osh region.Sataplia Mtn., 6 km NW of KutaisiSavoy Pit, Fannin Co., Texas (Ector 7.5' Quadrangle). Coordinates for Savoy, TX.Sebes Glod locality, ca. 2.5 km N of town of Sebes, Sebes Valley riverbed, 1.5 km NNE of Lancram villageSec 14, 15 or 16 (used 15), T40N, R63W; Seven Mile Creek Drainage, 2.6 (not 5 or 6) miles N of Cheyenne River, Niobrara Co. (originally Converse and not Weston Co.), WyomingSec 26, T33, R22; L bank of Red Deer River and 210 ft above river, 1.5 miles above Tolman FerrySec 30, T31N, R34E, in Peacock Canyon, a tributary of the Cimarron River, on the O. W. McQuistion ranch, SE of Valley, NM. From main draw, SE of Jurassic "nubbin" near S (upper) end of canyon.Sec 32, T20, R11, W4th meridian, Dinosaur Provincial ParkSec 5 (Lambe lists sec. 3), T31, R21, W of 4th meridian; 90 ft above Red Deer River, 8 miles SW of Morrin, opposite Neil's ranch house on the riverSec. 12, T34, R22, W 4th meridian, 5 miles N of Tolman Ferry, E side of Red Deer River, Alberta; 115 feet above river.Sec. 17, T21, R11, W 4th meridian; 2 miles NE of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River, Alberta. Now in Dinosaur Provincial ParkSec. 3, T33, R21, W 4th meridian, 3 miles below Tolman Ferry, left-hand side of Red Deer River, Alberta. From 175 feet above river.Sec. 30, T20, R11, W 4th meridian; 2.5 miles S of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer River, Alberta; 200 feet above riverSec. 30, T29, R19, W 4th meridian, on Michichi creek, 5 miles from Drumheller, Red Deer River, AlbertaSec. 8, T19S, R9E. 5 miles southeast of Castle Dale; also listed as "Red Seeps"Selsly Hill, GloucestershireSelwyn Park Sheep Station, south-east of Winton (southwest of Chorregon), central Queensland, AustraliaSenjitu, Fengning CountySeobeng, near LeribeSerie at North of Cap Espichel.Several miles (also listed as "about 10 miles") N of Rapid City and 1.5 mi E of Piedmont, in E part of Black Hills ("on the eastern 'Rim' of the Black Hills"), a few rods SW of house on land belonging to Rachel HatchShabarakh Usu (= Flaming Cliffs, Bayn Dzak), Chonji cliffs region, MongoliaShalghara Kali Kakor locality; in the Dhaola range, near the village of Vitakri in eastern Balochistan Province, Pakistan. Coordinates are for Vitakri village. Shangheshou, near Chaoyang City, LiaoningShangyenkou, Haishihwan, Yengteng, KansuShanqian, Luifangzi, man-made quarry NE of Gongzhiling city, SW of Chanchun city, along E margin of Songliao Basin; most fossils from SE part of "barrow pit" created during nearby road building.Shanyuan, western Liaoning ProvinceShaping Village, Liudian Town, Ruyang County, Henan Province, ChinaShay Canyon, E of Canyonlands National Park and NW of Monticello, ca. 65 mi. S of MoabSheba Mtn., near camp at old Sieber Ranch, 130 miles N of Miles City, in Dawson Co., MT. Hell CreekSheep Creek drainage, Freezeout Hills (Mtns.)Sheep Creek drainage, Freezeout Hills (Mtns.), orig. in Carbon Co.Sheep Creek, 25 miles NE of Medicine Bow, WYSheep Creek, 25 miles NE of Medicine Bow, WY; orig. in Carbon Co.Shestakovo-1 locality, Kemerovo region, western Siberia, Kuznetsk Basin, Chebula district, about 40 km S of Mariinsk city; right bluff/precipice of Kiya (Kie) River, a right tributary of Chulym River, 1.5 km downstream from ShestakovoShestakovo-3 locality, 1 km SE from Shestakovo village, Kiya River precipice, Kemerovo region, western Siberia, Chebula district, about 40 km S of Mariinsk city. Also listed as 3 km E of Shestakovo and 2 km NE of Shestakovo Bluff; a roadcut.Shexian, near Tunxi, Huangshan, Anhui ProvinceShibangou, Chimei, Neixiang countyShifo, NingchengShihtikan, Shihshunhsiang, Kuangan district, Szechuan. Approx. 100 km NW of the Changshou localityShiljust-Ula, Borzongiyn Gobi (Borzon)Shiregin Gashun (= Sheeregeen Gashoon), northern Nemegt Basin, MongoliaShornden Quarry, near Hastings, SussexShort Pine Hills, 19 mi. S of Camp Crook; NE 1/4, sec. 15, T17N, R1EShrump Quarry, PleasantdaleShuangmiao village, Beipiao city, Liaoning provinceShuantang site (sometimes misspelled Shuangtang), Tiantai basinSierra Barrosa, 30 km NE of Plaza HuinculSierra del Portezuelo, 22 km W of Plaza Huincul city, Neuquén province, NW Patagonia; quarry is 500 m NW of national route 22.Sierra del Portezuelo, Neuquén province, ArgentinaSihetun area near Beipiao citySihetun site, Beipiao citySinankou, opening of gully SW of Chingkangkou, S of LaiyangSite is located on Carrot River, on the NW flank of the Pasquia Hills, 100 km SW of Bainbridge River bonebed and near town of ArborfieldSite is northwest of Delta, and 22 mi. SE of Grand Junction, in Wells Gulch, SW 1/4, sec 26, T14S, R98W, 6th P.M.Sitio Trauku, Loma de la Lata, 5 km SW of Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales, N coast of Los Barreales Lake, Neuquén province, northern Patagonia, ArgentinaSlippery Rock site, Dinosaur Cove, including tunneling (e.g. First Cross Tunnel, West Tunnel) and multiple smaller sites (e.g. The Pillar)Smokejack's Brickworks (Ockley Building Products Limited, formerly Ockley Brick Company Limited), Wallis Wood, Ockley, near Dorking, Surrey, England, a little below the top of the SE face, nearest to the works buildings. Grid reference TQ13: 113 373. Includes extended excavation of Iguanodon in same bed.Soltykow outcrop (= Odrowaz site), Holy Cross MountainsSomes Odorhei, near borough of JibouSouth Dragon Valley, North Horn Mtn, Emery Co., UT; NE 1/4, Sec 12, T19S, R5ESouth Korea, Cholla Namdo province, about 20 km west of the City Haenam, near the southern coast. Huangsan Basin.South of Payzac and 6 km north of Les Vans, near border with Salindre. Coordinates are based on Payzac, Ardèche, France.South side of Red Deer River, 3 miles above “Happy Jack Ferry” (Belly River Fm., Dead Lodge Canyon)\r\nSoutheast region of Taouz (30530 N, 3580 W), Errachidia Province, Meknès-Tafilalet Region, Morocco.Southwest corner of Whitewood Paddock, "Clutha" station, N of Flinders River, 34 miles NW of Maxwelton, NW Queensland, on the Great Northern Railway, 337 miles W of TownsvilleSouthwest of Fruita, Colorado, in the Fruita Paleontological Resource Area (FPA). Coordinates are based on the town of Fruita.Specimen "was found in a block of rock in the rock-filled Tando embankment dam between the Tando Dock and the Jeongok harbor"Spring Grange farm, Nyamandhlovu district, Bubi county, about 24 miles N of Bulawayo, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).Squirrel Hill Quarry, near Schwenkville (Schwenksville), on Perkiomen CreekSsuchiatzu is near Yangshan, Jehol, which lies approx. 40 km S of Chaoyang and 50 km W of Chinchou/ChichouSt. Ives, CambrdgeshireStandard Coal Company mine, Standardville, in Spring Cañon - including (or the same as) the No. 3 mineStanton, WiltshireStark family quarry, 1 km WNW of Schamaupten church, E part of Eichstätt district, in the Schambachtal (Schambach valley), southern Franconian AlbSungsankang coal min, Huinan, Kirin, Jilin ProvinceSunnydown Farm Quarry, near Langton Matravers (SY 9822 7880)Suterranya lignite mine, Tremp Basin, Ager syncline, south-central Pyrenées, Cataluna province, Spain; 4 km west of OrcauSuterranya, Tremp Basin, Ager syncline, south-central Pyrenées, Cataluna province, Spain; 4 km west of OrcauSão Mamede, near ObidosT129N,R105W,sec2, approx. SE 1/4T131N,R105W,sec, approx. SW 1/4T131N,R105W,sec27, approx. NW 1/4T133N,R105W,sec17, approx. S centerT133N,R105W,sec17, approx. centerT133N,R105W,sec5, approx. NW 1/4T133N,R106W,sec27, approx. center\r\nN of Marmarth in Little Missouri National GrasslandsT134N,R106W,sec24 , approx. SE 1/4T134N,R106W,sec35, approx. SW 1/4T134N,R106W,sec5, approx. center NT135N,R106W,sec32, approx. centerT135N,R106W,sec33, approx. SW 1/4T20 or T21, R11, W 4th meridianT21, R1, W 4th meridian, Sandy Point, East Coulee, AlbertaT21, R11, W 4th meridianT21, T12, W 4th meridian; now in Dinosaur Provincial ParkT23N,R13W,sec1, SW 1/4, SE 1/4T24N, R11W, sec 17, NW 1/4, SW 1/4; N side of Barrel Springs arroyo (= De-na-zin Wash), 1 mi S of Ojo AlamoT24N, R11W, sec 18, NE 1/4, NW 1/4; about 1.5 km SW of Ojo AlamoT24N,R12W,sec3, NE 1/4, NW 1/4T24N,R13W,sec32, SW 1/4, NE 1/4T37N, R8W - no section given, so coordinates are for section 18 (halfway); Milk River, Blackfeet Indian ReservationT37N, R8W, sec 27; S side of Milk River, Blackfeet Indian ReservationT37N, R8W, sec. 16; N side of Milk River, about 1/2 mile W and S of Brachyceratops type locality; Blackfeet Indian ReservationT38N, R64W, no section listed but coordinates for sec 18, "north of Lance Creek" (originally Converse Co.)T39N, R64W (coordinates for sec 22), just S of Cheyenne River at Schneider Creek, near Lance CreekT3S, R9ETMM 43681, near Dawson Creek, in Big Bend National ParkTQ 83141844; East SussexTaiwan village, Tiantai CountyTakemoutTamerát, E of In GallTantou Basin, Songping Valley, Luanchuan county; discovered by villagers from the Songping Brigade, Songba Commune, Luanchuan Co., Henan. Also listed as Haoping, near Qiupa.Tashuikou (= Dashuigou, Tao-Suei-Gou), about 60 km N of Chilantai (Jilantai), on E side of Chilantai Salt Lake (Chilantaiyen Chih), E part of Alashan DesertTauleria locality, E of Mas de PinyesTebch, Inner Mongolia, 11 km N of Uradi Houqi and 7 km NW of abandoned lamasery of Harchulu (= Chulu Miao). Probably the same as Young's Haratologai (= Haratologay), described as ca. 100 km NW of the great bend of the Hwangho River, NW of the Ordos.Thaba 'Nyama (Black Mtn.) between Josana's Hoek and Josana's Neck, near Bensonvale, Herschel district, Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Coordinates for Josana's Hoek. Sterkspruit map.Thabana-Morena (Seboka) mountain 15 km SE of Mafeteng and 4–5 km S of Thabana-Moreno villageThaiat Ridge, 16 km E of Jaisalmer city, on the S side of the Jaisalmer, Jodhpur highway.The "Carnegie Quarry" (quarry exhibit wall), E of Vernal, now the main visitor center in Dinosaur National Monument. A sandstone hogback in sec. 26, T4S, R23E, Salt Lake meridian.The Hayden-Corbett Site (Gr287v) is at the top of an approximately 20 cm thick sandstone, interpreted to represent a crevasse splay deposit, in the Yellow Cat Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation approximately 8 miles southeast of Green River, Utah in the immediate vicinity of the Suarez and Crystal Geyser sitesThe Nemegt locality of Gradzinski et al. (1968), Nemegt Basin, southern Gobi Desert Mongolia. eastern Nemegt, near Red WallsThe Serrat Pedregós site is situated on the western side of the Terradets pass, midway up the track leading to the top of the hill bearing that name. Also referred to as Cellers-2 (López-Martínez 2000)The Urbanizacion Mont- sec site is situated on the eastern side of the Terradets pass, near the road leading to the town of Llimiana. The continental outcrop of Gadoufaoua is situated approximately at the geographic center of Niger, 170 km south-east of the town of Agades at the edge of the Tenere desert, south-east of the Air Mountains.The fossiliferous locality is placed at the east shore of Ezequiel Ramos Mexía Reservoir, Río Negro Province, Northern Patagonia, Argentina (Fig. 1). GPS coordinates of the fossil site are 39º 28’ 9.82” S, 68º 54’ 25.01” WThe holotype is from the middle part of the Upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation on the Blackfeet Reserva- tion in northern Montana, c. 22 km SSW of Cut Bank.The holotype was recovered from Upper Cretaceous rocks along the Oldman River in the area of Waldron Flats, approximately 164 km south of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Figure 1). The uppermost St. Mary River Formation and lowermost Willow Creek Formation are both exposed along the river in this area. Due to the strongly upthrust and faulted condition of the bedrock strata in the area and the absence of obvious outcrops of the Battle Formation and Whitemud Member marker beds in the quarry area, it has been difficult to determine the precise stratigraphic position of the specimen in relation to the contact between the St. Mary River and Willow Creek formations. Nonetheless, existing geologic maps of the area suggest that the quarry occurs within the upper 30 m of the St. Mary River Formation [9]. This stratigraphic position is supported by the presence of the angiosperm palynomorph Scollardia trapaformis (D.R. Braman, personal communication) in the host matrix of TMP 2005.055.0001. S. trapaformis is diagnostic for upper beds of both the St. Mary River Formation and the combined Carbon and Whitemud members of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (southern and central Alberta) [10, 11]. Carbon Member strata north of Drumheller have yielded the chasmosaurine Eotriceratops xerinsularis [10: Figure 3] and are assigned an age of 67.5–68.5 mega-annum (Ma) [10–12]. Given that well-established chronostratigraphic correlations across southern Alberta equate the upper Horseshoe Canyon Formation with the upper St. Mary River Formation (see Figure 9 in [13]), the holotype likely shares this same middle Maastrichtian age.The quarry is located on S side of Burmudian (Bermudian) Creek, 4.8 km east of York Springs near Burmudian (Bermudian) Springs (Pondtown), near a stone arch bridge 1/8 mi. S of Pondtown Mill, Adams County, PA. Some prints were removed and built into Plum Run Bridge in Gettysburg National Park.The remains were found in outcrops of the Bajada Colorada Formation (Neuquén Basin), at its type locality 40 km south of Picún Leufú town on the national route 237, in southeastern Neuque´n Province, Patagonia, ArgentinaThe site belongs to the town of Beaurecueil, at the SW foot of the Sainte-Victoire MountainThe site belongs to the town of Beaurecueil, at the SW foot of the Sainte-Victoire Mountain. Also described as 2.5 km W of Mount-Saint-Victory (Montagne-Ste-Victoire), and ca. 8 km E of Aix-en-Provence.The site lies on the floor of a valley, about 2 km along a stream west of Sikou, in Ssuchiatzu (Sijiazi)The tracksite is NMMNH locality 6678 in the SE1/4 NE1/4 sec 26, T15N, R8W.Thejane, near MaphutsengThis quarry is approx. 0.8 km from Eyford, and 2 km northeast of Naunton on an unclassified road that crosses Eyford Hill. \r\nSP 126253This site includes Scabby Butte as a whole. The number is applied to all surface finds.Three Hills Locality, Three Hills Creek, S16 T020N R22W 04; UTM = 12: 359755; 5714550; Three Hills Creek, downstream from HWY 836 intersection with creek.Tianqiaotun (= T'ien Ch'iao T'un) site, 7.5 km SW of Laiyang, Laiyang district, Shandong province, China. Altitude from Laiyang. SW of Chiangchingting village (may be same as name of site).Tiansicun (Tiansi village), Tiantai CountyTianwan village, Heping, 1 km N of Zigong train stationTichá dolina, (Cicha valley), Cerveny Úplaz ravine, western Tatra Mountains, Vysoke TatryTilgate Forest area, near Cuckfield, West SussexTongbao Village, Tong'an (Tongan) Town, Huili County, southern SichuanToogreeg Shire, 50 km W of Bayn Dzak, OmnogovTop Kinwa Kali Kakor locality, Vitakri area, Central Sulaiman Range, Barkhan District, BalochistanTornillo Flat, Big Bend National ParkTornillo Flats area of Big Bend National ParkToro Toro, "Pista de Danzas"; 65° 45' W, 18‚ 07' S. In a creek parallel to E bank of Toro Toro River, immediately after first natural stone bridge, before junction of river with Mayu Mayu River.Torrent de l'Esdavella, Vallcebre SynclineToudaoyingzi, JianchangTracksites are along the river from the Muddy Creek monocline to the Black Hills monocline.Trainsaltaian Gobi, a few km S of Haichin Ula (= Khaychin-Ula) Mtn.Tremp Basin, near Isona and Sant Roma d'AbellaTsagan Hushu (= Tsagan Ula, Tsagan Khushu, Tsagan-ushu), Omnogov (southern Mongolia)Tsagan Ula (= Hushu/Ushu/Khusku), OmnogovTsagan Ula (= Hushu/Ushu/Khusku), Omnogov; Transaltaian Gobi, Tsagan Hushu (= Tsagan Khusku), northern Gobi, Mongolia. Coordinates averaged from those in Gradzinksi et al., 1968.Tsatzeyuanhsu, Chaling, E HunanTungkou, Chiangchunting; close to Wiman's Tanius siteTunnel de la Nerthe, Fuveau, Aix-en-Provence basin. Built during establishment of the P.-L.-M. railway line in 1846Turkey Creek, a few mi. S of AlamedaTurner Ranch, Liberty Co.Twito ranch, about 16 mi S of McIntosh; near SW corner of sec 25, T20N, R21E, Corson Co., SDTwo miles north of Copper Mine (Coppermine) Trading Post on the Kaibito (Kaibeto) Plateau, Navajo Indian Reservation, Coconino County, Arizona. Also listed as being 27 km S of Page.Ténéré Desert\r\nUTM 12, 461295E, 5617724N; Dinosaur Provincial ParkUTM 12U 0465344, 5622710UTM 12U 532049E 5466577N; 14 km SE of Manyberries; quarry relocated in 2006; NE 1/4, sec 2, T5, R5, W 4th meridian; at base of small butte, on W side of short coulee that runs SSE into South Manyberries Creek, about 250 yds S of where local people mine coal (Sternberg field notes)UTM 12U, 466398mE, 5622330mNUTM 463030 E, 5621890 N, grid 12 (WGS 84), approx. 50 km from Brooks, AlbertaUTM 464,026.410 E, 5,621,002.020 NUTM 5621230 N, 463550 EUTM 5621380 N, 463400 EUTM 5622270 N, 471130 EUTM 5622280 N, 471490 EUTM 5622530 N, 466580 E; E of BB 43 and higherUTM 5622580 N, 466750 E; E of BB 43 and higherUTM 5622750 N, 465480 E; NW of RTMP BB 43UTM 5623290 N, 470000 EUTM 5623390 N, 465420 EUTM 5623610 N, 469290 EUTM 5624290 N, 463350 EUTM 5624620 N, 462780 EUTM 5627150 N, 459450 EUTM 5630720 N, 458010 E; near BB 224UTM 659049 4443553; sauropod remains all found within an area of 280 m2UTM = 459530 E, 5629360 N, grid 12Udan-Sayr locality, in depression between Arts Bogdo and Gurvan-Sayhan ranges, N of Nemegt, "south of Hovd-somon Ubur-Hangayskaymak"Ukhaa Tolgod "is in the Nemegt Basins of the southwestern Gobi desert, about 10 km northwest of the village of Davs and 3 km southeast of Gilbent mountain (Fig 1a). It comprises several low hills, cliffs and gullies extending for about 7 km along a broad wash. The main concentration of specimens occurs in an amphitheatre (4 sq km) that marks the upper reaches of the wash." (Dashzeveg et al. 1995) Lat long is for Nemegt Mountains. Ukhaa Tolgod, Gurvan Tes Somon, Omnogov Aimak, Mongolia; near salt extraction settlement of DausUlan Oshih, 200 km NE of Dalan Tszadagad, 30 km NW of the Dagshiuin Khuduk wellUlan-tsonch badlands, NW of TebchVale Frades, LouriñhaVale Pombas, N of Lourinha, central-west PortugalValle Pintado, Hollada de Ischigualasto, Ischigualasto Provincial Park; Ischigualasto–Villa Unión BasinValle Pintado, a few km ESE of Aguada de la Peña, Ischigualasto ValleyVelaux-La Bastide Neuve, 35 km W of Draguignan, Bouches du Rhône Department, southern France. In the Fox-Amphoux syncline.Ventaben (Ventrabren, Ventebren), 6 km E of Étang de BerreVicari, about 31 km N of Selles, Ager syncline, south-central Pyrenées, Lleida, Cataluna province, SpainVillar del Río (= Serrantes), SoriaViolante farm, SE of Ezequiel Ramos-Mexia lake, NW Río Negro provinceVoyizane (Voisana) farm, Transkei district (= Herschel), South AfricaVreeland Quarry, old quarry, W side of Valley Road, Towaco, Lincoln ParkVurpar (orig. Borberek), on R bank of Mures River, downstream from Alba Iulia, in the "Metaliferi area", Transylvanian BasinW 1/4, sec 8, T133N, R105W, Marmarth 7.5' Quad, Slope Co.W bank of Tuanhe River, center of Xiaguan-Gaoqiu basinW branch of Sand Creek, about 2 mi SW of creek mouth, 200 ft above river, in the Red Deer River Valley, now Dinosaur Provincial ParkW coast of Lago Mari Menuco, 50-60 km NW of city of NeuquénW face of Mt. Holyoke, a few rods N of Titian's piazza in Hadley, E side of Connecticut River (Hoccanum = Hockanum). Probably same site as '2 mi. NW of church, S. Hadley' in ref 30862.W of Coll de Nargó, Riu Sallent valleyW of Great Pyramid, Nemegt (= Nemegetu) locality, Nemegt Basin, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)W of In Abangarit oasis, Iguidi region\r\nexact coordinate given by Sereno and Larsson 2009W of Lavaria Muwada (Lawaria/Lavariya Muwada), S of Kevadiya (= Khevariya, Kevadia), about 1.5 km NW of Rahioli, Kheda district - these are possibly two localities (ref 19788, p. 497); descriptions are unclear on this point.W of village of RoussetW part of Shara-Tsav bluffs, 8 km N of Bayshin-TsavW side of Blanco (Catfish) River, N of Cedar Mtn (Hill), in breaks just N of the old Spur-Crosbyton mail roadW side of Mt. Tom, W side of Connecticut River; probably the same as "Bassett's quarry" SW of Mt. Tom in EasthamptonW side of Red Deer River, 100 feet above river, 9 miles SW of Morrin, Alberta; section 34, T30, R21, W 4th meridianW side of Red Deer River, 3 miles above Munson Ferry, 140 feet above waterW side, Dry Creek Road, 0.2 mi. (0.32 km) N of its intersection with Powder River Road; T1S, R55E, listed as sec 17 but ref suggests it's actually sec 9.W. W. Jones Ranch, near the city of Glen RoseWade quadWalnut Creek, southeast of Decatur, Wise County, Texas, 3309 N, 9734 WWangJiagou, Yixian, Liaoning Province, ChinaWat Sakawan temple, at the foot of Phu Khum Khao hill, Sahat Sakhan dsitrict, 30 km N of Kalasin, Kalasin province, NE Thailand. Site of Phu Kum Khao Dinosaur Research CentreWawmda, near Tilougguit (coordinates), in basin of same name, AzilalWest Jersey Marl Company's Pit, about 2 miles S (also listed as 1.5 mi. E) of Barnsboro (=Barnesboro), Mantua Township, Gloucester Co., NJWestern Sayr, NemegtWestern Sayr, Nemegt locality, Nemegt basin, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)Weston Point (= Western Point), S side of Mersey River, ca. 1.5 mi. W of Runcorn, CheshireWestvale No. 5 CollieryWeyerhaeuser Comapny's Briar Plant Quarry, a gypsum quarry 20 km N of Nashville, SE 1/4, Sec. 14, T&S, R27WWhale ChineWhite Ghost Castle field area (Baimo), Jiuquan area, Yujingzi BasinWhitemud CreekWilliamson Cliffe brick-pit, Great Casterton, Rutland, England. Coordinates are for town of Rutland.Willow Springs area, 10 km from MNA 555-3 (coordinates for that locality b/c direction unknown), Coconino Co., AZWillow Wash (SMP loc. 389b)Windy City, southwest of Rattlesnake Mountain, Big Bend National Park. Site is near S end of "Purple Hill", near Rattlesnake Mtn.Wolf Creek Canyon; SE 1/4, sec 14, T4S, R24EWolvercot (Wolvercote), Sommertown Pit, SE EnglandWood Mountain, near Rocky Creek (= Morgan Creek), southern Saskatchewan; Sec 15, T1, R5, W of 3rd meridianWu Ma Cun village near Zizhon townWu Ma Cun village, near Zizhon townWucaiwan area, Junggar Basin, XinjiangWucaiwan area, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang.Wucaiwan, Kelameili, field locality 83007-5Wucaiwan, Kelameili, field locality 83007-6Wucaiwan, Kelameili, field locality 83007-8Wucaiwan, Kelameili, field locality 83007-9WuerhoWuerho areaWujiaba Dam (Shaheba Dam), along Fuhsi River (tributary of Tuojiang River) near city of Zigong (Tsekung), about 4 km SWWuting (Wuding) district, 100 km NE of LufengXanadu (and some specimens from just south of it), = sublocality 7, Ukhaa Tolgod, Gurvan Tes Somon, Omnogov Aimak, Mongolia; near salt extraction settlement of DausXiafuxiang, 22 km from, Beipiao city, Liaoning provinceXiaioyugou, Lianhe town, Chaoyang city, Liaoxi region in Liaoning provinceXiao-tai-zi (Xiaotaizi), La-ma-dong (Lamadong), JianchangXiaobeigou locality, Lujiatun, Shangyuan, Beipiao CityXiaogu, Qianwei County, SW Sichuan BasinXiaohutian site, Taoism temples. Qiyunshan (Qiyun Mtns.), Huanshang cityXiaosanjiazi Village, Lamadong Town, Jianchang County of Liaoning ProvinceXierhuqiao village, Yixian county; coordinates for Yixian.Xiiyang, Xiaoheba (Xiaoxiyan) village, Jinning County. Also referred to locally as Jin JiXijianchang, Jianchang County, Liaoning Province (China)Xinwa village, 6 km from Jingshan town, Lufeng county, Yunnan, ChinaXisanjia Village, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, ChinaXixipo village, Lufeng countyXuanhan County, Sichuan Basin, southwestern China (coordinates for Xuanhan).Yamanapalli (= Yemanapally), in Pranhita-Godavari ValleyYang Tsao Ti, near Ta Ti, NE of Lufeng city.Yangmeikeng tracksite, near town of Youshan (formerly Datang), Shaoguan. Coordinates for Yangmeikeng are far from town of Youshan, so the latter is used here.Yanjiagou, Xuanhua area, near ShisegouYansi, Jingxian, S Anhui province, China. Coordinates for Yansi.Yaotun, NanxiongYemaoxi on the S bank of the Yangtze River, Chongqing city; within Chongqing, near Fifth People's Hospital, Tushan Road, Nan'an district [original site destroyed by construction]Yongan, near ZigongYuanjitun village near Cangling town, Baomanjie areaYujingzi BasinYujingzi Basin, Jiuquan area, approx. 100 km SE of type site for "Nanshiungosaurus" bohliniYujingzi Basin, Jiuquan area, approx. 100 km SE of type site for "Nanshiungosaurus" bohlini and several hundred meters away from type site for taxonYujundong site, Qiyunshan (Qiyun Mtns.), Xiuning county, Huanshang city; approx. 200 m from Xiaohutian tracksiteZambezi ValleyZangjiazhuang, Zhucheng, Shandong Province, China. Approx. 5 km from Kugou site.Zhinst Tolgoi of Udyn Sayr (coordinates for base camp at Zhinst Tolgoi); N: 44-05-3917; E: 102-54-3316; A: 1327mZhnongxian county grain distribution center, SichuanZhongcun town, Lufeng county, Chuxiong region, YunnanZhongdai Commune, Tangxi Co., in the Qujiang BasinZhongpu, LintaoZhoujiagou Village, about 5 km northeast of Sanlimiao Village where the Xixia Dinosaur Relics Park is located, Xixia Basin, Xixia County, Henan ProvinceZhoujiagou, Yangcheng, Xixia county, Henan (coordinates based on county)Ziegelanger near Schmachtenberg, Hassfurt area (Hassfurth), FranconiaZigong, SichuanZorralbo, near Golmayoa "rag stone quarry" at Rock Hill/Rockhill, on SW side of river Medway, about 0.5 mi from Maidstone, Kent. Also described as "in Queen's Road"a "temporary exposure" at Dale Abbey, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshirea "temporary exposure" at Mapperley Park, Nottingham; Sherwood suburba coastal outcrop of the upper Campanian Northumberland Formation exposed on the northwestern shore of Hornby Island, British Columbiaa few feet above canyon bottom, 100 yds above and on same side as T. serratus type skull (= N side of middle fork and about 2 miles above mouth of draw of Dry Creek, immediately below U-L cattle ranch), Converse Co. (now Niobrara), WYa few km E of Louise Quarry, near Como Bluffa short distance from the Brachyceratops type site, on the Milk River; R 37 N, R 8 W, 1 mi N of Blackfeet Indian Reservationa single site "in Guchin Us somon (county) in the province (aymak) of Arvaykher" (coordinate based on Guchin Us)a small butte (x = 417, y = 1135, page M 39, Ambalakida), on E flank of limestone plateau, on each side of the river that traverses the village of Berivotra, between R.N. 4 and the crest separating the runoffs of this river from those that flow into the Bestibokaa small hill, N of Grapevine Hills, in Big Bend National Park, TXabandoned quarry of Smith Clark, 1.25 km N of Delaware River bridge, near Milford, Hunterdon Co., NJabout 1 km N of Pavna village; 2 sites; in the Nand-Dongargaon basinabout 1 km W (1.5 km NW) of Rahioliabout 1 mile E of Lance Creek and 2 miles SE of U-L ranch, Converse Co. (now Niobrara), WYabout 10 meters from P.W.5 (Sum Ya Ka), Ampho Phu Wiang, about 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, NE Thailand.about 10 miles N of Como Bluff, < 1 km from Bone Cabin Quarryabout 100 yards W of Chilton Chine (near Newport), Isle of Wightabout 2 km E of Nail Quarry, E of Marshall Road, Como Bluffabout 2 km NE of Bulganabout 2 mi W of St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Hastings, Sussexabout 2 miles E and 1.5 miles S of Tashkumyr, E of Naryn Riverabout 24 km S of Powderville, MT; E side along Powder River drainageabout 3 km S of Fruita, near Colorado River, about 400 m W of Riggs Quarry 15 at Dinosaur Hillabout 3 mi S of the Steveville Ferry, on the E side of the Red Deer Riverabout 3 miles above mouth of Lightning Creek and about 1.5 miles S of that stream, in Converse Co. (now Niobrara), WY. Listed as "northeast quarter of Section 15, T. 37 N., R. 65 W" in ref 55599.about 3.5 km S of Anjar, near the E margin of 0.90 in toposheet 41 I/4about 4 km NE of Lufeng city. Multiple sites in area, but none specified aside from Tatisaurus.about 4 km NE of Lufeng city. Collection includes multiple specimens collected in this general areaabout 50 ft E of the Pines Hotel, Swanage, in sute at low beach levelabout 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, Khon Kaen province, NE Thailandabout 75 km E of Kalasin, Kalasin province, NE Thailand. 10 km S of Phu Pha Ngoaccording to Seeley 1876 all Enaliornis specimens are from the "Cambridge Upper Greensand" and most "were found in the neighborhood of Coldham Common near Cambridge, or at Granchester" and therefore in the Cambridge area; according to Elzanowski and Galton 1991 all Sedgwick museum specimens and therefore the type of E. sedgwicki are definitely in this area (coordinate based on Cambridge)across Phu Pha Ngo pond, 50 m from K5adjacent area between adjoining farms Edelweiss and Welbedacht, Free State province, Ladybrand district, on map sheet 2927 AB, Ladybrand. Coordinates for halfway between these two farmsadjacent to Sun River, N-central Montana, in the Disturbed Beltall C. sanctus fossils are from "Huanghuagou and Sihetun, Shangyuan, Beipiao" and the large set of specimens discovered second are from Sihetun (Zhou and Hou 2002)all specimens supposedly from a single, but unknown quarry near Batuyingzi, Beipiaoalong Alameda Parkway W of Denver, 0.45 mi N of hairpin turn that cuts through hogback, toward N end of existing exposures and near present "Dakota Sandstone" sign. Originally found by WPA workers excavating the highway, within 3 feet of the pavement.along Alameda Parkway W of Denver, just N of original site, which is located 0.45 mi N of hairpin turn that cuts through hogback, toward N end of existing exposures and near present "Dakota Sandstone" signalong Alkali Creek, formerly Converse Co.along Bijou Creek, probably in at least two places, but exact localities unknown; L&W describe the locality as "evidently from the watershed between the South Platte River and Lodge Pole Creek, Colorado"along Budorone Creek, near village of Valioara, downstream from Budurone microvertebrate sitealong Colville River just downstream from Liscomb Bonebedalong Connecticut River, where bridge now crosses to Riverside, on N bank above Turner's Fallsalong Gold Spring Wash, about 16 km NW of MNA 219; on Ward Terrace along the Adeii Eechii Cliffs.along Little Sandhill Creek, now in Dinosaur Provincial Parkalong N side of Greasewood Creek in northern part of Lance Creek areaalong Opossum/Possum Creek near its entry into the Paluxy Riveralong Paluxy River, E of main Bird excavationsalong Ross River Access Road, N of Whiskers Lake, central Yukon Territoryalong Ross River Access Road, N of Whiskers Lake, central Yukon Territory; from spoil piles of three partially reclaimed coal-mining pits of the Nadahini coal minealong S portion of Dinosaur Ridge, near Bandimere Speedwayalong Schneider Creek in eastern WYalong Vaches Noires cliffs at Dives, Calvadosalong W bank of Connecticut River, 2 (-4?) mi S of Wethersfield Covealong W bank of Connecticut River, at The Covealong W side of Buck Creek, Lance Creek areaalong bank of Rappahannock River, near mouth of Little Falls Creek (Little Falls Run)along bank of Rappahannock River, near mouth of Little Falls Creek (Little Falls Run) - but in Weems this is described as "near Ferry Farm"along central sayr of Khermeen Tsav, 40 km SW of westernmost part of Nemegt Basin and 50 km SW of Naran Bulak, Gobi Desert. The assumption is made that "Khermeen Tsav" (without "I" or "II") indicates KT I for the oldest (PMPE) expeditions.along road cut exposures on Togwotee Road (Hwy 26)along secondary road linking villages of Miragaia and Sobral, Lourinhã municipalityalong shore of Lake Ezquiel Ramos Mexía, N point of the Nueva peninsula, 15 m E of the Picun Leufú localityalong small tributary on E side of Lance Creekalong tributary to Lance Creek between it and Buck Creekalong upper rim of badlands on E side of Revuelto Creek, Quay Co., NM. Outcrops in secs 10, 14 and 15, T9N, R33E; revisited sites originally found by Gregory in 1947along west side of Buck Creek, Lance Creek areaalso called El Beltrán; located on W flank of Morella syncline, and E flank of río Bergantes anticline, oriented N100°Eamphitheater at head of McDonald Creek, just N of I-70 in Rabbit Valley; part of Rabbit Valley Research Natural Areaan isolated hill 135 km N of Dzhusala (Dzhusaly) railway station in west/cemtral Kasakhstan, east of the Aral Seaapprox 1 km. west of Laño, Spain, a disused sand quarry; Treviño, Burgosapprox 1 km. west of Laño, Spain, a disused sand quarry; Treviño, Burgos.\r\n\r\nThe Laño quarry is located between the villages of Laño and Albaina in the Condado de Treviño, an enclave of the province of Burgos that lies within Alava in the Basque Country, in the north of the Iberian Peninsulaapprox 5 km SW of El Chocón, along NW border of Lake Ezquiel Ramos Méxiaapprox. 13 km W of Bynum, MTapprox. 16 km S (also described as 12 mi SE) of Green River, E-central Utahapprox. 21 km W of Sundance, just N of Little Houston Creek; 75 m N of Main Quarryapprox. 275 m upstream from where Aylard Creek flows into the Peace River Canyon, N bank of Peace Riverapprox. 34 km NW of Añelo, Neuquén, NW Patagoniaapprox. 40 km NW of Cut Bankapprox. 40 km S of Paso del Sapo locality, on R bank of Río Chubutapprox. 5 miles E of Willow Springs, Emery Co., UTapprox. 5.5 mi SW of Uravanapprox. 8 km NW of stratotype locality for Bayn Shire; also approx. 28.8 km SW of Dzun Bayan (=Bayan Shire) village and 5.6 km SW of Khongil Tsavapprox. NW 1/4, sec. 32, R106W, T129Napprox. T21N, R36E, sec 34, on the L. D. Engdahl Ranch; two adjacent quarriesapprox. at center of S edge of sec. 24, R105W, T129Napprox. center of S edge of sec. 12, R105W, T129Napprox. sec 1, T24N, R12W, head of Willow Wash, San Juan Basinapprox. sec 31, T37N, R65W, E of Lance Creekapproximate location of Big Dry Post Office, now beneath Ft. Peck reservoir; E side of Big Dry Creek , 8 miles from Willis Ranch, 25 miles S of Lismasapproximate location of Big Dry Post Office, now beneath Ft. Peck reservoir; W side of Big Dry, 44 miles S of Glasgowapproximately 11 km west of Clinton\r\nbird fossil is from "within an area smaller than 400 cm2"area W of In Abangarit (= Iguidi), in the S part of the Tamesna regionarea of Faith, on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (county unclear)area of Tafilalt, N and S of Taouz, includes several marked fossil sites but none are specified in text, nor are any tied to specific occurrences.at Balgowan Colliery, on the Darling Downs; also referred to as Roughrigg No. 5 and United No. 8; ca. 120 mi. NW of Brisbane, 93 ft underground in the Rosalie tunnelat James Price Point, near Broomeat Jebel El Mra, ca. 50 km S of Tataouine and 5 km S of Bir Amir villageat Nterego, 1.2 km NNE of Tendaguru Hill, near Quarry Dat Qinglongshan near Muchulang village, in the rural tribal district of Xiyangyi, Jinning County, Yunnan province, China. Coordinates for Jinning.at Reddell Beach, Gantheaume Point, near Broomeat Saint-Chinian, 22 km from Béziersat Shangyuan, near Beipiaoat a point on the E side of the Red Deer River, 2 miles below Bleriot Ferry, 125 feet (aneroid) above the river; listed as section 3?, T30, R21, W 4th meridian by Russell (1972).at a roadcut during construction of I-91 in Rocky Hill, E of intersection of Rtes. 3 and 160.at foot of Nemegtu Mtn.at summit and at extreme W point of a high and rocky ridge about 0.5 mi. in length, running W from the main divide between Buck & Lance Creeks.at the city limits of Villar del Río, approx. 2 km from the town of Bretún, near the Santa Cristina hermitage (sheet no. 23-12, Enciso, 1:50,0000).at the foot of a hill on the R bank of Betsiboka River, in the Bas-Boeny territory, 40 km S of Majunga; close to Deperet's siteat the summit of the Pedras Muitas cliff, around 1,500 m E of Baleal. Found during an archaeological reconnaissance.at underpass for North 6th Street, I-280badlands along Red Deer River, 0.75 mi SE of Steveville, 225 ft above river; UTM NAD83 E458172.517, N5631004.186badlands of Red Deer River, middle branch of coulee below Sand Creek, 125 feet (aneroid) above river, about 0.5 miles W of Crown & 10 miles below Steveville; E 1/2, sec 5, T21, R11, LSD 4badlands of Red Deer River, vicinity of confluence with Sand Hill Creek, 116 feet (aneroid) above water level, 2.5 miles above Happy Jack ferry and 1 mile S of river. = UTM 12U 466384me, 5622311mNbadlands of the Judith River valley, along the MIssouri - described by Lull & Wright 42 as "at the mouth of the Judith River where it enters the Missouri"badlands on N side of Red Deer River, just outside boundary of Dinosaur Provincial Park; 12, 477300 E, 5629500 Nbadlands, near head of Rock Creek and Sand Arroyobanks of a gully, Chahanaobao, Bayinwula Mountains, Alxa Left Bannerbanks of the Rock Hole, Thomson River, on "Rosebery Downs" station, approx. 4.5 km SE of Muttaburra, central Queensland, at MR 245165 Muttaburra 4-mile seriesbase of cliffs at La Brière, Octeville, Cap de la Hève, Normandy; 1 km NE from cliff area of 1899 stegosaur sitebasin of LIttle Sandhill Creek, 1 mi below Steveville, near mouth of Berry Creek; E 1/2, sec 33, T21, R12, W 4th meridianbasin of Taizhuzgen River (Taydzhuzgen), from a tributary SE of the river, 80 km W of city of Zaisan (Zaysan); UTM 274819E, 5275301N, zone 45; orig. Kokshetau Oblysybelow Happy Jack Ferry, 12 mi below Steveville, SW side of Red Deer River, about 12 mi below mouth of Berry Creek; SE 1/4, sec 1, T21, R11, LSD 4; now within Dinosaur Provincial Park; ca. 1.5 mi. SE of Denhart Ferrybelow Qiujinggou village, Langanbao district, Shemnu county, Shaanxibelow Rooi Neck, between Kromme Spruit and Majuba Nek, Herschel district, Eastern Cape province, South Africa; Sterkspruit mapbelow mouth of Berry Creek, Red Deer Riverbelow top of SW slope of hill 6450 (Garfield Park Quad, 1959, 7.5 min.), in NE 1/4, SW 1/4, SW 1/4, Se 1/4, sec 4, T33N, R87W. 37 m SE of Barwin Quarry.bend of the Río Senguerr, on N border of Pampa de María Santísima, property of Mr. Pablo Baltuska\r\n\r\nUpdate from Mannion and Otero (2012): South (right) bank of the Rio Senguerr, in the area between the bend of this river and the Pampa de Maria Santisima, southeast of the southernmost part of the Sierra de San Bernardo, Chubut Province, Argentinabetween Cow Creek and Doegie (=Dogie, Bull) Creek, Lance Creek areabetween Fort Hartley and Cutting Camp, SW Lesotho, about 75 S of Maseru. Coordinates are for halfway between Fort Hartley and Cutting Camp.between Jacksonwald and Birdsboro, SW corner of Newark Basinbetween collections 46126 & 46127, near summit of 20-foot-tall perpendicular wall; formerly Converse Co.between km 126 and 142 on ruta provincial 26 between Villa Uníon and Patquía, S of Cerro Rajado. Arcucci et al. (2004) refer to this general area as "La Esquina"between the townships of Winton and Jundah in west-central Queensland; about 95 km SW of Winton; probably part of same "dinosaur stampede" as the Lark Quarry. On "a deep hillside cutting alongside the track to Cork Station" and originally an opal mine. On the Brighton Downs sheet, BMR 1:250,000 series, sheet SF/54-15blulff on N side of Missouri River, across from mouth of Dog Creekbonebed(s) Kugou locality, near Zhuchengboth Sauropod (S) and Beside Sauropods (BS) quarries are directly adjacent and in the same layer, so are here combined as one collection. Bones from different individuals are mixed throughout.brick pit near Peterboroughbrick pit of Swindon Brick and Tile Co., foot of Old Swindon Hill, W end of Swindon Hills, adjoining the Wilts and Berks Canal. Approx. NGR SU 142 838. Swindon, Wiltshire, Englandca. 10 km E of Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Albertaca. 2 km inside Santa Marta Cove, northern James Ross Island, NE of Antarctic Peninsulaca. 2 mi. N of Briggsdaleca. 21 km NW of Grande Cache, Smoky River Coal Mine, NW of Sheep Creek. Some tracks on the footwall of the main site.ca. 5 km NE of Moab airportca. 5 km NW of Marmarth, NDca. 50 km west of Hannover, SW of Rehberger Berge between Loccum and Bad Rehberg. Original tracksite, now part of the Dinosaurier-Park Münchehagen. UTM R: 3513720, H: 5812190ca. 75 km W of Graind Prairie, along the Red Willow Rivercanal locks, S shore of Connecticut River, Turners Fallscenter of flat below Tuba City, 200 yards NE of road fence at dinosaur track locality, which is on the road to Moenave 0.13 miles N of Navajo 1 hwy to Tuba City. 20 miles N of Cameron, AZ in the Navajo Indian Reservation. SW 1/4, sec 34, T32N, R10E.center of section 10, township 34, range 22, W. 4th meridian; about 10 feet above Kneehills Tuff; 7 miles east of Huxley, ABcentral Gobi, 3 km N of Toogreeg Shire. N: 44-15-2458; E: 103-17-5569; A: 982m\r\nSome specimens from northern hills, others from southern main cliffcentral Inner Mongolia, Sheyang County, Guyang Basincliff face 300 m WNW of Grange Chine, SW coast of Isle of Wight, Brightstone Baycliff fall near Atherfield, Isle of Wightclose to CGY-CGD Section, S of Datang village, near Wujing, NE Nanxiong Basinclose to Kindope, 2.3 km N of Tendaguru Hill, between the Lilahi and Lilombo streamsclose to R (S) bank of Río Negro, 15 km SW of General Roca, 4.5 km W of only bridge over the Río Negroclose to the original Howe Quarryclose to the town of Orcau, on the road from Bastúscollection from Fusui County, SW of Nanning, Kwangshi (Guangshi, Guangxi), Napan Basin. Liubang site, near Shanxu villagecommunity of Bevons, 4.25 km SW of village of Sisteron, S of Turkish Rock and on W flank of the crest of the Plantayescoordinate based on Boluochicoordinate based on Chaoyangcoordinate based on Fengning Xian (= County)coordinate based on Meileyingzicoordinate based on Qidaoquanzicoordinate based on Sichakoucoordinates are for nearby Choteau, Montanacoordinates are for nearby town of Choteau, MTcoordinates for Kukshi (center of local region), Dhar districtcoordinates for city of Laiyang, Laiyang County is only specified locationcoordinates for nearby Shell, WY; site is 300 m NE of Howe Quarrycoordinates from K. Carpenter (pers. comm. to M. Carrano). at the head of a draw, near the Medicine Bow River in S-central Wyomingcoordinates given as 42° 0' 50", 4° 40' 30", but these are either incorrect or not the standard coordinate system. Site is E of the town of Orcau, in eastern Tremp syncline.coordinates given as approximate; 5 mi/8 km S of Haslet, within town limits of Blue Mound, N of Fort Worthcoordinates given by ref 7836 but are approximatecutbank of Trosselbach (Trossel Creek), near Obere Mühle (Upper Mill)described as "niveau des innocents" locality (but other papers use this term for a stratum); Gadoufaoua, E edge of Ténéré Desertdescribed as "north side of Two Medicine River, Teton County", but this river does not enter Teton Co. Part of Teton Co. was carved off to make Pondera Co. in 1919; I am assuming that Gilmore either mis-wrote or did not know of the change, and estimated a site on the N side of the river in Pondera Co.Both USNM "Leptoceratops" sites are described as the same as MOR TM-067 in ref 25743, but come from opposite sides of the river and are retained as separate here.described as "north side of the Two Medicine River, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Teton County", but this river does not enter Teton Co. Part of Teton Co. was carved off to make Pondera Co. in 1919; I am assuming that Gilmore either mis-wrote or did not know of the change, and estimated a site on the N side of the river in Pondera Co. Lull & Wright list the locality as 0.5 mi N of the Two Medicine River.described as "south side of Two Medicine River, Teton County", but this river does not enter Teton Co. Part of Teton Co. was carved off to make Pondera Co. in 1919; I am assuming that Gilmore either mis-wrote or did not know of the change, and estimated a site on the N side of the river in Pondera Co. Both USNM "Leptoceratops" sites are described as the same as MOR TM-067 in ref 25743, but come from opposite sides of the river and are retained as separate here.described as 34 km SW of El Rhaz, Nigerdescribed as from Sironcha, near Maleri, in the Pranhita-Godavari Valley, but map and coordinates in red 25610 are NW of this area, which is N of Krishnapur village, in the Adilabad districtdescribed only as "central South Dakota" - this is a proxy site locationdescribed only as from the Antlers Fm. of McCurtain Co., OK.discovered along future route of the "Transjurane" highway, on W edge of Courtedoux, 5 km W of Porrentruy, Ajoie district, Kanton Jura.discovered during blasting at the Water shops, Mill Pond, U.S. Armory, Springfield, MAdiscovered while building foundations in Yunchuan township, Jichuan town, Yingshan county, Sichuandongas (erosional gullies) at the base of Spioenkop, Heelbo farms, Rosendal district. Coordinates based upon town of Rosendaleastern Turpan basinen Nammoûra has several names in the literature, including al Nammoûra, al Gabour, Aïn el Gârboûr. Two quarries (upper and lower) in the valley of en Gârboûr, on S side.encompasses an unspecified area south of Alrar, between Ohanet and Bourarhetentrance of Bayan Mandahu roadestimated - only general locality area given, as SW coast of Isle of Wight.estimated as T6N, R15 or 16Eexact locality not given, listed only as "near Beipiao City" and then as "Lujiatun"exact locality not mapped, center of general Lance Creek area usedexcavated materials from Sugar Loaf tunnel, west portal, about 2 mi N of dam, Totoket Reservoir/Lake Gaillard/North Branford Reservoir, 8.5 mi E of New Havenexcavated materials from near dam, Totoket Reservoir/Lake Gaillard/North Branford Reservoir, 8.5 mi E of New Havenexposures on Kwengula stream, Southcote Farm, Nyamandhlovu district, on bank of Kwengula River, 20 miles (38 km) NW of Bulawayoextreme NE Lane Co.farm Beauchef (? Beaucherf), Harrismith district, South Africa. From "a hill capped by sandstone on the east boundary of the farm Beaucherf, in the district of Harrismith, on the watershed of the Drakensberg…The fossils were on the east face of the beacon-hill which is north-west of Beaucherf House." (J. M. Orpen, 5 Aug 1889).farm Bormansdrift, Mekoatlengsnek mapfarm Damplaats, near Ladybrand, Orange Free Statefarm Spioenkop/Spionkop/Spion Kop 932, Senekal district, northern Free State, South Africafarm Spion Kop 932 (Spioenkop), Senekal district, northern Free State, South Africafarm Upper Drumbo, Barkly East district, in the foothills of the Drakensberg Rangfarm Zonderhout (= Sonderhout, 291), near Slabberts railway station, (Orange) Free State, South Africafarm of John E. Hopkins, marl pit, bed of narrow ravine with brook flowing E into S branch of Cooper's Creekfarther upstream from NMC 2246, about 1 mi NW of the mouth of Big Valley Creek, on the W side of the Red Deer Riverfew kilometers west of Rennes-le-Château, at Campagne-sur-Aude, S of Espéraza. Lambert coordinates: x = 42° 55' 8", y = 2° 12' 35". Eggs at two sites - one 50 m from bone deposit, another 800 m W of first.foreshore of the Isle of Wight at Chilton Chineformerly Converse Co. Originally listed as "Bull Creek" (1907), but Gilmore believes it is actually Doegie Creek (both names appear on Lull's 1915 map).found by farm workers on a vineyard located in the urban nucleus zone of the Moçanfaneira locality, Torres Vedras, W-central Portugal. Site is SW of city of Torres Vedrasfound during blasting by Shell Oil Co. ca. 20 mi. W of Choteaufound during construction of College Boulevard, in Letterbox Canyon betwwen El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road, along NW side of Palomar-McClellan Airport, Carlsbad. Coordinates given ("approximately 117°15'W, 33°9'N) do not match actual site placement on map.found during excavation of the 2 km long, 10 m high Helsingborg railway tunnel, underneath the cityfound near the upper stream of the Ikushunbetsu River, along bank of Kikumezawa Creek near its mouth, 500 m above dam at Lake Katsurazawa (Katsurasawa), Mikasa Cityfour quarries in the area around Stonesfield, near Woodstock, 12 mi NW of Oxford; specimen locations were not specifically recorded during collectionfourth crossing of the Paluxy River, ca. 4 mi. W of Glen Rose (also described as 6 mi. W); in the riverbed just below the road crossingfrom "Butte Creek, Kansas" according to Shufeldt 1915 (coordinate based on Twin Butte Creek)from Alabaster Box Mine, near Gateway, Dolores River Valley, western Coloradofrom BLM land in the drainage basin of the Powder River, eastern Carter County; no specific info given, so location is a proxy set of coordinatesfrom Cañadon Amarillo, N of Cerro Colorado, 1 km N of Río Colorado near the S border of Mendoza Province. Fossil is from the Malargüe part of Mendoza Prov. Coordinates given as 37.5°S, 70.5°W but these must be incorrect because they place the locality 100 km farther S into Neuquén Prov when it must be in Mendoza.from Cañadón del Gato, Las Cortaderas area, 15-20 km S of Plaza Huinculfrom Elderslie Station, in triangle paddock near the woolshed, 0.5 km SW of Top Horse Bore, about 4 km NNE of Elderslie homestead, 60 km NW of Wintonfrom Frankenhof, near Piestingfrom Laoshangou, Jinji Commune, Kaijiang Countyfrom Manassas National Battlefield Parkfrom NE slope of the Qianhe open-air mineral well of the Jaioping coal mine, Tungchuanfrom Nicholas/Nicolas Waln marl pits, near Hornerstown, Upper Freehold Township. Coordinates from present-day Walnford, NW of Hornerstown.from Olmühle ("oil mill"), Crailsheimfrom S of Rangely, NW Coloradofrom Sehnde, near Lehrtefrom Shinniju city (Sinuiji), Byon-an county (Pyongan), Amnok River basinfrom Tanankou (Danangou), Hsingyaokou, S of Tzoyun, N Shanxifrom W side of Nielsen Gulch, Dinosaur National Monument, NE of main quarry buildingfrom a barranca in the angle between Lago Musters and Río Chico, on estancia "La Angostura", S bank of Río Chico. However, Huene (1929) and Feruglio (1931) claimed it was from the L (= NW) bank of the river, about 5 km to the E, in the Pampa Pelada (= Pampa de los Boers), 14 km S of 45° latitude, NE of Lago Colhué-Huapi.\r\n\r\nUpdate from Mannion and Otero (2012): Left bank (northwest) of the Río Chico, near Pampa Pelada, northeast of Lago Colhué Huapi, Chubut Province, Argentinafrom a cliff SW of the Laiyang train station, Laiyang Co.from a ploughed field E of village of Pisdura, S extremity of Pisdura Hill, Chanda district, Central Provinces (now Maharashtra), India. 16 km NW of Dongargaon, 200 miles from Jubbulpore. This collection subsumes all the collections from this general area aside from the microvertebrate sites. Therefore it includes sites PIS 1 and PIS 2 of Mohabey et al. 2011.from a quarry near Bone Butte, in southern Harding County, S of Slim Buttesfrom a quarry near Shuhong, Jinyun County, Zhejiang; Huzhen Basinfrom a ridge running parallel to road that crosses De-na-zin Wash (N-S); center, NE 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, sec 12 T24N, R12Wfrom a well on the farm Kangnas, in a wide shallow valley leading to the Orange River at Henkries; well sunk in the Koa River valley, about 7.5 km S of Henkries Mound in Little Bushmanland, 15 km SW of Goodhouse. Later determined to be 60 km E of Springbok, on the portion Goebees (Goubies) of the farm Kangnas 77. Close to the present-day farmhouse and outbuildings on Goebees.from a well sunk into the large foggara (aquifer) beneath the Timimoun post (Fogharet Amghir), 2 km from Timimoun, 36 m below groundfrom a well sunk into the large foggara (aquifer) beneath the Timimoun post (Fogharet Amghir), 5 km from Timimoun, 40 m below ground; this is described as the "terminal" wellfrom an exposure along a roadcut near Wulagafrom between Rope Lake Head and Freshwater Steps (= Kimmeridge Ledges), about 6 mi W of Swanage, Dorset (from OUM data). Likely from a quarry 200 m W of the base of the Freshwater Stepsfrom between Tachung and Putsaowan (Putaowan), NE of Shawan, north of Tachung, west of Lushuichiafrom mine(s?) around Thornhillfrom near Gogolin, Upper Silesiafrom near Masitise (= Masitisi), Quthing district, between Alwynskop and Moyeni; Palmietfontein mapfrom near Sand Creek, Red Deer Riverfrom near mouth of Fall River near Turners Falls, near Rocky Mountain trap (also "between trap-range")from one of the phosphatite washings near Reach, NE of Cambridgefrom private land in the drainage basin of the Little Missouri River, near Sheep Mountain, just W of Camp Crook, SDfrom quarry 2 mi W of Middletown; traced from slabs discovered as sidewalk flagstonesfrom region of Honghe Dam, near Zigong, Sichuanfrom sandstone ridge located 10 m E of Display House #4from shore exposures E of Moose River, near Blue Sacfrom shore exposures at Five Islands Provincial Park, Old Wife Pointfrom the "historically oldest quarry near Solnhofen"; coordinates of town used herefrom the Arriagada III locality, on the southern edge of Salitral Ojo de Aguafrom the Le Roubreau quarter of the Largentière minefrom the Pécs-Vasas II strip mine (coal), near Komló. Original finds (pre-1995) at least come from the northern third cross-cut of the minefrom the Pécsbánya open-seam coal mine, N of Pécsfrom the banks of a narrow furrow on the farm Milner, Wodehouse (Dordrecht) district, Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Part of Swempoort, Jamestown map.from the head of Pinabete Arroyo, San Juan County, on lands of the Navajo Nation, San Juan Basin, New Mexicofrom the head of Willow Wash within the Bisti/De-na-zin Wilderness Area, San Juan County, San Juan Basin, New Mexicofrom the southern Höganäs quarry at Vallåkrafrom upper part of gully (Hsikou), 1 km NW of Chingkangkou, 20 km S of Laiyang. Site at border between gully and main road leading to village, covered by "cultivated fields" to the S.from well sunk near the gas-works at Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England.general locality of Salitral Ojo de Agua, 40 km S of Roca City, Río Negro province, Argentinageneral location onlygentle northern slope of low divide between Lightning and Cow Creeks, midway between and about 1 mile from creek mouthsgiven only as "Lufeng"gully S of Hunglanfu, between Chiangchungting and Chingkangkou (some possibly from SE of the latter village), 20 km S of Laiyang. Exact locality uncertain because all were purchased from villagers, and did not come from the exact same site.gully between Chiangchunting and Chaochun, about 1 km E of the former and 1 km W of the latter, 20 km S of Laiyanghead of E branch of Hunter Wash (SE); NW 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec 2 T24N, R12Whill slope NW of Toushan (Tushan) village, 5 km NW of Laiyanghills west of Ambondromamy, a village located in the valley of Kamoro River, approx. 150 km SW of Mahajanga, in the Majunga basin, of northwestern Madagascarhousing development in Littleton, COimmediate vicinity of Rock Head, Navaho Nation, NE Arizona, Coconino Co.in "immediate vicinty" of the type section of Sloan Canyon Fm. in Sloan Canyon arroyo; therefore close to NW 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec 12, T31N, R35E; NE Union County. Farther E down valley from Dry Cimmaron Valley.in Barrel Springs Arroyo, about 1 mi SW of Ojo Alamo Store, 0.25 mi from USNM 8571in Barrel Springs arroyo, 1 mi S of Ojo Alamoin Cañadón Río Seco, 2 km N of Rincón de los Sauces\r\nJA: lose to 37º30'S 68º54'W based on map of Turner and Calvo 2005in Haishiwan, Yongdeng County, vicinity of Lanzhou, Gansu province; NE slope of Qilan Mtn.in Harlowton, Wheatland County, Middle Dome area, about 1 km W of AMNH 33-1, which is at SW 1/4, sec 26, T7N, R16E; 46° 15.592' N, 109° 41.263' W (coordinates appear to be for AMNH 33-1, not present site).in Manassas 7.5' quadrangle, along Compton Road E of Virginia Route 28, about 365 m W of E margin of Culpeper Basin, on site excavated to construct a brick pumping station.in Middle Dome, 12 mi SE of Harlowton, MT; S part of T7N, R16E (sec 27 used for coordinates)in N part of Western Sayrin SE part of Iouaridène Syncline; UTM 29R 703021.3505570in W part of río Bergantes valley, 2 km SW of Morellain Wuerho district, ca. 100 km NE of downtown Karamay (= Kelamayi?), on short of Huangyanquan reservoirin Xinming (Xinmin), Zigong, Sichuan, NW of Zigong Dinosaur Museumin a 470-m long bluff along Grand River in Corson Co., 40 miles SE of Lemmon, SD and S of Morristownin a nullah on E slope of Chota Simla Hill, Jubbulpore (Jabalpur)in a railroad cutting for the Bourg-Besançon railway line, Bois de Cassagne (= Chassagne), between Poligny and St. Lothain, SE France.in a sandstone quary near village of Barkhausen, Bad Essen, 25 km E of Osnabruck, Lower Saxony; in the Wiehen Mtns.in a secondary ravine near Agua del Choique, 14 km W of Malargüe, N part of Neuquén basin; tracks present in three parts of the locality (north, central, and south) for 670 min a valley between the Libalang Valley and Er Valley, approx. 5 km SW of the Sihetun Fossil Museum in Beipiao City, Liaoningin area N of Sternberg's Quarry 35, near Steveville, DPPin quarry near South Hadley Falls, same location as Hadley Canal and Holyoke Dam, possibly "eastern declivity of Mount Tom" in ref 57410.in quarry of Mr. Charles O. Wolcott, about 1 mile N of Buckland station, Manchesterin ravine that notches the cliff N of Lagôa, near Areia Brancain the Chera Basinin the Cornet bauxitic zone, 4 km south of the mining bldgs. of the Cornet branch of the S.C. "Bauxita Min" S.A. Dobresti company. Cornet lies in the Comuna Astileu, located in the Padurea Craiului Mtns. in the eastern part of Judetul (prov.) Bihor. The locality is 40 km ESE of Oradea (also listed as SSE).in the Djoua Valley, 120 km East of Fort Flatters, Algeriain the Duino-Aurisina municipalityin the Golden Gate Highlands National Park. 17 km east of Clarens, along road connecting Clarens and Phuthaditjhabain the Gran Neuquén neighborhood of Neuquén city, Patagoniain the Landslide Butte field area, ca. 2 km from Canyon Bonebed (CBB)in the Murteiras ravine, which terminates on the maritime cliff north of Foz do Arelho; site is 550 m N10°E of the ruined Eirinhas windmill and 1.075 m W10°S of the Bouro geodesic signalin the N half of a breached E-W trending anticline S of Douglas; no details given, so site is a proxy based on geologic outcrops of appropriate age in this areain the Philmont Ranch area, N of Cimarron; in North Ponil Canyon near Camp Anasaziin the Pranhita-Godavari Valley, N of Krishnapur village, in the Adilabad districtin the Prata Paleontological District, Triângulo Mineiro, Sierra de Boa Vista (= Boa Vista Hill), 45 km W of Prata, Bauru Basin; 70 km from Uberlandia on Prata-Campina Verde highwayin the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, 60 km N of Teruel. UTM 678925,96 4501598,87in the SIBELCO EUROPE clay mine, 60 km N of Teruel. UTM 678925,96 4501598,87\r\nin the SW Sierra de Mogna, 60 km N of city of San Juanin the Villette railroad cutting, near Arbois, Polignyin the Villeveyrac Basinin the aldea de La Almeza, Alpuente, Valenciain the grounds of Hartwell Manor, part of the "Bugle Pit" complex of Portland Stone quarriesin the hamlet of Floresta dos Borba, almost at the foot of the Serrote Jerimum, at the N margin of the Sousa Basin; 14.7 km WNW of Sousain the main valley between the large Bodenmühlaufschluss and the Ausflugsort Kamerun, 450 m from second tracksite in same valleyin the middle of a country path, several dozen meters N of the ruined windmill named Moinho do Carmo, situated about 1,500 m S of Alenquerin the municipality of El Castellarin town of South Hadley, 4 sites in some proximity. 3 are located W of Moody house, 0.5 mi from small stream (NW of Moody Corner); 4th is on N side of small stream, 50 rods E of Moody housein town of South Hadley, N part; in road near Pliny Moody house. Listed as 42° 16' 36" N, 72° 33' 55" Win town of South Hadley; likely the same as locality described as on hill 1.5 mi N of center of S. Hadleyincludes Trench XIIa, about 700m N of Tendaguru Hill. Includes site XIIa.includes western side of Sydkronen and nearby parts of "area VIII" (not distinguished in text), Jameson Land, Greenlandinside DNMintertidal zone at Minyirr (Gantheaume Point), Dampier Peninsula. 17°18′28.125S 122°10′40.20Eisland in the SE portion of Lago Colhué Huapiisland on S side of Fort Peck Lake, within the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, McCone Co.just N of Alamosaurus type locality, Barrel Springs arroyo (= De-na-zin Wash), 1 mi S of Ojo Alamojust N of German camp, near Tendaguru Hilljust NW of Xiaertaizi, E of Shuangmiaozi, Changtu, Liaoningjust W of Weatherford, in dry creek on Doss Ranch, near Milsapjust above the village of Lady Grey, Eastern Capejust below the summit of Tendaguru Hilljust inside N edge of Washington, DC beltwayjust off Veillon point, 12 km south of Les Sables-d’Olonne on the Vendée coastjust off Veillon point, 12 km south of Sables-d’Olonne on the Vendée coastjust south of Los Molleskm 153 along BR-050 near Uberaba, Serra da Galgakopje, Kromme Spruit, Herschel district, Transkei, Eastern Capeleaving Demnat toward E, after natural point Imi n'Ifri, by the road to Taghbalout, Taliouine, Wazzant & Khallad; near Taghbaloutleft bank of Red Deer River, 50 feet above river, 1 mile (1/6 km) below Steveville. T21, R12, W 4th meridianleft bank of Red Deer River, 75 feet above river, 1 mile (1/6 km) below Stevevilleleft bank of Río La Chilca, 12 km before the Puerta de La Chilca, NW sector of Hoyada de Ischigualastoleft bank of Sugiyama River, Katsuyama city, Fukui prefecture.limestone quarry (or quarries) near Bessons, near Aiguine, at border of the "Petit Plan" du Canjuers; owned by the Ghirardi family; NW of Draguignanlisted only as Dakota, but emended to "near Moreau River, Black Hills, SD" by Brett-Surman (1990); coordinates are for "Moreau River badlands"; area is N of the Black Hills. Listed as "north-east of the Black Hills" in Osborn 1909.listed only as Weiyuan, Sichuanlocality MAD 03-03, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra and SE of Majungalocality MAD 03-40, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra, SE of Majungalocality MAD 03-66, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra, SE of Majungalocality MAD 93-01, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra and SE of Majungalocality MAD 93-09, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra, SE of Majungalocality MAD 93-30, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra, SE of Majungalocality MAD 93-33, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra and SE of Majungalocality MAD 98-26, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar, near town of Berivotra, SE of Majungalocality MOR TM-281, approx. 14 km SW of Choteaulocality given as "northern Phillips County", 25-30 km N of Malta, estimated from map in Tweet et al. 2009locality information protected, described only as "southern Carbon County". Estimated here based on Morrison outcrop map for this area.locality is just north of Dallas-Fort Worth airport, within Flower Mound township (coordinates based on town).locality only given as "near Montgomery"located near hill separating the top of Cap de Vinyet and the Morella a Chiva quarry. On the E flank of the Morella syncline, oriented N25°W. N of Morella.located on W flank of Morella syncline, between río Bergantes and Cinctorres depression, oriented N100°E; SW of Morella, on the R margin of the Caldés River, very close to Mas de la Parreta.located on W flank of anticline parallel to Morella anticline, oriented N100°E. 3 km E of Morella, in one of the barrancos on the R margin of the Bergantes River.located on old map of Gill, MA; near Turners Falls and W of Roswell Field's orchardlocation approximate; from W side of Kennedy Coulee, bordering Milk River, near Havre; on private land owned by the Mansfields.location based on Tony's Bone Bed, which is close enough to be placed into the same stratigraphic section. Within/NE of Arches N.P.lower cliff face at Charmouth, Lyme, Dorsetshiremouth of Sand Creek on Red Deer River, near Stevevillenear (La) Cairanne, 2 km W of Rousset, near route D56near 1971 PMPE campnear Agnano, Monte Pisani, between Pisa and Lucca. Monti Pisani e Monti d’Oltreserchio region of Pisa; NW of Agnano, on W side of Valle della Polla, on E flank of Costia and atop Cima La Sughereta. Main outcrop is an abandoned quarry N of Agnano, reached by a road on the L flank of the Valle della Polla. Other outcrops are on Cima La Sughereta and near Monte Terminetto.near Aldie, on the former estate of James Monroe, later the F. C. Littleton farm. Original discovery was from flagstones used to renovate the home of President James Monroe.near Aoulef Cherfa, foggara Ben Draou, in the Tidikeltnear Arneytown, on the Burlington/Monmouth Co. linenear Arroyo El Rosarionear Atalaia, on the edge of a path that descends from the hamlet of Portela toward the Peralta beach. It is found about 750 m NW of the geodesic windmill-signal of Montoitonear Aysén, Aysén Basin, in mountains S of Lago General Carreras - State is IV Régionnear Aït Mimounnear Balabansai, S foothills of Chatkal range, 5 km W of Tashumkyr, N Fergana Valleynear Barranca Creeknear Beipiao city, Liaoning provincenear Big Water, southern Utahnear Blisworth, Northamptonshire, in a railway cutting along the London-Birmingham linenear Blue Wash, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monumentnear Bodega Familia Schroeder, 3 km W of city of San PAtricio del Chañarnear Boonton, most likely near the present-day reservoir dam (as no other suitable outcrops exist).near Boundary Butte, neaar UT-AZ state line, on Navajo Nation landsnear Brown's Ranch, Elk Mountainsnear Cananear Coal Creek, ca. 8 mi SE of Tsaya (distinct from Coal Creek 10 mi N of Tsaya, San Juan Co.)near Coll d'Orenga, betwee Perauba and Figuerola de Meià; in the city of Vilanova de Meiànear Cosner Park, along Rappahannock River, ESE of Fredericksburgnear Cow Island on the Upper Missourinear Dabuka village (Dapuka), Daye, Changdu, Qamdo Basinnear Degerloch, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg; 100-120 feet from type site of P. reinigeri and 10 feet abovenear Douglassville, in the Jacksonwald synclinenear Dunphynear El Rosario Arribanear Fort Peck Reservoirnear Fruita, COnear Fruita, CO; 3 mi N of Quarry 12. in N 1/2, NE 1/4, sec 26, T11S, R101W, approx 5 mi W of downtown Grand Junctionnear Galve, Teruelnear Gantheaume Point Lighthouse, near NW end of Reddell Beach (= Riddell),. near Broomenear Gara es Sbaa, about 50 km NE of Hassi Zguilma and 60 km SW of Ouzina and Taouz, Kem Kem region, Morocco; E of oasis of Er Remlianear Gebel Fagga, Bahariya Oasisnear Hakusan city; Byakodan (= Byakudan) Creek, Shiramine-mura; (orig. paper lists site as "roadside cliff of Kuwajima in Shiramine Village" but coordinates are different from that site)near Hastings, East Sussex, along coast and visible only at low tidenear Hastings, Sussexnear Honfleur, Vaches Noires cliffsnear Hongshacun hamlet, Shibeixiang (Shibei) village, Gongxian County (coordinates for Gongxian)near Horse Shoe Bend, on South Schneider Creek, near the Cheyenne Rivernear Huanghua, S of Zhuchengnear Irvine, ca. 40 km E of Medicine Hat. Sec 31, T 11, R 2, W 4th meridiannear Isona and Llordá, in Lleida, Spainnear Jawbone Knob, within/S of Sevenmile Hill Badlands, Teton Co.near Jenner Ferrynear Kanchou (Ganzhou)near Kijenjere, 4 km NE of Kindope, northernmost Tendaguru site on the plateau, 8.5 km N of Tendaguru Hillnear Kindope, 3 km NW of Tendagurunear Kindope, N of Tendaguru Hillnear Komlónear La Bégude, S of RN 7; NOT the same as "La Bégude" in Iatsoura et al. 1991near Landslide Buttenear Last Chance Creek, on E side of Wahweap outcrop belt, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument; N flank of Reynolds Point, W of Smoky Mountain Rd, central Kaiparowits Plateaunear Maupagne hamletnear Morijanear Morrin Bridgenear Morónear Mtapaianear Murgia, along freeway excavation outside Altamura, 4 km E of Altamura, near the Masseria Pontrelli, along road SS 171 from Altamura to Santeramo. Lowermost beds of an abandoned limestone quarry. = Cava EcoSpinear Onefournear Otog Qinear Otog Qi, also near Arubrage hmoenear Peguera, 9 km NW of Berga, Berguedà region, eastern pre-Pyrénées, Barcelona province, Cataluñanear Peyre, 10 km W of Millaunear Phu Wiang (same as site 9A), about 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, NE Thailandnear Pokane, Lesothonear Porto das Barcasnear Porvenir de Jalpa, Parras Basin, ca. 70 km W of Saltillonear Potton, Bedfordshirenear Pui, near the Sibisel Valley, in the Barbat River Valley, 15 km SE of Sinpetrunear Quantou, Changtu, Liaoningnear Red Walls, eastern Nemegtnear S side of Doegie Creek (= Dogie, Bull Creek), Lance Creek areanear SW foot of Gara Sba (= Gara es Sbaa) cliff, near Oued Bou Haiara; = Signal Chite SW of the Kem kem. Coordinates given as 390 x 552 (presumably based on Paris). A small shelf 3 m under the flat summit, W base. In the territory of Aït Rebbach. 130 km from Tagounit, on the piste from that post to Taouz.near San Ysidronear Sant Julià, Vallcebre synclinenear Sary-Agach (Chengel'dy) railway station, Kyrk-Kuduk region, near Alym-Tau range, southern Kazakhstan\r\n\r\nVitke & Danilov (2012): Kyrkkuduk I locality (= Sary-Agach; Riabinin 1938; = area of Kyrkkuduk Well; Danilov and Vitek 2009, in press), area about 2 km in length along the northern slope of Alymtau Ridge, 6–7 km south from the well and also 3–5 km south-west from the well, Circum-Tashkent Chul, South Kazakhstan Province, Syuk-Syuk Formation and, probably, the lower part of the Darbaza Formation, Santonian – ?middle Campanian (Nessov 1997).near Schlauersbach, in the Rezat valley about 12 km above Ansbach, found when the Schlauersbach-Neuendettelsau road was cut.near Shield's Crossing, S of Cut Bank, along Two Medicine River W of Hwy 358 bridgenear Shields Crossing (= Shield's Crossing), 12 miles southwest (ca. 15 km SSW) of Cut Bank, along Two Medicine River W of Hwy 358 bridgenear Smoky Hill River, Logan Co., western Kansas; sec 28 or 29, T13S, R34Wnear Songgou village, Zhangying of Wuliqiao town, NE XIxia county, Henan provincenear Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park)near Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park). E of mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, SW 1/4, sec 8, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridiannear Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park); 3.5 miles below mouth of Berry Creek, on S side of river, Red Deer River, Alberta; NE 1/4 sec 16, T21, R12, LSD 4; "near the prairie level"near Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park); E 1/2, sec 5, T21, R11, LSD 4near Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park); NW 1/4, sec 26, T20, R12, LSD 4near Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park); NW 1/4, sec 36, T20, R12, W 4th meridian.near Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park); R bank Sand Creek, 75 ft above river, 12 mi below Steveville; NW 1/4, sec 31, T20, R11, W 4th meridiannear Steveville, Alberta (now Dinosaur Provincial Park); Sand Creek; NW 1/4, sec 31, T20, R11, LSD 4. Coordinates estimated from map in Sternberg 1950.near Swanage, Dorset. NGR SY 980 790near Tadi in the Kwanza Basin, north of Luandanear Taghbalout; SSW of tracksite 11IGRnear Taghbalout; UTM 29R 698501E 3512603Nnear Talley Mountain, Big Bend National Parknear Talley Mountain, Big Bend National Park; county assignment uncertain. Multiple sites.near Tendaguru Hill, 250 m SE of quarry Anear Tiquicheo-Zitácuaro roadway, in the Barrance Los Bonetesnear Tricouté, Petites-Pyrénées; 1.5 km SW of Marignac-Laspeyres, Aurignac anticlinenear Umrer/Umrednear Vitrolles and Rognac, southern Francenear W bank of Red Deer River, in NE section of Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincal Park, about 70 km NW of Drumhellernear Warner, Alberta approx. 180 km southwest of RTMP BB 138; coordinates are for Warnernear Wat Pha Sawan temple at foot of Phu Pha Ngo, about 75 km E of Kalasin, Kalasin province, NE Thailandnear Weymouth, Dorset, UK; may be same as site described as between Sandsfoot and Portland ferry-bridge (Damon 1882) and those materials are included here. Listed as Smallmouth Sands in ref 38206.near Whitehallnear Workerszell, just N of Eichstättnear Yaochan (Yaozhan), Lutzehsien (Lutzexian), 15 km SE of Lufengnear Yocumtownnear car park in village of Onefour, SE Albertanear center of E half of sec. 28, T21, R10, W of 4th meridian. Approx. 247 ft. (75 m) above level of Red Deer River, south-central Alberta, Canada. Northern part of DPP.near center of NW 1/4 of section 36, township 1, range 6, W. 4th meridian; about 30 feet below prairie rim; near Manyberries, Albertanear center of SW 1/4, sec 24, T14, R23, W 4th meridian; on N side of Little Bow River, 50 ft above river; E of Carmongay; second specimen from 300 yds SW of typenear center of sec 21, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridian; 3 mi. S of Steveille, W side of rivernear center of the upper N face of Como Bluffnear confluence of Badger Creek and Two Medicine Rivernear foot of bluffs on S banks of Missouri River, opposite Cow Island.near gully, Tungkou, close to Chingkangkou, S of Laiyang - includes both excavated site and wide collection from areanear head of Rock Creek, 25 mi SE of Lismasnear middle of SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, sec. 1, T57N, R100W, Park Co., Wyoming. Approx. 13.7 km (8.4 mi.) NW of "Dumbbell Hill" and nearly 23 km (14 mi.) NW of Powell.near summit of bluff on N side of Lightning Creek,, about 2 miles below its mouth, in bottom and near head of a small dry watercourse emptying into the creeknear the Lima Peaksnear the Peirópolis station of the Mogiana railroad, 19 km E of Uberaba; abandoned quarry from São Luís farm, Veadinho Hill, about 2 km N of Peirópolis; = "Serra do Veadinho outcrop 1" of Novas et al. 2008\r\nnear the Phuthiatsana ford on the route from Maseru to Thaba-Bosiunear the bridge over the Orange Rivernear the centre of the badlands within the park; 463,442.017 E; 5,621,309.905 N, 12 UTMnear the southern ridge of Tendaguru, in the exposed walls of the Kitukituki Streamnear the type section of Sloan Canyon Fm. in Sloan Canyon arroyo; therefore close to NW 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec 12, T31N, R35E; NE Union County. Farther E down valley from Dry Cimarron Valley, same drainages as Sloan Canyon Fm. tracksite.near the village of Kangjiatun, about 15 km northeast of Beipiaonear the village of Pourrières; two distinct localities but no further details given. One is Pourrières-Les Eysarettes (titanosaur)near the village of Valioaranear top of coastal cliff along Praia de Porto Dinheiro, Bacia Lusitânicanear town of Berivotra, SE of Majunganear town of Ejido Presa San Antonio, Parras Basinnear town of Zastron, ca. 30 km W of Lesotho bordernear village of Andrés, Leiria district, Pombal, W-central Portugal, about 135 km NNE of Lisbon; region of Bombal Litoralnear village of Berivotra, SE of Majunganear village of Berivotra, SE of Majunga, NW Madagascarnear village of Hungtouyeh, 3 km SE of Laiyang city; N slope about 100 m from the Wenpi pagoda (Wenpifeng)near village of Jetholinear village of Onefour, SE Albertanear village of Valioaranear villages of La Revilla and Ahedo, 10 km SW of Salas de los Infantes, Burgos province; S part of Contreras anticline, W Cameros Basinnear water level of Berry Creek, Steveville badlands. Location approximate.near Álvares Machado, farm of Yoshitoshi Myzobuchi; Santo Anastácioner Obolello, SW of Tendaguruno details given; coordinate based on countyno details providedno locality info given, so point chosen within Grand Staircase-Escalante National Momumentnort of Nambal village, 79° 27'E, 19° 16'Nnorth fork of Sand Creek (near mouth), 12 miles below Steveville, 50 feet above R bank of Red Deer River, Albertanorth fork of Sand Creek, 12 miles below Steveville, 150 feet above R bank of river, Red Deer River, Alberta; NW 1/4, sec 35, T2-, R12, W 4th meridiannorth of Ocozocoautla, near the Jaltenango Rivernorth of road between Mut and Balat, Dakhla Oasis, Western Desertnorth of village of Krishnapur, Adilabad districtnorth side of the Smoky Hill River, five miles west of Russell Springs; Sec. 13 and 24, T13S, R36Wnorth side, Frenchman River, east of Eastend (also listed as 8 mi. SW of Eastend)northeast of Chaco Canyon, presumably on Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wash (imprecise).northeast of the Pyrenees; 350 m NW of Rennes-le-Château (X = 593, y = 70,2 on Quillan sheet, 50,000 scale), "reached by an old route that leaves from the castle tower"northeastern part, Santa Rosa Basin, Bajo de Santa Rosa areanorthern cliffs at Lagosteirosnorthern edge of the 'Causse du Larzac', quarry in Sauclières, Aveyronnorthern end of Petrified Forest National Monument, close to Chinde Point viewpoint; 6 km NE of PFV 40northern flank of Cerro (Sierra) de Cristo Rey, southernmost Doña Ana County, New Mexico; westernmost of three tracksite quarries in areanorthern flank of Likhoele Mountain, near settlement of Mafeteng, Lesotho (then Basutoland).northern flank of Macknight Bjerg, Jameson Land, Greenlandnorthern part of Aix-en-Provence Basin, 10 km E of Aix-en-Provence, France. northern part of Hateg Basin, 4.5 km east of Valioara, Romania\r\n\r\nOltoane Hill, Tustea Village, Hateg Basin, Hunedoara Countynorthern part of Nemegt locality, NE of "isolated hill"northern slope of Cerro Aguada del León, La Picaza area, S-central Neuquén province, Argentinanorthwest of Fortress Hill, El Morro (the Naze), James Ross Island, near the shore, close to sea level and ca. 30 m below the theropod found by Case et al. (2007). = Locality 3 of Del Valle et al. (1982)northwestern slope of Kugitangtau Ridge, Koitendag valley, SE Turkmenistan. Khodzhapil-Ata = Hojapil-Atanow-abandoned quarry in Whiteman’s Green, Cuckfieldold abandoned quarry in N of France, Wassy, near Attancourton B. Smith ranch, S of Buffalo, Johnson Co., WYon Careless Creek Ranch (owned by Lammers family), near Shawmut, Wheatland Co., about 150 km NW of Billings and 160 km S of Leidy-Cope localities on Missouri R.on Compton Bay beach west of Hanover Point, near Brook, Isle of Wight. Only accessible at very low tide. Coordinates for Hanover Point. NGR = SZ 374 845on E side of Red Deer River, a short distance below the mouth of Berry Creekon E side of Red Deer River, below the mouth of Berry Creek (Steveville)on E side of outlier S of village of Panchgaonon E-W ridge, 1 km SE of Yangpo village, 10 km N of main E-W highway, 80 km W of Dongsheng, 63 km E of Hangginqi, Ordos region, Inner Mongoliaon Hell Creek, 130 mi NW of Miles City; 1 mi. S of camp on old Sieber Ranch. Brasley: "along the banks of a small stream, a tributary of the Missouri, sp,e 135 miles northwest of Miles City, Montana"on Kwei-wa-ting trail, E of Artsa Bogdo, Gobi Desert, Mongolia; at Shabarakh Usu (= Flaming Cliffs)on Maura River, central Zambezi Valley, 450 km NW of Syntarsus type localityon N limb of Tremp syncline, near Arén, Huesca, S-central Pyrenees, Spainon N limb of Tremp syncline, near Arén, Huesca, south-central Pyrenees, Spainon N side of unimproved road from El Rosario to Punta Baja, about 3 mi N of Cerro Rayado; described as Arroyo del Rosario. Coordinates for town of El Rosario de Abajo. NOTE: locality is listed as LACM 6755 in ref 30649.on Red Deer River, about 1 mi below mouth of Berry Creek/Stevevilleon Red Deer River; SW 1/4, sec 22, T21N, R12W, W 4th meridianon S side and about 5 feet above bottom of canyon entering Buck Creek from W, about 100 yds above springs (Hatchers Springs), on Johnson Brothers' sheep ranch (owned by Charles A. Guernsey, and also called the Three-Nine cattle ranch), ca. 35 mi. N of Lusk, Converse County (now Niobrara), WY. Locality listed as "Section 2, T. 36 N., R. 64 W." in ref 55599.on S side of highway, on first bluff N of bridge across Moenkopi Wash above Moenkopi Village (described as S of this village by Irby 1993 so "above" might refer to elevation).on SE coast of Bito Island, Bito-ri, Seopo-myeon, Sacheon city. Table 3 lists the site as "Namhae" but this is another tracksite, in the Haman Formation.on Sheep Mtn., Carter Co.on Snyder Creek, Niobrara Co.on W side of an erosional remnant near center of large blowout on crest of ridge, 150 yds N of road (from which point the Johnson Ranch is 0.4 mi. away). 200 yds N80°E of benchmark Q-100.on W side of road to Moenave, 0.15 mi. N of highway to Tuba City; also described a 0.2 km N of Hwy 160 (= road to Tuba City)on Ward Terrace E of Cameron, AZon Ward Terrace, E of Cameron, Arizonaon a forest track, La Canaleta (CT-19), El Castellar, Province of Teruel, Penyagolosa Sub-basin.on a hill near Yuanjiawa village, near Dapingfang, 40 km SW of Chaoyang; Wang et al. 2008 (Zootaxa 1813) note that the Liaoxipterus holotype comes from this locality, although this is not mentioned in the original paperon a hillside along the upper part of Nagornaia Street, W of Blagorveschensk city, Amur region, Far Eastern Russia. Amur-Zeya Basin.on a peninsular mesa rising 40 m above valley floor and capped by a thick sandstone; 16 km W of San Ysidro; on the Ojito Spring map sheeton a sheep station ca. 70 km NE of Winton; in the "Elliot/Mary sector" of the "Elliot Site"on beach at Octeville, 30 m N of Etapeniers Road (Chemin des Etapenier), Cap de la Hève, Normandyon cliff-foot, 33 yards E of flagstaff near Brixton (now Brighstone) Chine, SW shore of Isle of Wight, UKon narrow beach at base of bluffs, W side of Colville River, 4 river km S of hadrosaur bonebeds, 24.0 river km SE of Ocean Point. on plateau between Khodzhakulsai and Sheikhdzheilion property of the Hutterite Big Sky colony, Little Rocky Coulee, a few meters from the presumed type siteon railway line N of Cipolletti, in valley of Río Neuquén; "2 km N of the railway on the Río Neuquén, close to Neuqúen, on the right side of the river" (Huene 1929:55).on shore platform of Bunurong Marine Park, W of Inverloch. Includes site listed as "800 m east of Flat Rocks" in ref 38205on the Adriatic beach and sea floor, Kolone (Colonne) locality, near Bale/Valle village, south of Rovinj, Istria, Croatiaon the Arizona/Utah borderon the Niemi Ranch, ca. 10 mi NNW of Buffaloon the Nopcsa family estate near Sînpetru (Szentpéterfalva), in the southern Carpathian Mtns., near Hunedoara, Hateg Basinon the Red Deer River, opposite Neill's Ranch, 6 mi. W and 3 mi above (N of) Bleriot Ferry, 125 ft above riveron the W side of the Red Deer River, a short distance below the mouth of Berry Creek (between it and Dead Lodge Canyon)on the campus of Montclair State College (now University)on the eastern border of the Aïr, some 200 km northeast of Agadès and immediately south of the Takolokouzet massif, in the “Tefidet ditch”on the estancia María Aike, southern edge of the Río Deseado, Dpto. Lago Buenos Aires; southern border of Golfo San Jorge Basinon the flank of a small butte, 1 km N of village of Rousset, near Vitrolles, N of RN 7 and 20 m above road level; = "La Bégude" of Iatsoura et al. 1991. Also described as 1.25 km NW of Rousset, near Banettes.on the mountain behind the Tyindini (Tyinindini) trading store, Herschel district, Blikana mapon the right (NE) bank of the E arm of the Betsiboka, 46 kilometers S of Majunga, on the N slope of an elevated hillock crowned by a tombon the shore at Yaverland, Sandown, Isle of Wighton the shore of Rîo Limay, Barda Alarcón (Ridge), now a peninsula in Lake Ezequiel Ramos Mexía, NE of Picún Leufú, 80 km N of Neuquénon the slope of Montplô-Nord, in the village of Cruzy (Hérault), between Beziers and Saint-Chinianon the trail from Tendaguru Hill to Kerani Ligomaon top of low ridge on N side of Nipple Butte, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument; S side of Wahweap outcrop belt, SW Kaiparowits Plateauopposite mouth of Big Valley Creek, below Scollard Ferry, on Red Deer Riveropposite the Yu Tiaolou restaurant at Zhuqingkou Reservoir, 2.2 km SE of Yaozhan villageorchard of Mr. Roswell Field, on N bank of Connecticut River, 3 mi upstream from Turner's Falls, about 100 m W of Barton's Island (now submerged). Location obtained from old map of Gill indicating homestead of R. Field = 42.608205° N, 72.536990° Woriginally described as "Black Foot Country...at the head of the Missouri River," but ref 12443 speculates that this is in error for Little Missouri River, Blackfeet Indian lands, and was likely from the ridge separating the drainages of the Little Missouri and Powder Rivers, in SW Carter or SE Powder River counties.originally described as "approximately 70°N, 151°W", on the Colville Riveroriginally described as 1 mi. S of Kimbeto Wash, on S branch of Myers Creek (Lull 1933). Renamed Ah-shi-sle-pah Wash (USGS), suggesting locality is actually 1 mi. N of Kimbeto Wash, therefore in the NW 1/4 of T22N, R10W.outcrops along jeep track known as Chew Ranch Road, just S of Green River, near Chew Ranch, and SE of Dinosaur National Monument Quarry, near Jensenoutflow of Yaguarí Arroyo, Cuaroó Arroyo, Tacuarembó dept.precise locality unknown, coordinates based on Boligee, ALprivate piece of land no. 1945, on road BR-509, on the outskirts of the city of Santa Maria, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. \r\nCoordinates given by Montefeltro et al. (2010)private piece of land no. 1945, on road RS 509, on the eastern outskirts of the city of Santa Maria, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Presumably the same as the "Wald Sanga" site from which Huene collected the types of Gomphodontosuchus brasiliensis and Hoplitosuchus raui (although perhaps at different levels)probably a gulley about 1 km S of Mack Gulley, on the Injune Road, a few km N of Roma, SE Queensland; vicinity of Minmi Crossingprobably from large quarry at Jachenhausen, near city of Kelheim; also described as likely coming from a quarry at Otterzhofen, 5 km N of Riedenburg - these seem to be the same placeprobably section 9 or 10, T22N, R76W, Albany Co., WY (Coordinates are for section 10). W slope of Como Bluff, about 1.5 mi SE of Quarry 13, on E slope of Como anticlineproxy location for "Hornerstown" fossils lacking records that tie them to specific marl pits or company properties.published on Zeller, H.D. 1973. Geologic Map and Coal Resources of the Death Ridge Quadrangle, Garfield and Kane Counties, Utah. Coal Investigations Map C-58. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. quarries in the bed of the Chicopee River and along N bank, at Chicopee Falls; listed as 42° 9' 6" N, 72° 35' W but coordinates above are for actual falls and river bankquarries of St.-Sernin-du-Bois, Autunois, Antully plateauquarry at Harrl (= Harrel), ca. 1.6 km SE of Bückeburg, Bad Rehberg, Westphalia; UTM R: 3504770, H: 5790734quarry at Temple Hill/Balasinor Taluka, 1 km W of Rahioli, on the Rahioli-Bhanthala road, Narmada valley, Gujarat, India.quarry at the Harrl (=Harrel), near Bückeburg, Westphalia; principality of Schaumburg-Lippequarry in Baishizui village, Goumenzi county, Lingyuan city, Liaoningquarry in Shijiagou Village, Liudian Town, Ruyang County, Henan Province, China.quarry on W bank of Connecticut River, near Enfield Bridge, Suffield; close to Enfield Fallsquarry on the Blumenberg, just outside city of Eichstätt, 30 km E of Langenaltheimquarry owned by Rohstoffbetriebe Oker GmbH & Co., about 80 km SE of Hannover, at town of Oker, in Harz Mountains; S part of Lower Saxony Basinrailroad tunnel N of village of Baudonvilliersred sandstone quarries in Portland, now flooded along Connecticut Riverregion of Araripina (coordinate site), Chapada do Araripe, Pernambuco state, northeastern Brazil. Exact locality unknown, and assignment to "region of Araripina" is equivocal.remote site in northern Lesotho, near Ha Ralekoala, Quacha's Nek district, not far from Sekakereservoir excavation in Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire (pre-1910)right bank of Heilongjiang River, Changling town, Jiayin county, Heilongjiang provincesaddle between farms Welbedacht 611 and Edelweiss 698, Ladybrand district, Free State, South Africasaid to be "near 'Sugar Bowl Mound, in northwestern Kansas' (possibly Ellsworth Hill, north of Ellsworth)" by Lane 1947, but "on Bow Creek in northwestern Rooks County" by Walker 1967; Bow Creek Township is also known as Sugar Loaf Township and includes a site called Sugar Loaf and Bow Creek runs roughly east-west and passes about 13" = 24 km north of Sugar Loaf, so the coordinate based on the USGS measured point on Bow Creek that is closest to Sugar Loafsame location as P.W.5A but at a higher stratigraphic level. Ampho Phu Wiang, about 70 km NW of Khon Kaen, NE Thailand.sauropod from beach, stegosaur from cliffs under walls of monastery along beachsec 10, T21N, R11W, 4th meridiansec 11, T34, R22, W 4th meridian; W side of Red Deer River, about 5 miles above Tolman Ferry, 150 ft above river level. Site is about 27 mi above the mouth of Three Hills Creek, and 8 mi W and somewhat N of Rumsey on the line of the Canadian Northern Railwaysec 16, T15S, R26W, Gove Co., in the watershed of an unnamed tributary of the Smoky Hill River; ca. 11 mi. S and a little E of Hackberry.sec 16, T31, R21, W 4th meridian; 7 miles (11 km) NW of Morrin, just N of Morrin Bridge, W side of Red Deer River, 90 ft (ca. 30 m) above water levelsec 17, T1S, R55E, William Winkley Ranch, Powder Hill, N of Ekalaka, Carter Co., MTsec 20, T21N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 3.5 miles SW of mouth of Berry Creek, Red Deer River. 0.25 mi. W of type of Gorgosaurus libratus.sec 24, T6S, R6E, Calico Canyon, near Buffalo Gap station, Custer Co., SD (Ostrom lists this as sec 2, T7S, R5E)sec 25, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 3.5 miles S of Little Sandhill Creek [Currie 1987 describes the location as T21 but map suggests it should be T20, R12.]sec 25, T20N, R11W, W 4th meridian; 3.5 miles W of S of Little Sandhill Creek, Red Deer Riversec 26, 27, 34 or 35, T7N, R16Esec 28, T27N, R49Esec 28, T31, R21, W 4th meridian, approx. 44 m above W bank of Red Deer Riversec 29, T34, R21, W 4th meridiansec 34, T21N, R36E, Engdahl Ranch (not F. S. McKeever Ranch, as reported in Molnar 1978) Garfield Co., MTsec 34, T7N?, R16E; originally listed as T5N but no Cloverly there, so township estimated to be 7N, along S flank of Middle Domesec 36, T1N, R6W, 4th meridiansec 4, T28N, R19W, 4th meridian; near Cambria, Alberta, Canadasec 5, T22N, R76Wsec 7, T36N, R21W, 4th meridiansec. 13, T22N, R76W, Como Bluffsec. 26, T4S, R70W, Morrison, CO; close to present roadcut for Alameda Parkway through Dinosaur Ridgesec. 27, T37N, R8Wsec. 28, T17S, R70W, Garden Park, CO, across arroyo from Felch Quarry 1.sec. 32, T16N, R56Esec. 32, T20, R11, W 4th meridian; W branch, Sand Creeksec. 35, T4S, R70W, Morrison, Colorado; along Dinosaur Ridgesec. 8, T32, R21, W 4th principal meridian, on the W side of and 70 feet above the Red Deer River. About 12 miles N (or NW) of Morrin, AT, approximately the same locality as for the types of Anchiceratops ornatus Brown 1914.sec. 9, T21, R11, W 4th meridiansection 10?, T30, R21, W 4th meridian, approx. 61 m above E bank of Red Deer River; 1.5 mi below Munson Ferrysection 11?, township 29, range 21, W. 4th meridian; approximately 100 feet above Red Deer River about 2 mi upstream from mouth of Kneehills Creek (tributary of Red Deer River)section 12?, township 33, range 22, W 4th meridian; 150 feet above east bank of Red Deer River, 2 miles below Tolman Ferrysection 19?, T34, R21, W 4th meridian; approx. 9 m above W bank of Red Deer River, opposite mouth of Big Valleysection 27 or 34, township 30, range 21, W 4th meridian; 100 feet above west bank of Red Deer River; 2.5 miles above Bleriot ferrysection 31, township 20, range 11, W. 4th meridian; near Steveville, Albertasection 35?, township 28, range 20, W. 4th meridian; west bank of Red Deer Riverseries of sites in shallow ravines on W coast of Gusinoye (Gusinoe) Lake, Mogoito, Buryatia, Trasnbaikalia, Russia; about 110 km SW of Ulan-Ude; several sites over about 1 sq kmshore exposures at McKay Head (type locality for McCoy Brook Fm.)shore of Raritan Bay/Union Beach, at Union, 2.5 miles E of Keyport, Monmouth Co., NJ. Lorillard Company pit?shores of lake Khodja-Kul, N of the Sultan-uis-dagsingle locality near Expedition Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arcticsite in Carbon Co. SE of Price, at N end of San Rafael Swell, but est'd coordinates are in Emery Co., located SE of Wellington, UTsite in Carbon Co. but est'd coordinates are in Emery Co., located SE of Wellington, UT. 24.5 km SE of Price.site in Carbon Co. but est'd coordinates are in Emery Co., located SE of Wellington, UT. 24.5 km SE of Price. "CEU Prehistoric Museum's KEM Site...near Price River on the north side of the San Rafael Swell" (Kirkland and Madsen 2007)site is at junction of Mekkodani and Koedani, Oguchi-mura, Ishikawa-gun, Ishikawa prefecturesite is at mid-slope of the Rouis El Djir mount on its northern hillsidesite is in a stream bed that crosses the main road through Sidneyslab found in floor of the Dorfe Lustnau in Lustnau, near Tübingen; "probably" from Dettenhausen (coordinates for latter)small gully SE of Chingkankou, 20 km S of Laiyangsmall hill N of the W end of the Sultan Uvais range, Karakalpakistansmall hill NE of Laiyangsmall hill just W of Heilungtan, about 5 li NE of Lufengsmall quarry 3 km SW of Bagh village on Bagh-Jobat Road, about 50 km E of Hathni Riversmall quarry, Misztal family property, near village of Gliniany Las, 20 km NW of Kielce, Poland. Northern slope of Holy Cross Mountains.small quarry/pit, Wedmore Hill, parish of Wedmore, SE of Wedmore village, Vale of Glastonbury, Somerset. Described as "about the spot marked on the map of the Geological Survey by the letter D of the word Wedmore," NGR ST 4448.south fork of Guadalupe River, near Hunt, Kerr Co.south of Guermessa, along some "dismantled gour" at Djebel et Haddada (200,000 scale map of Tunisia, Foum Tataouine/Tatahouine sheet)south of RN4, near village of Berivotra, NW Madagascarsouth of Warren post office, Lance Creeksouth-western part of the Hissar (Akkabak) Moutains, 3.5 km south-east of Tashkurgan, up the left side of Amir-Temir creek where is joins the Mergandar brook, close to border with Tadjikistansouthern Big Horn Mountains, Conant Creek, near Lander, WY; T33N, R93 or 94Wsouthern Crook Countysouthern Teruel, near Riodevasouthern Zuni Basin; "MSM Locality No. 98-61, Catron County, New Mexico, U.S.A."southern gully, immediately S of village of Chinkangkou, Laiyang Basinsouthern part of Northern Sayr, Nemegt localitysouthern part of northern sayr, Nemegt localitysouthwest Kyzylkumsouthwest corner, Dinosaur Provincial Park, S of Little Sandhill Creek; sec. 26, T20, R12, W 4th meridian.southwest foothills of Whetstone Mountains, SE Arizonasouthwest of Suhongtu; 40° 59' 42.4"N, 104° 3' 53.8"Estone from a quarry on the Basse-rue in La Maladrerie, 0.25 miles from Caen; then found by Deslongchamps in a construction quarry on the Rue de Bayeux, at Bourg-l’Abbé (one of the country lanes of Caen)streamside exposure, Noosi village, 5.1 mi E of Whitehill, S Lesotho; located where road to Qacha's Nek crosses stream, just N of road and about 20 ft below a small waterfalltall bute near junction of Smokey Mountain Road and Right Hand Collet Canyon, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monumentthe site is located on the area of Puyloubiertop of hill, near Fangjiahe, about 1.5 km to the west of Yuanjitun village, Baomanjie areatoward the east, leaving the castle of Orcau; Tremp Basin; in the Orcau ravines, after the construction of the Tremp Dam, in a barranco that borders the road from Suterranya to Orcau.tracks in slabs used to build Chengde Summer Palace, traced to Madigou Quarrytributary of Hunter Wash, San Juan Basintwo sites in same layer, 0.5 km apartunknown locality but "in all probability Altmühl Valley"unknown section, T17, R3, W 4th meridian, White Rock Coulee, Albertaunknown section, township 33, range 22, W 4th meridian; east bank of Red Deer River, about 21 mi above mouth of Kneehills Creek (= Knee Hills Creek)unnamed site on the Larson Ranch, S of Choteau, coordinates for Sevenmile Hill Badlands, Teton Co.unspecific location in the Peace River Canyon areaunspecified locality in Converse County (now Niobrara Co.); Lull (1933) claims it was found near Schneider Creekunspecified locality in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monumentunspecified locality in the Freeze Out Mountains, Converse Co.unspecified locality within the Bisti/De-na-zin Wildernessunspecified locality, Araripe Basin, S Ceará, NE Brazilunspecified location in the Yanijarri-Lurujarri section, Dampier Peninsula, wst Kimberley regionunspecified sites from throughout Khulsan locality, 6 km ESE of Nemegt locality, Nemegt Basinupper end of Gilbert Creek, 120 miles north of Miles City, MT. "probably" section 27 or 28, T22N, R40E, Garfield Co. Coordinates for sec. 27.upper reaches of the left tributary of the Shirkent River, 4 km east of Kyrgyzkishlak.valley of Riu Sallent (= Sellent), between Barranc de la Posa and Coll de Nargó, 8 km W of the lattervalleys E and NE of Chiangchungting, 20 km S of Laiyangvery close to Izumi dinosaur footprints site, along road approximately 2 km south of Meoto-sugi and Nagakuradani sites, Fukui Prefecture. L bank of Itoshiro River, in Izumi Village, Ono Cityvicinity of Lui Tai village, Yixian (coordinates for Yixian)vicinity of Steveville, Red Deer River; NW 1/4, sec 27, T21, R12, W 4th meridianvillage of Nehden, near Brilon, in Sauerland; in an open-cast quarrywest of Cortez in southwestern Coloradowest of Willow Wash, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, NE 1/4 of sec. 3, T24N, R13W, (Alamo Mesa East Quadrangle). South of the northern boundary of Bisti/De-na-zin Wilderness Area. Also a few hundred meters W of Parasaurolophus site.west side of Arches National Monumentwestern Dongting Basin, Hunan province; appears NE of city of Taoyuan on included mapwestern Emery Co., E of Castle Dalewestern sayr, Nemegt locality, Nemegt basin, Omnogov (southern Mongolia)western slope of Bara Simla Hill, Jubbulpore (= Jabalpur), on the grounds of the Gun Carriage Estate, on W slope of hill close to the track leading up to the Blockhouse, about 100 yds from the bungalow and office of the Inspector of Gun Carriages and Vehicles; this site is about 50 yds SE of the Bara Simla site in the Ossiferous Conglomeratewestern slope of Bara Simla Hill, Jubbulpore (= Jabalpur). Bed outcrops 50 yards northeast of the Carnosaur Bed, and 100 yards from the bungalow and office of the Inspector of Gun Carriages and Vehicles, and adjoins the track leading up to the blockhouse that crowns the hill; on the grounds of the Gun Carriage Estate, on W slope of hillwithin Colorado National Monument, upper Ute Canyon. 2 sites 100 yds apart.within Dinosaur Provincial Parkwithin Dinosaur Valley State Parkwithin a few km of the Liscomb Bonebed; also called the Norton Bonebdwithin the Rural Community of Aderbissinat, ca. 30 km N of Falase de Tiguidiwithin the city limits of Veguillas de la Sierra, in the Sierra de Albarracínwithin town of Gill, upstream from Turner's Falls, at the Lily Pond (now underwater) just E of Barton Covewithin/S of Sevenmile Hill Badlands, Teton Co.Água Negra distrist, town of São Martinho da Serra, 13 km N of Santa Maria, Rio Gande do Sul, Brazil‘La Juanita’ farm, 28 km north-west of Paso de Indios town h}@6>@ @@F@p@ y@@@ o@p 0@ F !@"  @@v  0P@H@I6@ |@`@9:Ц z| @ @K@P4|+